discoveringclouds / Comments

  • the maine.

    the maine. (100)

    United States
    Oh no problem at all! I'm glad that you're rewriting it, as well! Especially after four years, it'll be crazy how much better you'll have gotten at writing. It'll really show in the new version. I'll absolutely check it out! (:
    August 7th, 2012 at 09:40pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ LettersToNormandy
    Six or seven comments only? That's all you're waiting for? Wow, man you got it easy. I've commented 48 times and received only 28 comments in return.

    Yes, I obsessively comment on stories. Probably how the Knights were spotted at all ;) Ah the Knights are so well received! :D That's so refreshing :D

    I actually never labelled chapters until the train, and I don't really see the point most of the time either. Although it might get some attention towards the story, but either way, what keeps readers is the content. :)

    I had someone claim that I was "just full of negative criticism," but I had to comment. Lol, it may have annoyed them that I tried to comment three or four times to escape their story first, it had a rather disgusting theme and I didn't want to offend them, but in the end I guess it couldn't be helped. 200 character limit. Then of course the Knights came, and writing witty comments was so much easier.

    I hope comment swap gets back to you soon! It's really frustrating, thus I just go and get more stories. For now I have some time to do that. :P
    August 7th, 2012 at 09:09pm
  • LettersToNormandy

    LettersToNormandy (100)

    United States
    Ooh yes I've seen the Knights. And I must say they give pretty good advice while keeping in fun, in my personal opinion.

    Yay! I'm so glad my comment actually helped!

    Oh, keep using the Knights. It really does keep your comments entertaining!

    I figured it was retaliation, because chapter titles seem like such a petty thing. I don't always find them nessicary, nor to a lot of writers. I was just like, are you kidding me?

    I've had one or two people tell me I made them feel awful about their story when everything they'd been getting was "omg I love your characters and plot ect." with no specifics. I don't want to be one of those commenters, I actually want to help.

    Best of luck with it in the new comment swap!! Hopefully it churns yours out. It's owed me six or seven comments for at least three weeks now. Haha.
    August 7th, 2012 at 08:53pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ LettersToNormandy
    You saw the Knights! Haha :D They are my very favourite characters. I love building them up around the different stories that I come to via comment swap.

    And no no no I was NOT offended. I know no one likes my use of CAPS LOCK, but it feels needed here. ;) I absolutely loved your feedback and it inspired me to fire up the ovens and throw The Train in.

    And as you already met the knights, you know the highstandards I have to live with. *sigh*(aka the ones I make up on the spot). Although I'm so excited that you noticed them at all, I've been waiting for this moment, as creepy as it sounds. I almost stopped writing with the Knights though. I'm definetly picking it back up, I love them <3 Oh and you... <3 <3

    Yes I figured the italics out! Thank God. I'm going to adjust Train #1 soon so it's at least legible.
    By the way that girl who jumped onto your story was probably just trying to retaliate in some way, and you are right this is what the feature is used for. Constructive Criticism. And although I spend hours doing it, I still worry about people jumping back at me. Kinda what happened with the train unintentionally, I should've reworked it. But now I get to make people see the difference. :) No regrets now.

    Yeah I noticed the comments after you were immensely similar, I'm not going to comment swap the story anymore, that's for sure. :P I'm going to direct them to 2.0 it was surely well received by you and I'm super excited to go on with it!

    Thank you so much for reading 2.0 and subscribing. :D
    August 7th, 2012 at 07:52pm
  • LettersToNormandy

    LettersToNormandy (100)

    United States
    P.S. It seemed as though you've figured the italics thing out, or would you still like me to help you with that?
    August 7th, 2012 at 07:27pm
  • LettersToNormandy

    LettersToNormandy (100)

    United States
    Thank you for not jumping down my throat for what I had to say; one girl actually gave me a nonsensical review at one point bashing my lack of chapter titles as a major problem when it came to my story simply because she didn't agree with what I had to say about her story, or seem to understand the point of constructive criticism. I assumed that was what comment swap was for, to get outside perspectives and help you improve your writing. Was I wrong in that assumption?

