Seven. / Comments

  • For murdering your niece ir someone else? lol It's cool dude. You'll have a nice story to tell when you get back. :p I take it your other sister is better?

    Meh. It's life. I can, supposedly, but the case my dad is pleading is my mom requires psychiatric evaluation for attempting to kill herself and us, which is the biggest pile of bullshit I've seen in my life, but I've had a good day so far so I'm not trying to go into that right now. *sigh*

    It sounds like it has direction. Very convincing. lol Like her and Sam get along now and she's just retelling the tale. So it was just one of those "Fuck it, I feel like writing a story" ideas that became a little more than it was supposed to?
    May 24th, 2011 at 04:02am
  • Damn, dude. Equally horrendous. My abusive dad is winning custody so I won't finish the school year which will put me a year behind in credits so my mom's suicidal, I've narrowly survived a barrage of gang threats and petty hair-pulling fights, and I'm slipping back into creative depression so I'm building up with emotion I don't know how to express because I suck at everything. :)

    Nice to know someone's life is going smoothly. =/

    Really enjoying your current story, btw. Always love your stuff.
    May 23rd, 2011 at 01:32am
  • What's up man? How's everybody? :D
    May 22nd, 2011 at 06:27am
  • Hey there, sorry for dropping by so randomly! Stopped by to say I posted a new journal regarding my stories I thought you should see if you’re still subscribed to them. Thanks again and have an awesome day!
    May 14th, 2011 at 08:26pm
  • Fucking wow. And people wonder why I go apeshit about anything being on my desk. lmao Yeah, it's permanently drunk.

    I'll upload some to tumblr when my computer and my camera get over whatever little feud they've got going on. I dunno. I don't speak binary code.
    One is white and skeleton-like an the other is black with red crosses and some filigree.

    I don't know what to tell you man. Other than get the hell out of there. I think even of they did take you because they felt they had to, it wouldn't be the best environment. What are your thoughts on relocating?

    Yeah I feel ya. I finally got around to making cookies and finishing the remainder of the recipe is usually just over two dozen and I think my brother and I had a dozen each yesterday. lmao
    I say it's not about looks, but I'm so damn picky when it's not me. XD
    You're fucking six feet tall, you'd hardly be able to tell anyways. My mom is 5'0 and my dad is 6'7. I'm "supposed" to be 6'3 (I'd take 6'0) but I'm hardly 5'6 and I haven't grown in three years. >=( You can see every pound.
    February 5th, 2011 at 10:42pm
  • Sorry I'm fucking terrible at keeping impersonal conversations going. I'm so anti-social. XP lol

    Yeah, I'd take a 1:300 to a 1:4000. *At least* you get to know the kids and pick out the ones you should keep an eye on. Then again, in a school that accompanies 4000 kids, there's a good chance you won't even know it's happening and be on the other side of the campus. Still don't like those odds though.

    Have you ever been writing and had purposely *misspelled* something so the computer recognized it as wrong and you knew it was supposed to be that way but you just couldn't ignore that condescending, *judgmental* red squiggly line? Or NOT misspelled anything (to your knowledge) and not know how to make it go away without using a different word. And then believed you always spelled it like that and never had a problem before!
    The words with *asterisks* ??? don't look right.
    Sorry I'm sick.

    I would too, but I take pictures of everything. Like I have pictures throughout the process too so if I fuck something up with shading or coloring I have proof that at one point it had hope. XD
    What piece...? O_o Idk lol. Last show I saw (That I actually went to :3) was the Black Plague one. I bought two hand-painted masks and got a picture. My mom couldn't stop talking about what a good hugger he was. lmao
    That fucking sucks. I'm sorry about that. Ever considered winging it and teaching yourself? Not the greatest foundation, but if you get the basics down all you'd need is a little help and counsel and you could be out of their hair.
    It's weird to hear "there's only two tattoo shops around here" when there's one on my way home from school, three on my way to the beach (on the same street) and four+ AT the beach. lol None of them are any good though and that's important too. Fucking perverts man. It's hard to be a girl in this game.
    You all have some Devil-worshipping cult, I'm sure. ;)

    It was a sign! And you have avoided potential catastrophe by heeding it!
    Not including the catastrophe of significant weight gain. =/
    February 2nd, 2011 at 05:45am
  • Watch I'm going to start calling it that from now on. :P
    How suicidal must one be to teach at a high school? Like seriously, I think I'd be way too paranoid. I'm paranoid enough attending high school.

