Moments-of-Courage / Comments

  • Oh, who hasn't whacked themselves in the eyeball with a mascara wand? If you say you haven't, you're lying. ;)

    I'm glad that you like her bravery. And yes, it can be really difficult talking about that stuff with a father instead of a mother. When I got my period as a surprise one Friday night with my father, I couldn't even bring myself to say anything to him, and I had to tell Elaina instead. It was really uncomfortable, and I think she ran and told him anyway. Although, when it comes to periods, my father is the chillest dude on the planet, but it was still just too weird of a situation for me to man-up and tell my father that I had my period. I mean, I don't care now; I would tell anyone walking by that I have my period now, but then, it was horrifying.

    Yes, Sarah will be independent and lovely when Harry goes away. Hopefully, anyway. ;)

    Okay, bye. And I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter, and I'm not sure how I feel about being called a creature. Perhaps I am one, one of those creatures who are hunched over with squinty eyes and hobble and talk in a low, raspy tone. That's what I think of a creature. :p Thanks for commenting, yoooo.
    November 6th, 2013 at 12:32am
  • Weirdo. Hahaha.

    No, I think you're unobservant all the time. Hahahaha. And if your vision is so bad that you cannot see MASSIVE MOVING VEHICLES coming toward you, then I don't think simply getting new glasses will help you. You'll need an eye transplant. And of course that annoys you! That's frustrating as hell, for rizzle. But yeah, people suck, and the sooner you acknowledge that and refuse to waste your time on them, the better for you and your sanity!

    I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE TO GO WITH YOU TO COLDSTONE OKAY OKAY. True, we might as well be. And no that was just bad please stop no

    Well, duhhh, it would make sense. I thought everyone had to do it. Hahaha. Well, it's a requirement for New York, anyway, and yes, I enjoy it. Part of me can't wait to go back, and part of me deeeefinitely can because I have to get up at 5:45 to get there in time for the start of school. :( YA WELCOMEEE. Hope your laptop liked the cereal bath. Tee hee. And um, yeah, I never answered, so I guess it's later. ;) Hee hee.
    October 30th, 2013 at 10:13pm
  • Oh.



    Just kidding. Hahahaha. And woooo. Congrats on that Rebecca Intuition thing. ;) Hee hee.

    Oh. And not if you had a GPS! Though you'd probably manage. ;) And you're not necessarily a bad driver, but you're an unobservant driver, and that, my friend, is what screws you over. But there's nothing wrong with your technique. Hahaha. I feel like the end of this paragraph turned into an entirely different subject, but you're right: you shouldn't be anyone's default friend. You're my best friend in the whole wide world and beyond, and you deserve better than that. You're my number one choice, and you always will be. ^_^

    I feel ya. I'm so over all this crap. Like, no need for so many essays. I need my professors to reevaluate their life priorities. SORRY NOT SORRYYYY. O.O O.O O.O O.O O.O THERE IS A COLDSTONE IN DARTMOUTH AND YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN WHO ARE YOU HOW ARE WE EVEN RELATED...wait, no, we're technically not related, BUT STILL. And yes. I recall that we were in a car because WHERE THE HELL ELSE WOULD WE HAVE BEEN REBECCA GOD.

    When you observe classes you, wait for it...observe. Hahaha. You just look at what the teacher is doing and what you like and don't like, and you talk about how the room is set up, how the desks are set up, if the room is decorated...etc. It's basically just supposed to give you on ideas you'll use or won't use when you become a teacher. It's pretty low key. ...I did not say that you are the embarrassing one. I believe we are both equally embarrassing. And I do. It sounds like a low blow horn from a massive boat or something. :p And thankssss. I try. :D
    October 29th, 2013 at 02:33am
  • Oh, like a nasally whimper? Hahaha. That's the ugliest whimper I can think of. Hahaha. And might not want to do that. Lots of people in New York. You'll bump into them and anger them. Hahaha. And I'm glad you can tell! I mean, it's weird, because I'm trying to put so little effort into this so that it feels effortless, but I actually have put tons of work into this. I can't even tell you how many times I've had to go back and write entire scenes or entire chapters. Like five million. Hahaha.

    I NOTICED BUT IT'S OKAY. AND DUDE, I'M MOVING OUT THAT DAY, SO I AM GOING TO HAVE SOOOOO MUCH SHIT. Hahaha. But you could come with my mother, if you desire. 'Cause let's be real fo' a second; my boxes and everything are simply NAWT going to fit in your little car. Hahaha. And the thought of you driving around here actually gives me a panic attack. Just thinking about it. Hahahaha. You'd have SOOO much anxiety, my dear. BUT YES. FROZEN YOGURT, MOVIE NIGHT, SLEEPOVER, YES TO ALL OF THE FREAKING ABOVE. Going home is going to be the best thing ever, I kid you not. Although, I am going to miss my friends I made here, but they're the only thing I'll miss, I think. That and Coldstone. *sniffle* Hahaha. AND OH YEAH. THAT WAS IT. Not the first time. :) Oh my God, you are embarrassing. Hahahaha. Like supa supa embarrassing.

    Fo' rizzle. It's not like it matters. He just goes over in class what we were supposed to read. I bet 75% of my class doesn't read. Oh, and my professor, who is the teacher that works at the high school I visited for observations today, told me that he was super impressed with me observing and how I wasn't afraid of the attitude-ridden city kids, like a lot of the other students in my class had been. Including some six-foot-something surly kid who never says a word in our class. I was just like, "YESSS I AM DESTINED FOR THIS THIS IS MY CALLINGGGG." Hahahaha. He seemed to think I had something special, sooooo...NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN, BUT YOU MIGHT BE TALKING TO A TEACHING PRODIGY. ;) Hahahaha.
    October 29th, 2013 at 01:51am
  • Aw, I made you whimper. Hahaha. And hey, it doesn't take that long to read; it takes much longer to write your beastly fabulous comments. ;) I'm glad you think they're funny and cute, and that you think the rules are something that seems realistic for the situation. And ahhh, you're getting real emotions from what's happening in the story? Like, it's giving you a sense of dread? Hahaha. And I'm glad you enjoy my characters. I enjoy most of my characters, too. They're fun to write.

