
Sorry I've been M.I.A. This has been one crazy school year. I've been all over the plave with my thoughts and trying to get ready for college (though I still have my senior year to go..) Like ma bestie Aimless Ramble, I shall try to start updating more. Unlike her, i have a problem with getting online...>_> I don't like staying on Mibba for long periods of time for fear I might become...
June 2nd, 2009 at 07:14am


It's none of my buisness but have you ever felt like everyone around u is suddenly dying???My good friend, who seems like a brother to me, has lost his dad recently. My actual brother (or step brother) lost his dad also...My boifriend lost his dog. His FAVORITE dog. That has a great significance because the dog had my name and it also grew up with him. i tjust seems like everyone is being taken to...
February 8th, 2008 at 05:14am


So there's this OTHER boy. He's really adorable and cool. He's funny too. i think hes just so interesting. but i can resist when we're just talking. sometimes i indulge in a hug but thats it. u'd think that after hearing me blab on and on about my boifriend that he would see that im not for grabs...tho i would probably say yes if he asked...i wish he hadnt done the thing he had...he knos i want...
February 8th, 2008 at 05:05am


There is this boy. I'll say his name cuz i despise him now. he broke my heart long ago but the pain remains. All the pain has built into rage. I saw him today. Ricker walked out of Target as I walked inside...i tried to ignore the fact that he still lives in the same city as me but it didnt make sense how against all the odds, he would be THERE, of all places, at the same time as me...I would have...
February 8th, 2008 at 04:55am

My number one dilema

So there's this guy. I can't stop thinking about him. I don't WANT to stop thinking about him. I broke his heart and now he's breaking mine. slowly but surely. I love him even tho i shouldnt. He has a new girlfriend and I still want to be friends if nothing else. I thought I could get over him. I dont want to let us slip apart. It sucks how one little connection can ruin a relationship. It sucks...
January 27th, 2008 at 11:18pm