Its Probably Better If You Dont Read This.

I feel kinda sad tonight. I'm not sure why, cause things have been going really, really well in life. I guess maybe I just feel kinda lonely. But not that "Oh, I wanna be with somebody," lonely. More like the, "I wish someone was around so I could talk about my fears," lonely. The thing is, I don't really feel like, empty, just not really put together all the way. It's weird how that's changed...
June 8th, 2012 at 06:16am

To Whom it May Concern

So there's this mentor program that I'm applying to, to be a mentor to a high school student. There's an application that I've got to fill out and included in that there's space for three people to call for a reference.I work in a really trendy restaurant that serves really amazing food put together by some really amazing people. Over the last year I've had the pleasure of working with these...
May 31st, 2012 at 05:49am

Send Up a Prayer

She asked me to send up a prayer. In her eyes I could see the pain. The internal struggle to ask a power greater to take her hurt away or keep pretending that she can handle life this way. I knew that she felt her own prayers were useless, convinced that she'd remain unheard, so she asked me to talk to the power I know, in hopes that I would be heard in ways she was not.She didn't understand how...
May 30th, 2012 at 06:19pm

You're Gonna Change the World

Somebody told me today that I was going to change the world. I was baffled by this. Let me explain.I have a friend, let's call her Lauren, 'cause that's her name. She's going to change the world. I'm not sure how, or why she was chosen to change the world, but she's one of those people who you see, and you think, wow, this person is going to make a difference. And I don't say this because I'm...
May 30th, 2012 at 04:28am

Riding the Bus

Dear fellow bus riders,I'd like to blame you all for the bad smell that surrounds me and assults my nose. I wish I could blame you for my lack in my own vehicle, but unfortunately, that's not your fault, so ill just continue to place blame for the god-awful odor floating in such a small place.I'd also like to ask that you all sit closer together so that I can have two empty seats to myself. You...
May 29th, 2012 at 05:04pm

Late Night Thoughts and Random Songs

So here I am at the end of a pretty sweet 2 day weekend (which never happens for me), its after midnight (I know this cause the fountain in my complex isn't flowing) and I'm up doing the things I do best. Listening to music and thinking about the meaning of life. And I don't really mean all life, just mine, 'cause it can get pretty crazy. Currently listening to the Greenday remake of "21 Guns".So...
May 29th, 2012 at 06:50am