oxycontin / Comments

  • it's one particular girl, rn.
    we used to be best friends, like tighter than tight. in fifth grade, i spent every damn weekend of that summer at her house. every single one, for two months.
    and we really had a falling out a few years ago and now we're trying to get back close because i kind of miss her, right?
    so i strike up conversations and we talk and act like friends, but i'm the only one that ever tries to start talking. ever. she claims that i don't act like i want to talk, so she won't fucking speak to me.
    and then recently, i thought we were actually getting better. went shopping together, shared secrets, held hands (haha), like we used to, and then today, she completely ignored me for a solid hour and got upset with me when i got pissed. she was talking about something and talking to all of her other friends, but ignoring me and when i tried to get her attention, she acted like she didn't hear a damn thing.
    so she comes up to me and is like, "you need to quit being mad at me." i wanted to punch her in the throat. .___.
    it's like she, and most of the girls in my class, are only friends with me when it's convienient for them. when their little cliques aren't around, they'll talk to me and act like we generally talk, even when we don't. i used to be the one that sort of brought everyone together, queer as that sounds, like i was friends with everyone in every group so everyone got along. and now i've got my two best friends and a few others, then everyone else talks to me when there's no one more interesting around.
    so we fought, me and the old best friend, big time, and she tried to blame everything on me. i'm just so sick of it.
    November 10th, 2010 at 05:49am
  • because the kids in my class are ignorant dipshits who care for nothing but themselves.
    and it's really starting to wear on me.
    November 10th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • ah, no worries. i cry when i get pissed, too. maybe it's an emotional girl thing? i never cry when i'm sad.
    i'm sorry, bbg. that depresses me.

    right now, i'm a little superfucking pissed, but good, otherwise. :D
    November 10th, 2010 at 01:14am
  • ... how's that working for you?
    i'm worrying, ted! D:<
    November 9th, 2010 at 06:37am
  • ugh, damn. sounds like bad shit. :P
    you don't seem to be too worried about it?
    are you being careful with your snarky words then, this time around?
    November 9th, 2010 at 01:59am
  • moods fucked how?
    November 9th, 2010 at 01:46am
  • For awhile, it was really hard for me to write anything. I just didn't have any inspiration at all. But I'm taking this class in school called Writer's Craft and since we basically write all day, I think that's helped to get my motivation back. It also helps that I finished most of my old stories so I no longer have any obligation to work on those instead of something else.

    School has been fairly decent. It's my last year and I really don't know what I want to do; if I want to go to university or stay an extra year. I'm scared.

    That sounds awesome. :D I didn't go out for Halloween but I briefly dressed up for school as a maid. I wanted to go as Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show but that didn't work out. =/
    November 8th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • explaaaaaaaaaaaaain!
    like nao.
    November 8th, 2010 at 07:13am
  • yeah, I'd imagine it's much better than that. everything okay, bb?
    November 8th, 2010 at 12:27am
  • just okay?

    i'm alright, too.
    not too grand, not too terrible.
    November 7th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • I've been doing pretty good! I've been doing a stupid amount of writing lately but other than that, it's just been school school school.

    Did you go out for Halloween?
    November 5th, 2010 at 12:16am
  • TED.
    HOW' YOU?
    (that apostrophe is a contraction for "how are you" ;D)
    November 3rd, 2010 at 01:37am
  • black water ;________;

    dude sorry it's taken me a bit to reply :c

    but omfg i bet you looked so cuuute for halloween! such a great idea! :DDD
    i just put on red lipstick, 'drastic' eyeliner, a cape hood thing, a red shirt, and called myself little red riding whore. so creative right. ._.
    and then i got shitty candy as i we only went to 5-6 houses and like wtf? i got nothing. it was pretty fucking lame and then we went back to her house and ate around a fire (which was cool but yeah) and her cr33p dad was telling old stories from way back fucking when and i'm p. sure he made them up and just ugh
    not what i was expecting but it was still okay i guess
    <3333 how was yours?

    and yeahhh i took a math test and totally failed that bitch. hopefully the teacher will do that extra credit thing where all i have to do is bring in paper towels or something. :/
    November 2nd, 2010 at 12:55am
  • Akay.
    November 1st, 2010 at 08:23pm
  • Let's be friends.
    November 1st, 2010 at 03:40am
  • I certainly do! How have you been lovely? We haven't talked in freaking ages. D:
    October 31st, 2010 at 04:20pm
  • I like you.
    October 28th, 2010 at 04:21am
  • yes and i stay clear from said bathroom for about an hour because D: bleh

    lol well, i didn't start drinking water until this summer and so had all water declared as nasty and the same and thought it was pointless to buy bottled water when you could just turn on the sink and get water ._.
    ew D: my dad told me deer and shit pee in the water we drink and sometimes they don't filter it well enough so... that's probably another reason why water was a turn off for me for the longest

    i actually skipped school again today :con: it's silly little reasons why i stay home, usually i don't even have to try to do much persuading as my parents don't want to hear my constant nagging voice or s/t. so fucking grateful though because i feel like right shit and this week just isn't fast enough
    aw! :c i hope you passed your quiz though! yesterday i fell asleep during a pop quiz so she probably took points away since she's old and i didn't wake up until some cunt behind me kicked my desk >___>

    so0o0o0o are you doing anything for halloween? :D
    October 27th, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • yeah my dad takes so long though that he takes his kindle in there with him ._. and ftr it's not exactly a wintergreen mint smell or anything
    but lol anyway
    yes i have!! D: well it was during a shower (yes fell asleep standing) and then the water turned to ice and yeah... let's just say it wasn't pleasant.
    so as you can see my shower stories are never the most fortunate

    yesss that is what i'm doing! :D although there is a noticeable difference between dasani and my faucet but w/e. i used to think all water tasted the same when i was little(/stupid) but uuuugh no.
    s'all gewd tho

    :c i'm sorry you're not well lately Arms
    yeah school is seriously shitty for me too, where i miss a day every week (which is sadly only the max since my parents intervene when i try to be absent more >___>) and just it's to the point where i hate everyone and can't hold simple conversations anymore and i just can't function and on top of that i'm so fucking lonely
    but lalala i could be worse i s'pose which obviously is the last thing i want
    October 26th, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • wellst i'm okay, my dad is in the bathroom stinking it up and i've love to take a shower but apparently that's not happening. -___- and i'm dead sleepy so i'm not about to wait for him to get done you know

    and i just drank the last water bottle which is both a victory and a loss

    you? :3
    October 26th, 2010 at 04:35am