fun ghoul fez. / Comments

  • Check out the results to my Original Prewrite One-Shot contest:
    August 26th, 2011 at 12:57am
  • I was sure I had replied to your comment but apparently I was silly and forgot. Facepalm But I've just seen that you posted the other Rory/Eleven fic too and seriously woman, you're spoiling me with all this ficcish goodness PLEASE DON'T STOP. :D ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE WRITING RORY/AMY BECAUSE THAT IS ALSO FANTASTIC AND WONDERFUL I LOVE YOU.

    I agree with the BBC being magical thing, they're pretty darn awesome in general. You have to watch Merlin and Sherlock because they are particularly wonderful, but you could maybe start with Sherlock as there's less to catch up on?
    And aw, you reread my stories? OMGYES Wow, that's kind of lovely, I didn't think I was the kind of author people read more than once. XD
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • no problem (: <33333
    August 25th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Thank you for the story comment. :)
    August 25th, 2011 at 01:55am
  • Expect a few more; I'm not done yet. lmfao

    I mean, if you place there won't be anything left to comment! D:
    August 20th, 2011 at 04:50am
  • This is a sincere question, how do you always, [i]always[/i] manage to make me grin like an idiot with your comments? I DEMAND TO KNOW THE ANSWER.

    Also, yes, you should totally watch Merlin because it is [i]delightful[/i] and silly and ridiculous even when it isn't terribly well-written. It is DELIGHTFUL. You will love the characters, I guarantee it, they are so much more wonderful than I could ever write them. At the very least Merlin will steal your heart with his beautiful soul and his adorableness AND HIS PRETTY COLLARBONES (and cheekbones, and eyes, and lips, and hair, and chest, and just general self. Colin Morgan is sort of ridiculously beautiful. In Love) Gwaine doesn't come along 'til series three but he is my favourite ever next to Merlin (and Gwen, who is adorable and lovely but, um, I couldn't fit into the fic FOR SHAME). Arthur is a prat, but he's kind of a loveable prat (and his bromance with Merlin is adorable, they banter like an old married couple all the time and it's just hearteyes inducing) and then there's Morgana who's a bit weird but totally badass and Lancelot who is ridiculously charming and like a million other people who are all unfairly beautiful. Seriously, I don't where the BBC finds them all but the casting director must be some kind of genius.
    Um. I'll stop rambling now. Shifty
    August 17th, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • Yeah, it's not so bad. Sometimes I curl up on a chair in the common room and have a nap, but mostly I just listen to music and read or do homework 'til my friends get in.

    That sounds like a very, um, interesting list. lmfao It's good to have a balance, really; I love writing fluffy stuff but I like writing more melancholy stuff too. Not so much the violent stuff, but hey. XD

    Aw, thanks, this quote's one of my favourite's too. But yours is too, to be fair, Rory gets all the best one-liners. tehe
    I completely forgot about that too! Cheese Ugh, I can't wait for it to be back on.
    August 17th, 2011 at 05:10pm
  • I did enjoy the series a lot. I'm definitely gonna read some more of your stories. You're such a good writer. :) And thank you, I love my username now.

    August 17th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • I see you will be studying Criminology, that sounds really interesting! Even if it's getting you up for half eight some mornings, heh. I don't actually start school still ten to nine, but I get in at least half an hour before that because I have to bus it in. It's not fun. :|

    I don't think I even have an about me, so you're definitely ahead of me there. lmfao I think I have maybe one public list and the rest are private 'cause I like making lists that are a wee bit weird. kind of does, actually. Wow Roleven, the time travelling nurse Pokemon!

    I'm glad you appreciate my Britpickery and it isn't just really annoying. XD Also yes, that is a Roranicus you see in my avatar, I stole your theme idea (sort of) so now we are twins. Con
    August 15th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • I feel so lazy with my sleeping in 'til the early afternoon ness. lmfao I think I'm just making the most of it until I have to wake up at half six for school again. I feel for you, though, having to be up at half seven, that's just cruel.

