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!!!username goes here!!!
my beating heard belongs to you
!!!month day, year!!!
mood: !!!your mood here!!!
music: !!!what you're listening to here!!!
updates: !!!updates here!!!
i walked for miles til i found you
!!!write about yourself here!!!
i'm here to honor you
layout by lina @ ytm layouts
text used: jellyka - nathaniel, a mystery
do not steal
if i lose everything in the fire
!!!friends name!!!
!!!friends name!!!
!!!friends name!!!
!!!friends name!!!
!!!friends name!!!
i'm sending all my love to you
!!!story title!!!
chapters: !!!# of chapters!!!!
status: !!!complete/ incomplete!!!
rating: !!!(g, pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)!!!

!!!story title!!!
chapters: !!!# of chapters!!!!
status: !!!complete/ incomplete!!!
rating: !!!(g, pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)!!!

!!!story title!!!
chapters: !!!# of chapters!!!!
status: !!!complete/ incomplete!!!
rating: !!!(g, pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)!!!

!!!story title!!!
chapters: !!!# of chapters!!!!
status: !!!complete/ incomplete!!!
rating: !!!(g, pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)!!!