    I'm really sorry if that came off as rude, I honestly didn't mean for it to. I just... like to get the nitty-gritty picky stuff out of the way first while it's fresh on my mind because I do like helping people improve their stories instead of just flooding them with a bunch of vague, this-comment-could-be-for-any-story-because-there-are-no-specifics-to-what-i'm-saying feedback...which tends to happen a lot with the comment swap.

    Ahh, the story is four years old?? That makes sense now; Ive been seeing the feedback you've been giving (I love your Knights, always some of the most amusing comments I've seen on stories) and it reminds me of my first story on here now. I just started rewriting it; it was two years in the works but I've only got the original draft up on this website. The first fifteen chapters or so are very... rough. Very rough. So I know where you're coming from with that. If you every come across a story Winter Wakes in your travels as the Knights be forewarned, I despise, deplore, detest the first fifteen chapters and you'd be much better suited reading something closer to the end.

    I just read the 2.0 version and my goodness! I love it! Four years does make a difference and you've proved it. Her voice is much more mature and suited for her character. I'm still fascinated by the idea of the story taking place on a train; they're just such fantastic ways to travel.

    Also, as weird as this sounds, it looks like the commenter after me, chloeanneeee, copied what I said and just reworded it a bit. You'd already replied to mine so her comment actually just seems a bit odd... sorry! Just something I noticed.

    But. I'm subscribing to that and I'll be checking back to see how it's going! Also I enjoy talking to you!
    August 7th, 2012 at 07:25pm
  • paper planes;

    paper planes; (100)

    Thank you so much for the feedback on 'Like Lovers Do'! <3

    It was very much appreciated and I'll take your warning and look out for cliches (:
    August 5th, 2012 at 01:00pm
  • The Authoress

    The Authoress (100)

    Dear Knights,

    I am grateful to your feedback, I will try to follow your advice so that in the future I would not face the fate of the chocolate bar!

    I suppose I was too quick in writing but that may be because I was so desperate for the King to read my work; though, again, in the future I will try to contain my excitement and write with a peace of mind. You are ever so sweet for your kind thoughts and useful advice!

    Haha the father makes some appearances :) Read on and enjoy! and thanks again! <3 Mr. Green
    August 5th, 2012 at 09:06am
  • Edward Benz

    Edward Benz (100)

    United States
    The only reason the school day went through with him ignoring it was because he is waiting for his chance with the gun. If you were planning on shooting up a school would you pay attention in class? Lol. And she's meant to be confusing so i'm glad I got that effect. Thank you for reading and the thoughtful comment
    August 5th, 2012 at 04:55am
  • (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi, erm I' don't even know what to say. Okay start with a virtual hug *hug* and well thank you. You probably just made me week with those comments. I didn't really expect any one to seriously read the stuff I wrote when I started and well I know a lot of it doesn't make sense, but that you even took the time to read further than one chapter is well amazing and so kind of you. The things you said are all true and I understand them all and I hope with all my heart that one day I will be able to do everything you said in your comments. Maybe things won't be okay for a little while longer but I have hope that one day they will be because if I didn't erm I don't know where I would be. I know that I'm really lucky with my life and what I have and in a way I hate myself so much for what I'm doing or what I think. It's not right what I've become, but I hope I can change. Thank you for saying my writing was good.

    I'm glad things worked out okay for you. I'm glad you had a friend like that and maybe I will too if I satrt to actually open my mouth for real. I know that hardship comes after ease, it's like what people have said to me countless of times it's going to get worse before it gets better but it will get better and that's what I hand onto. Because it will. I trust it will even if at times it seems it won't.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to well firstly read what I'd written and well then comment with such lovely comments. I dont' really know what to say that could say how much it means to me that you did. So thank you and here's another virtual hug *hug*

    Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.
    August 2nd, 2012 at 10:57am
  • notweirdbutunique

    notweirdbutunique (750)


    Thank you for your honest, yet amusing critique on my story Splinter In My Eye. Yes, I do realise it is a cliché story and I am cringing from that now. I've no idea on what to write and it was the product of a hasty, rushed piece of work.

