Look up. There's shooting stars hun.

I don't know why I always get the need to write in the middle of the night. I don't know about you but right now its 2:46am. Well yeah I have insomnia but that doesn't give me the need to write. That just gives me the need to watch the ceiling all night and watch my thoughts collapse.Well I guess it's because I just watched a move called It's kind of a funny story. It's a really good move. I liked...
June 9th, 2012 at 08:59am

All the stars shine so bright.

Okay well, this is my first blog entry so.. Bear with me. I'm going to use that 'bear with me' on a lot of things because I'm new here.Okay well first of all my name is Carolina. I'm not going to tell you my last name because maybe your some next creep reading this or my personal stalker(Witch btw I do not have). But who knows right? Maybe I'm the creep. You never know.Okay well enough with this...
June 1st, 2012 at 05:48am