    There is someone under kaitlyn but I don't think it's you... ah well, my stalkerishness has been halted in its path. XD

    I know, right? They're just awkward in their shipnameness. Roleven seems to roll off the tongue okay but Roctor sounds kind of like a robot name, I like it.

    It's okay, I'm not sure they count as mistakes, just little nitpicky things 'cause I'm a nitpicker of the highest order. I really really love it, though, and I foresee much future pigtail-pulling and teasing and all that good stuff because they are SO ADORABLE. My love of Maren knows no bounds. In Love

    YAY FOR RORANICUS Crazy I VERY MUCH APPROVE. I was thinking about making a new theme even though I just changed mine, but it'd probably be Merlin again 'cause I'm on a Merlin kick at the moment. Might have a Who one, though.
    August 15th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • NO PROBLEM, thank you for the awesome comment on Heavenly Sound :D
    Like srsly.
    August 14th, 2011 at 08:56pm
  • None :(
    August 14th, 2011 at 08:03pm
  • Lol. So have you been to any concerts by MCR?
    August 14th, 2011 at 07:38pm
  • Frikey is the sex!!! :D
    August 14th, 2011 at 06:16pm
  • That is brilliant. Cheese I'm subscribing so I can't miss it when you put it up.

    Seriously? I went to bed at about six this morning and only woke up about an hour ago (half two). It doesn't matter what time it is, I need my eight to ten hours sleep. XD I get it, though, my mum always wakes up really early no matter when she goes to bed because she feels like she's wasting the day otherwise, which I totally do. Shifty

    I know, right? It's really easy to use and the options are all really cool. What's your username? I'mma check you out. Weird

    Ungh, I love your new profile. Mikeyway! And, and, I get a mention in your about me, that's so lovely, thank you. In Love If you get a Who layout, though, it totally has to be Rory/Eleven. File You know, they really need a convenient portmanteau name. Like... like... like Roleven! Or Elory. Roctor? Dory?

    Eee, I really really did, but I think I forgot to comment which I will go do now, I am so silly. PLEASE TO BE WRITING MORE DOCTOR WHO SMUT, YES YES YES.
    August 14th, 2011 at 04:33pm
  • I was asleep because it was half six in England and I think I fell asleep about four, I'm not really sure, even though I shouldn't have because I had stuff to do and didn't do it and now I've slept into the afternoon and it's just Facepalm I'm so lazy.

    You should, it's so much fun! I was trying to make a list of my favourite Who quotes on there a while back but I failed because there are so so many awesome ones.

    Eh, I get bored of layouts quite quickly, you've had yours a lot longer than I normally stick with mine. XD It is very pretty because Zacky is very pretty, but I see the need for something new. What were you thinking of having?

    ALSO HAVE I TOLD YOU I LOVE YOU RECENTLY? THAT LOOKS AMAZING I WILL GO READ IT IMMEDIATELY or at least when I get out of the shower and finish this one very important thing I should have done hours ago BUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT
    August 13th, 2011 at 03:07pm
  • I LOVE MCR!!!
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:02pm
  • Eh, that's helpful. It's always good to have medication that makes you even more sick than you already are. Rolling Eyes Yay for lots of sleeping, though! I love sleep. Even though I should technically be asleep right now and am staying awake instead of sleeping. Shifty

    Lists are amazing, and that is one amazing-sounding book. Do you have a listography? It's a site purely for people to make lists on, it's amazing!
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:38am
  • Arms also for the lovely story comment, I'll try not to take so long to update next time. Facepalm
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:13am
    The really funny part is I can totally see her puking on him, oh my god, I can't wait to read this fic when you finish it. lmfao

    I hope you get better soon, though, being sick like that is kind of awful. I'm sending you good vibes and karma and stuff to help undeadify you and make you feel human again. Sleep is good, though, have lots of sleep. Arms

    Also, thanks! I didn't want to get rid of the art because it is AMAZING I love it so much so I just made my profile TARDIS blue and indulged my love of lists over my love of icons. XD I'm really predictable.
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:11am