    Isn't that a positive way to think? "I won't even know" as opposed to "The skin is going to be melted off my bone and I'll be glued to the ground unable to move while women and children are screaming around me" ? Just me I guess...

    Have you ever tried selling your art work? You know Cam Rackam has shows right? Last one I saw I think you just had to relate to the theme and he took it. Whether or not it sold was different, but you know. It's Cam fucking Rackam.
    Have you ever considered tattooing? I don't mean to sound ignorant, but everywhere has got their different little sectors and I imagine Kentucky has it's secret underground cult of punks and goths sheltered from the light and bible-thumping converts. You just gotta find 'em. ;)

    Well it appears you baked your own now. Sorry I kept you waiting. XP
    January 31st, 2011 at 03:24am
  • Thank you so much for the comment :)
    You have no idea how much it means to me when authors of your standard take the time to read and comment on my stories.
    And I'm actually just reading When the wicked weep :)
    January 29th, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • Mother of God, Satan and Sadam Hussein.
    My finger twitched and clicked outside the box and the whole comment box went away and so did the comment in it.
    I had copied it and was ready to send anyways. XD

    Lmao. Yeah I know what you mean. My teacher was a little skeptical about me working with the chemicals because of the knowledge I demonstrated of their devastating effects worked in certain ways, but then this kid in my group was ACTUALLY trying to blow us up so she moved on to him.
    Now that you mentioned it, what with Columbine and terrorism and all, Chemistry is a really bad class to make teenagers take...

    You know, I'm torn between "The truth will set you free" and "Ignorance is bliss." It's kind of like a car wreck. You now you won't be able to sleep once you see the mutilated bodies but you keep searching for them. My history teacher keeps talking about the approaching nuclear holocaust which isn't helping.
    That is why I don't get into politics though. They say it's a democracy but when the idiots are in majority it doesn't matter and one shouldn't stress over things one can't control.

    Are you in school or working or are you just fucking around? lol
    No problem! I'm glad to hear it. She's quite a trooper huh?
    Goddamn you. I've been unable to stop thinking about baking cookies because it's been so long and I was doing good. D:
    January 29th, 2011 at 05:09am
  • Lol It's all good. My supposedly unstoppable computer has been freezing twice a day for a week now. >=( I hate technology.

    I'm doing pretty good. Found out I have the potential to pass all (except for chemistry, but who gives a damn?) my classes. Didn't have any surprise essays to write tonight so I'm reading about Monsanto and the New World Order. Also all about conspiracies on how WW3 has been planned and is coming soon and the other two were planned as well. Of course, along with that goes 9/11, etc. etc. Idk. I'm in one of those strange "I need to get the fuck out of this country" moods.

    And you? How's your sister?
    January 28th, 2011 at 03:45am
  • Anyone that doesn't understand why they're doing what they're doing is a poser to me. I hear that all the time from "punk" kids who argue with me that I'm not punk because I don't wear torn jeans and plaid and leather and spikes. Just those fucking idiots, those cocky self-righteous teenagers that think what they're doing is right and everyone else is wrong. I wear skinny jeans too, it's just the ones you find at Hot Topic in bright yellow zebra print and they have matching extensions and shit. All the guys wearing Misfits t-shirts and though I'm not familiar with them myself, when called out on it they can't name a song everybody doesn't know. (I was riled up all day, what can I say? ;)

    "The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another." ~Quentin Crisp

    Fuck no! I don't even pierce myself. DX Too chicken-shit or too wise? Hmm...
    Ugh I don't even know anymore. It started with a new friend I made when I first got into public high school and his girlfriend (a beastly hag who couldn't keep a grip on him for shit) accused us of fucking. Well, we hardly even spoke. Then we did speak and my at-time best friend had problems with her cuz she was a bitch. Then her boy started liking me more than her, then he liked me romantically, then they broke up for good all this time her hating my guts for no legitimate reason. Then she turns out to be a Nazi and my best friend in middle school is Jewish and got jumped and raped almost daily since the beginning of that year by her cousin and when she found out we were associated that's when the death threats started rolling in. Turns out however repulsive her personality is, she's also someone everybody wants to be friends with for protection so she's friends with half the school. Now I'm only friends with the Jewish girl so it's me and her vs. Venice high. :D
    Good thing I'm not a pacifist.
    January 25th, 2011 at 05:02am
  • idontsupportanything
    I believe you're already following me. lol I know I'm following you.

    I know! Like you're gonna show them some secret side of life! Most of the time with me, I've found they want protection and I think I did that to myself because if I find someone I like I will tell them to come to me if they have problems. I always find the most troubled people...

