27 dresses

it was a great movie. But it kind of reminded me of my own life. like thinking you like somone but you end up liking someone different. I just wish being 13 wasnt so complicated. i kno that fairy tales arent true but we sure wish they were. Because we dont want to face reality because it hurts to much. kno one knows this about me accept for Gabby but, life is hard for me, i want to kill myself but...
February 2nd, 2008 at 07:53am

Me <3

I feel so alone. Without him i am nothing. I mean what do we fear the most in life is it rejection? or is it love. It's a puzzle. I mean i want to tell him how i really feel but i dont want to get rejected like always. I dont get it when people say im pretty and they say oh "I bet you are getting all the boys." Hmm ya right. They are just saying that, because if they really meant that i was pretty...
January 21st, 2008 at 07:54am