i'm not even sure, right now. i think it was a good thing? followed by the haha, yes, i've decided it's a good thing. but now my mouth is disgusting because i've not brushed, i'm sick of being treated as a slave, and my dr. pepper tastes like ass.
i have absolutely no plans for easter at all. >.<
Hi! I was wondering if you still have you layout site still up? Every time I click on your link it never works. So, I was wondering if you still have it?
Well we could always try (: I'm not really sure what I want...I remember before I wanted one that was kinda like your i think it was paris, one. And you got me this one, I think if you could just do what you think would look good and kind of the same...like theme? I'm sorry if im confusing, but I just think it is easier if you choose how you think it would look good. Let me know what you think...and if you need more details (:
Hey! You made me a layout awhile back (My now Layout of my Page) and i love it. But it's getting old, and I was wondering if you still made custom ones? I wanted another one (: Let me know!
Thats good. There's quiet a bit of things we have to catch up on. I don't really know where to start .___.