I blew out my voice

So I have blown out my voice, that's what the docter said, I played a concert last sunday and the next day my voice was gone, and I went to the docter and he said I've blown my voice out, I'm going into surgury tommorow, and I'm nervous, I'm a girl screamer if you haven't already read my first journal, and I'm really upset because I have been taking care of my voice, but what if I can't ever sing...
May 13th, 2012 at 03:38am

My bestfriend smokes weed, alittle to much.

So my friend nikki, he's my bestfriend. And he smokes weed, he's 14, and smokes weed about 3 to 5 times a day, and it worries me, he's already on house arest for smoking in school, and he has lung problems, because when he was in his moms tummy she fell and it damaged his lung, and I'm afraid he'll get sent off some where, or his dad might hurt him. I really wanna help him but he pushes me away....
May 2nd, 2012 at 11:18pm

My coach won't take it well....

Hi, I'm BB, ok so I'm in gymnastics, and I have hurt my foot, and its hurt bad. But my coach won't be happy about it. I don't know how to tell him with him yelling at me and giving me the "you should have been more carful", speech, and I don't want him to cut me off from the rest of my friends, and if i lie to him, then I'm screwed, I just don't know what to do. And I've been training and if I...
May 1st, 2012 at 11:34pm

I'm A Girl Screamer...But guys say I'm to soft

Hii im BB, i AM 13, and I'm a girl screamer, I've been screaming for about a year now and I'm really good at it in my opinion, and battle of the bands is coming up and my band are signed up for it, but I lost my voice, to were I can't talk at all and I've been sad over this for days, and a bunch of guys in a other band think I'm to soft id never make it as a lead singer, and they told me I should...
May 1st, 2012 at 02:57am