used to know.


I'm Tegan Lee Riley. I think the Regular Show is hilarious. Soda is too fizzy. Smoking inspired me to learn how to cook. I'm not aneorexic. I go to therapy. Balloon animals are the best kind of animals. Most of the time I'm relaxing in my underwear. My favorite song is Not the American Average by Asking Alexandria. I've been to Disney World too many times to count. I really want a taco or Chipotle right now. I have my nose, chest (not nipples!), and belly button pierced. I play the viola and some other instruments. The movie A Haunting in Connecticut made me cry. Fish sticks are gross. I hate being alone. I put salt on everything. Mashed potatoes are my favorite food. I want to meet Ginger spice from the Spice Girls. I make stupid faces all of the time. I always wonder why my friends like me, or if they really do at all. The Hunger Games books are actually a biography of my life. I want to go to Europe and just ride trains all day. I want you to want me. My entire life is a worst case scenario.