My Mother...

My Mother just had my baby brother like 8 days ago. His name is Joesph Patrick.He is so cute. and His birthday is 6/7/08 and He was 6 pound and like 7 oz. So yea just wanted to tell you people.And I'm pretty happy cause i was the youngest for the longest time and finally i have a younger sibling i can take care of.So Ya! He is always smiling too.I am so excited I have a brother. I'm so going to...
June 15th, 2008 at 06:35pm

OMG...My teacher...

On Thursday we got our report cards i got all A's and B's and I'm on the honor role and i was looking on my report card and i saw that i had perfect Attendance but i was sick and missed a day of school and my teacher didn't even notice and this is the second teacher i had who doesn't even notice that i wasn't at school.People don't notice me my teacher last year had to ask how many days i was sick...
March 23rd, 2008 at 02:52pm

MEH! I feel sick

I feel sick....I don't know why but i do (Probably the billion of pounds of sugar) and i feel like I'm going to puke....but i don't want to cause thats just so gross and like my eye are all blak..cause i don't have eye drops so yea.....I still have to go to school cause when ever i miss school at school it like something I wanted to do like pelt the teacher with donut day.....I wish there was a...
March 20th, 2008 at 01:08am


My Mother is pregnant and she is 41 years old and she going to have a boy June 4th and that is going to Awful cause he's going into my room so i can't blast music and my mom Had's really weird food craving then she normal does she screamed at me cause i tryed to eat her devil dogs and she is having the kid when i have school still so she is going to call me on my cell phone to go to the...
March 19th, 2008 at 11:49pm

OMG! I'M scared

OK I usually wake up early to use the computer and today i hear people in my house but i don't really mind but it early and my mom doesn't want to hear my music and you tube video i listen to so she make me use headphone and like idk 10 minute ago i put my headphone on and i could hear some yelling at me so i ran up to my mommy and like was so scared that now I'm typing with my dog. But I'm not a...
February 22nd, 2008 at 06:48pm


Well it cold out and it's snowing and it's wet out there and I'll have to shovel.....ahhh....I dislike shoveling cause it's cold and plow driver freaking undo the shoveling and i start to spaz out last time my dad threw a shovel at one of them.......But it's so cold out and my dad said if it gets bad i can't take a friends to the mall so I'm really mad...and my dogs a retard who like to walk in...
February 22nd, 2008 at 03:40pm

LOL......I'm almost got hit by a police car!

during the summer i was at this place in my city called the Willows it just a bunch of willow trees and like food places and an arcade so i was there I was walking across the street(In the cross walk)and i start walking across the street and this police car barley stop i was lucky my dad like grabbed my arm cause like i don't think he would of saw me cause i short and then i hear some like 19 year...
February 21st, 2008 at 04:30pm

LOL.....My poor tight pants!

Like 2 days ago i was at the park with my friend and she said let walk.I'm like sure and i had my dog so I'm walking and my dog start taking a crap...And I'm like Great.and i start picking it up and i handed my friend my dog for a minute and i guess it was raining and every thing was wet and at this park we have picnic tables and i always jump over them and crap so I was jumping over one (with dog...
February 21st, 2008 at 04:08pm


OMG I finally got the money to buy a new pair of CONVERSE...YES I'm so happy cause i got that money from like not doing any thing..BECAUSE my Grandmother gave me $10 and my dad gave me $20 and I had to make my sister something on the computer so she gave me $4 and i have to walk my dogs and pick up It's little mess so i get $2 a day so it ain't that bad and like last week i just repaid my dad for...
February 19th, 2008 at 03:57pm


Like my best friend is moving and he told us like nothing he never told us like what town why he's moving and like all that crap so I am never going to see him again (yea you people are like he'll call you but he won't he doesn't have like my phone number or any thing all we got left of him is his suckey friends who hate us and they throw like freaking butter toast at us)and this really is awful...
February 16th, 2008 at 12:01am

I was sick

I was sick at school and I had to go to the nurse's office she took my temperature and it was 102.8 and she called my mom and she tryed to give my medicine but i refused (i don't like to take medicine at school)and i had to like lay down cause i was about to pass out and during Orcasta i was having dizzy spell and i should have went to the nurse earlyer but i don't like to go to the nurse my...
February 7th, 2008 at 05:29pm

Can people look before they WALK!

OMG! People can i just walk without people bumping into me GOD!I'm at the mall and i see my friend so i start to talk and then this mall cop walk right into me so i look at him like WTF! and he just keeps on walking I'm like OK then and then my mother back into me and I'm like WTF!cause I'm getting pissed off cause she was like the ninth person today and Like I'm getting sick of people who just...
February 5th, 2008 at 01:40am

I'm Scared of this turtle teacher

There this teacher in my math class and she is evil !She looks like a turtle and won't let you leave the class room for any thing.I really had to go to the bathroom and she wouldn't let any one go!And i almost pee'd my self I had to go during specialize and that was like 2hour after math class and i almost died.And we had an open book test thing and i accidentally left the book in my locker and i...
February 3rd, 2008 at 03:51pm


I went to the movies with my friend Michelle and In the movies people were screaming(Including me but there were scary thing popping out and I'm very easy to scare)But these kids where screaming at every thing and i was like twitching and we went to get a sprite and this dude asked us about if we'd listen to a song that was about an easy-bake oven and we were like "sure"and then we threw chap...
February 2nd, 2008 at 04:38am

What up with these labels?

Why do we have these labels?Ok I'm getting sick of it they see someone wearing like Black and red and call her Emo.What am I doing? Nothing I'm just sitting there.And people go up to me and go "omg are you emo?"I'm like I don't Know cause then they leave me alone But what does it matter to them.I'm not doing any thing.Ok and one day this kid (HIS NAME IS JOSH)go up to me and said are you emo?I'm...
January 29th, 2008 at 02:08am

Thank go for my few friends

I was at the movie 'I AM LEAGEND'and i started crying cause the dog dies and like 30 min into the movie I'm crying and my eyeliner is everywhere and i ran out of the movie and my friends followed me and I ran into the bath room and my friends Destanie and Michelle came and wiped off like all my make up and then me Michelle went to Claire and bought more eyeliner and Claire's make up is awful but i...
January 26th, 2008 at 06:43pm

People hate me

Ya people hate me they pelt stuff at me like snow ball ,pencil,and the grosses spitball I don't even know why I'm not a mean person but I'm a little different i would say but I'm getting sick of people hitting me and some how my friend know when to dodge the pencil and I'm just there getting hit But our class is awful are teacher got fired and we had about 3 substitute teacher cause the kid won't...
January 17th, 2008 at 03:14am