Writer's Block is LAME and ppl's stories need improving

GRRRR!!! So it's taking me forever to write my damn story cuz I over-analyse ever flippin' detail and can only focus on one part of the story. :( Which is a good thing so that it won't be lame and corny and predictable, but I want it up already!! *pouts* Lame. I read so many stories and get disappointed and turned off when its so unbelieveable or they don't put in the effort. Like "oh i'm...
August 21st, 2008 at 06:47am

Story intel

So I am still in the process of writing my story. (for like the past 6 months). I have most of the action/drama scenes written but none of the filler. Plus it doesn't help that I keep going over it over and over again. The plot is a semi-common one I guess and I'm trying to make it different from the ones that I have read as to prevent the allusion of "stealing" from other writers, because I am...
June 4th, 2008 at 08:34pm

Magical Deletion

Ya, well all of my journals were magically deleted. I'm not to happy about that. so now i must summerize.Here it goes:I am currently working on my story. It is not posted yet because it's my baby and I want everything to be perfect before I post it. School, looking for a job, looking for an apartment, and organizing my surgery are taking up most of my time at the moment so I rarely have time to...
April 8th, 2008 at 05:09pm