Motivated Mibbians

Hey there fellow readers and writers. Hope everyone is having a great day.My intentions for this blog is to say little and hopefully reach some people. Some people with motivation. I havent been on Mibba in a very long time. Nor have I written in a very long time. It blew my mind when I got on here recently and realized my last update was two years ago. It made me feel bad, I just left everyone...
November 26th, 2016 at 01:10am

Late night thoughts.

I would like to write something right now, really should. But every time I try to come up with ideas for my stories you pop into my head and I forget all about my story and whats going on in it.Not complaining, I really like him. I just don't feel exactly great about leaving my readers hanging. I know I need to update but I've been giving poor updates because I can't come up with anything anymore...
June 30th, 2013 at 10:10am

In need of a layout/banner

I want to post a story for you guys but every good story needs a worthy layout, right?Well I suck at making them!So that brings me to the favor I need. I need someone to make me a layout or banner for this awesome story I've got brewing.It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just decent. I would do it myself but well I'm lazy and I just want to get this story posted.Of course if someone is willing...
December 21st, 2012 at 08:04pm

Favorite A7X pairing? (slash)

I've been thinking about writing a one-shot that has came to mind. I pretty much have it all planned out... just need to get it written out.About the only thing I don't have planned out is the pairing (which is obviously a big part). The way I have it figured is that I can write any of the Avenged Sevenfold members to fit the story and still keep each of their personalities to them.So I was...
December 16th, 2012 at 10:39pm

Suggest me a story to read.

So I've been terribly bored and I've also been craving a good story to read but I can't find one.So instead of this turning into a Deathnote like situation and me start offing all of the dumbass people in the world to ease my boredom I think you guys should suggest some stories for me to read.I'm not picky but I do have a couple of preferences.1. I only read slash.2. I'd much love it to be an...
December 6th, 2012 at 09:11am