    Not that it relates to the story (COUGH ;)), but my last day of classes is December 18th, I think. So I should be coming back on the nineteenth. WHICH MEANS A PAR-TAYYY, YA FEEL? Like, frozen yogurt at Yogurt in Love party. ;) I'M FEELIN' IT. YUP YUP YUP. And I love you, too, my wonderfully supportive best friend. And Boyfriend just came on the Pandora station I'm listening to, and I just remembered your mom's whale comment one of the first times we ever hung out (if not THE first time...), and now I'm trying not to giggle obnoxiously because my door is open to the rest of the suite.

    ANYWAY, yup, you're bomb and thanks for the comment and I'm going to try to write more tonight instead of reading for one of my classes. YOLOOOOO.

    ...Don't worry. College has not made me say yolo. I use it above in an ironic fashion. Goodnight and goodbye.
    October 29th, 2013 at 12:10am
  • She is pretty awkward. Hahaha. Yayyy, I'm glad you liked the cuteness! AND YAY FOR HAVING TIME! Hahaha. It means a lot that my chapter made your morning better, but I'm sorry your morning was terrible. Don't question why you like it so much; just don't stop liking it. Hahaha.

    Ew, work. That's gross. And thanks. You should have an awesome day, too! Or, at least, as awesome of a day you can have at work. Hahaha. Thanks for commenting, dude. :p
    September 28th, 2013 at 06:20pm
  • Hahahaha. I don't feel like hugging will help. I don't think this will subside until the whole process is over.

    ......................I hate you. Hahahahaha.
    August 27th, 2013 at 04:32am
  • I would not have protested. But I'm eating, so it's okay. And I can't help it. I'm trying to breathe and tell myself that everything's okay, but it really doesn't work very well or very long. And this isn't about how I see me; it's about how others will potentially see me.
    August 27th, 2013 at 02:51am
  • I know. I'm not forcing myself. And I don't really have time anyway, between stressing and stressing and thinking about packing and eating and sleeping and stressing.

    So was I. -_- My mother would hit me. Hahaha.
    August 27th, 2013 at 02:36am
  • Lol no.

    I'm gladdddd. Though I probably won't have time to write it again before college. hufajdnflsdf Gah.

    Good point. I'll run this idea by my mother and see what she thinks. ;)
    August 27th, 2013 at 02:24am
  • Ahhhh no. Absolutely not. Not even close.

    You're a dummy. Hahaha. And I'm glad you think the story is cute and cool. Tee hee. ^_^

    And I don't want to go either. I'd prefer to live in a box and mooch off my mother for the rest of my life. Making my own living is so overrated.
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:56am
  • Nahh.

    Do ittt. Help me pack because I'm going to be a blubbering mess.
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:52am
  • Hahaha. I'm glad you think If You Told Me To is cute. But you shouldn't NOT write your original. I'm not sure how my story being enjoyable to you would have anything to do with your original story. Hahaha.

    I'm glad you kind of get the message the story is trying to convey, too. That's a really cool take. :D I'm really glad that you enjoy it, and you shouldn't thank me for writing a story, since I'm just putting my ideas down on paper. Ha-ha. Thanks for commenting!
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:47am
  • Meeee? A flirtttt? Nah. ;)

    And yup. Raja always does my bidding for me. JUST KIDDING. And ummmmmm...I dunno. If you wouldn't be crazy about that, we don't have to. BUUTTTTT you'll just have to come over after. ;) Hahaha.
    August 26th, 2013 at 04:38am
  • I love you, too, babe. ^_^ Tee hee.
    August 26th, 2013 at 02:58am
  • Aw, I'm so glad that you like the story so much. I'll have to write a little bit more of it soon. :) Hee hee. Thanks for commenting!
    August 2nd, 2013 at 06:50pm
  • YAY. Aw, I'm so glad you thought the ending to Gone was witty. Lord knows I love my wit. ;) And I'm glad Frankie's father made you laugh.

    I liked Jason, too. Frankie deserves someone lovely like him, I think, after Liam was such a butt.

    I'm very glad that you enjoyed Gone. Uh, thanks! That's something pretty minor that I had to do to get appreciated. ;) Hahaha. And then bye! But gracias por tu, uh, comment. ^_^
    June 29th, 2013 at 04:43pm
  • And a beautiful song it was? Hahaha.

    Aww, I'm so glad you liked the ending that much! :D YES FOR FEELS. FREAKING YES FOR FEELS. I'm so excited when people say my writing gives them feels nowadays. It's so rare.

    Thaaaanks. I'm so glad that you thought the ending suited the story. And I'm so glad that Lounsbury Prep was one of your favorites! And thaaaat is not a valid thing. Hahaha. Saying that all my stories are your favorites cancels out how much you like all of them.

    LOVE YOU, TOO. And girl, you KNOW I will. *flips hair* Hahaha. Juuust kiddin'. Thanks fo' yo' comment, dude.
    June 29th, 2013 at 04:36pm
  • Hahaha. Don't worry about it. I don't think it's illegal or anything, so you're okay. ;)
    June 28th, 2013 at 03:28am
  • You sounded all nostalgic, like the story was over. Ha-ha.
    June 28th, 2013 at 03:15am