    It took me a while to digest on your commentary, but it did get into my head. I can't help it, but to giggle while reading your comments. I must say, you have a good sense on wordplay.

    Nonetheless, you've opened my eyes and I'll incorporate those wise words into my head the next time I'm writing a story.

    August 2nd, 2012 at 03:49am
  • daisyfairy

    daisyfairy (495)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Dear Knights of Comment Swap,

    Thank you for finding me when you had such little time, I appreciate it greatly. I'm afraid the King won't tell you because he himself does not know, despite what he may tell you. My mind is spinning webs from which I will learn, and hopefully one day the King will read my words and know what I shall tell, from characters I will give more life, and soul.

    Forever grateful, a fairy.
    August 1st, 2012 at 11:40am
  • TrinityHostile

    TrinityHostile (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on My Boy Hood. It was really amusing and confused me a little, but after reading a few times I got what you were saying. The setting is quite complicated, but this story is just 'going with the flow.' I have made plans for what happens but it's just adding all the in-between parts. Anyways, thanks for the comment! I really thank you for worrying about my health and your comment made me 100% better. lol
    July 29th, 2012 at 08:43pm
  • risque;

    risque; (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment and advice on P.S. I Hate You I am very aware of the limited vocabulary on the characters. And the swearing shows their personality. Although I do see your point. Thank you for the honest comment.
    July 29th, 2012 at 05:47am
  • backtodecember

    backtodecember (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your comment on Still Frame.
    July 29th, 2012 at 02:53am
  • LucifersAdvocateIIII

    LucifersAdvocateIIII (100)

    United States
    Thine presence in Lucifer's commentary division of Crow Volume 1: The Road was in need of a response, thus leading to I, being sent from Lucifer. My humble King responds to your Knights with an introductory, "Thanks" for reading one of his many tales. He is sorry to hear that a member of your company was frightened by his tale, when this was not the objective in particular. Regarding your discussion on the leader of the anarchy spread and her name, Lucifer wishes to inform you that this is not her true name, her true name is Dibala and the foul witch had taken Chloe as a vessel. Despite this being the vessels name, you've given new thought to my gracious prince of darkness and he will perhaps change Chloe's title to Dibala, Witch Queen of the West,
    Farewell and Lucifer's deepest regards.
    July 28th, 2012 at 11:19pm
  • CaitlinLikeWhoa

    CaitlinLikeWhoa (100)

    United States
    Ahh. Okay. I getcha now. I greatly appreciate the edit! Haha. Much easier to understand. And thanks for the critique. I'll work on making him a little less stale. :)
    July 26th, 2012 at 01:16pm
  • CassieScars

    CassieScars (100)

    Well you comment was very amusing...
    But a bit of it confused me... Then I read it twice.
    Now it all makes sense.
    I took into account your advice and I went through and edited the story a bit. Although, persoanally I don't enjoy giving out too much details about characters in the first chapter, because that's what I enjoy about novels... The beauty of getting to know them all as the novel progresses :')
    Either way, that was so super helpful and I'm so grateful you took the million hours (or how ever long it took you) to write such a long review/critique :)
    July 26th, 2012 at 12:21pm
  • CaitlinLikeWhoa

    CaitlinLikeWhoa (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry, but I didn't entirely understand your comment on my story. He's a general because he's strong. It doesn't matter that he's a teenager because it's not an official army. The friend of his who leads it is younger than him, even. It's also not another world. It's the same one we live in, except with supernatural creatures, which technically makes it not the SAME world, but everything else is the same. Thanks foe the comment though! I always appreciate that kinda critique because it helps me know where people may be having trouble with some things.
    July 26th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Thank you for the lovely -- though, quite intimidating! -- comment on Emo Princess (;
    July 26th, 2012 at 12:50am