    What pisses me off the most is the people "that want to help you." Fool, I don't need your help. A) I'm sixteen, why are you surprised? B) I'm most likely smarter than you and C) If you think wearing black means I need help, call whatever county number you were about to give me because you're the one that needs it. But I love arguing so long as I can keep my anger in check and can remain intellectually superior. ^_^

    And I know what you mean by that too. Ever walked down the street one day and thought "Why the fuck is everyone looking at me?" and the next day "Why is no one looking at me?!" I thought that was a teenage thing. >.> That's what scared me about being in a school of NOW 4,000+ kids. In middle school, there was 300 and I was the only punk one so everyone was fascinated (hence the "everyone's best friend" thing as previously mentioned). My first day on campus I was utterly disgusted by all the posers I saw. Mind you, by posers, I really mean scene kids and I don't judge, but I don't know what the fuck scene is. All BOTDF/DDC/Brokencyde/never shout never shirts and skinny jeans in some outrageous color and spiked belts. I didn't mind so much being overlooked as being considered a poser among other posers, but for some reason things went back to the way they were.
    "Can you pierce me?"
    "Do you now Kat Von D?" (I know. *facepalm*)
    "Why do rockers wear upside down crosses?"
    And then I was cool. And then I started getting death threats. And then all the posers went running in the opposite direction when they heard who I had beef with. XD
    I love being in charge.
    January 24th, 2011 at 02:05am
  • I'll have to do the same thing I do with tumblr which is copy my writing before trying to send it through. It only ever happens to the ones that took me hours to write off the top of my head.

    Well hopefully this all goes away then! :D I'm glad to hear it went well. For some reason I place a lot more importance on the lives of people I know online than I do in person. DX No wonder I have no friends. lol

    I figured you would have heard that, especially living in a little homey state like Kentucky. I live in fucking Los Angeles, the mecca of all people crazy, and people are still shocked by my style. I've had good friends last year tell me if I changed my hair to a natural color, wore less makeup, took out the piercings and wore more flattering clothes I'd be attractive. Like...uhh...thanks, man. If you kept your mouth shut, YOU'D be attractive.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 09:08pm
  • So I forgot how shit Mibba is at messaging and I went and typed a paragraph of response and tried to post it but it said I wasn't logged in. I refreshed the page after and I'm still logged in.
    It's probably for the best.

    Basically, how'd everything go? :)
    January 22nd, 2011 at 03:05am
  • Meh, it's nothing really. Just my own annoying-ass emo teenage shit.

    Dude, I'm on a Mac and it keeps telling me almost everything I'm spelling is wrong. >=(

    Thanks. That actually means a lot. All the teenagers I tell only ever say "Why?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" The only reason I stopped was because I was going on some hardcore meds, so I guess the answer to that would be "Things you can't imagine." :)
    Alcohol is definitely a different case. Punk-ass kids can't sell you booze that was cut with coke and not tell you until you said you've never had a comedown before and couldn't understand why it was happening now. Not that I'm speaking from experience...

    Is that a birth thing or is this something new?
    My heart goes out to all of you and I hope everything goes smoothly. :}
    January 19th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • No, I very much didn't. He hasn't been mean to me for quite awhile so that really kind of took me by surprise, but then on top of that he's saying shit that actually hurts, both that would hurt anyways and especially now, seeing as I'm in a regressed state of emotional stability. Still hung up on that.

    Oh yes. Alcohol can be a solution to any problem. I was more of an ecstasy person myself. ;) All straight-edge now. After...six months maybe of fun. Woooo.

    I'm sorry to hear about that. =/ Is that Raine?
    What happened?
    January 19th, 2011 at 01:56am
  • Lol Idk it's been a looong-ass while. XD I'm hanging in there. Just got back from the weekend with my dad, which is always splendid.

    And you? How's Mibba treating you?
    January 18th, 2011 at 05:32am
  • Rofl more like I need to get off my lazy ass and start applying to jobs. I just don't know what I should be doing.

    Yay!! Well fear no more. I'm here to spread my wonderfulness to you.

    Oh, no bueno! No me gusta. I'm glad things got more peaceful for you though. Even though it sucks, sometimes cutting people out of your life is what you have to do to make things better for you and them.
    January 13th, 2011 at 12:54am
  • Lol I've been alright. I graduate college! Now I'm lacking in the job department but I'll figure it out. I'm determined.

    What about you? What have you been doing? Other than missing my wonderfulness, of course.
    January 12th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • MY LOVE! You came back to me.
    January 12th, 2011 at 05:40pm