
Joined date
January 17th, 2008


Name of Board/Site: Revolution; The Uprising
Type of Board: HP-Verse, new Gen
Site Rating: Mature.
Level of activity: Brand new
Date created: October 16/09
Member Count: 8
Your site url: www.revolutionuprising.proboards.com


Nineteen years later, everything seemed to be going smoothly. The wizarding world was evolving, expanding their tolerance to the once prejudiced circles. Little did everyone know that a plan was in motion... It was a plan that would take the wizarding world back to its darkest times. Muggleborns beware, half-bloods and blood traitors be cautious.

Just as everyone let their guard down, his plan to return once more began coming to fruition.

Floating in the ether, after his destruction, Voldemort’s essence loomed waiting for the chosen one; the one whose first breath would be taking in more than just air. Lying dormant until the right time, memories and power would reside in the soul of the chosen one. In the planning, little did Voldemort know that free will would be a factor. For only part of himself was transferred to the unfortunate chosen one. Memories were difficult to recall, parts missing and others blurred. The power was untapped and unable to activate.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; one with parallel power would be the defender of good. It’s time to choose your side. The uprising has come, revolution is inevitable. Join the alliance of good or the forces of evil…

Ugh gotta hate these things...I dunno...I LOVE music, reading, writing, song writing, playing guitar...pretty much anything that is musical and creative...I don't really like any sport except BMX and Skateboarding...I love Tim Burton's creations, especially Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Sissorhands and Beetlejuice...ummm...gosh...My favorite shows are Bones and Heroes and I love nothing more than watching cartoons, and animated movies, like Lilo and Stitch...I hate it when people write stories in IM talk, they shouldn't be so lazy, especially when they expect others to read it...I have a pretty kewl group of friends, and the most awesome little sister around, even if I don't admit it sometimes...My parents are ok I guess, and so are my other two sisters...Ohh and there's this boy, well yea he sorta has my heart, even though he doesn't deserve it, but no matter how hard I try I can't talk myself into hating him, but I think I've found someone I love just as much, and yea I use the word love, because as far as I'm concerned as soon as you're willing to give your life for someone else that’s loving them...so yea that’s about it...a small glimpse into what appears to be my simple life, but I promise it's not as simple as it looks...

I have a fair obsession with quotes and stuffs, so here’s some of my favorites ever:

Sometimes things have to fall apart in order for you to realise just how much you need them to fall back together again

Sometimes it’s easier for me to pretend rather than face my feelings. Sometimes it’s easier to try to make it alone rather than risk getting hurt again. Sometimes it’s easier to be numb towards certain people so I don’t let them get too close. Sometimes I’m scared, but when I act numb towards you, it doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means I care too much.

Its amazing how one person can make my heart skip a beat

Don’t lose hope, when the sun goes down the stars come out

I wanna be the girl he gives his hoodie to and cuddles up next to when its cold, he’ll be the one who comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, catches me off guard and whispers you look beautiful

So I’m basically your average teenage girl: my hair never goes the way I want it to go. My room can’t stay clean for more than a day and there is this guy I’m absolutely crazy about

All I need is just one chance, one kiss, one night to show you what you mean to me. One chance to spend the day with you and to show you how we’re so alike. One kiss to prove we’re more than just friends and one night to hold you tight

Love is for losers and I guess I’m one of them


That picture right there, I reckon it’s got is pretty much right. I got this boy at the moment, and I cannot for the life of me get him outta my head, but at the same time, I love having him occupy every little space that’s capable of occupation. As far as he’s concerned, I’m not a dinosaur, I’m a fish, and the brightest star in the night sky, well we own it together now and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


Remember When
Remember when getting high meant swinging at the playground.
The worst thing you could get from boys was cooties.
Mom and Dad were your heroes when they got rid of the monster under your bed or in your closet.
Your worst enemies were your siblings.
Race issues were who ran the fastest.
War was a card game.
The only drug you knew of was cough medicine.
Wearing skirts didn’t make you a slut.
The only thing you smoked was the tyres on your bike.
The only thing that hurt was skinned knees.
The only things that could get broken were your toys.
L I F E was simple and care free, but what I remember most was wanting to GROW UP. To be like mom and dad.



They’re both so true!


Joelene: Thanks for what? Lol you made it better. Oh and i saw the cutest thing ever lastnight

Me: Pfft doubt i made it better lol…you guys would have done just fine without me…and whats the cutest thing ever?

Joelene: Nah, sorry i left, i just got tired and cranky lol. Well…my little eye saw you and will vertical spooning out the front. And i was on my way to see where you were then AWWW hit me in the face, so i pretended i saw nothing. Im way outta line here, and i know it, but i HAVE to say it was the god damn cutest thing ive ever seen :p

Me: Ohh you saw that…damn…lol…

Ahhh the wonders of vertical spooning…lol…BEST night of my life!

Me: Yea we're arguing about our star, he's trying to claim the whole thing again...

Cassie: YOUR STAR? That's just like picking out baby clothes!

Me: Come on Ragzy, just roll you're drunk ass into the car damnit! (Then I took his beer off him)

Ragzy: (Glaring) You're lucky you're hot.

Me: Pfft don't lie. It's you that's lucky. Lucky I love you enough not to leave yo sorry ass in the bloody gutter chucking you're guts up...

Ragzy: True?

Me: Yea bloody true, now get in the fucking car!

Then we drove about 3 houses down before he decided to chuck his guts up again, and we had pretty much the same argument...