gitadeon / Comments

  • I missed our long talks too! I'm so glad we're chatting again! Is that you in your profile picture, because if it is, you are gorgeous!

    I need to go read the epilogue now! I really loved the time changes in Heartbeat Slowing Down, and how you made it all link back to the first chapter. The first chapter will always be my favorite :) It's got such a strong hook, and you can really understand how Vicky is feeling. I feel like sequels are harder to write. You already spent so much time on the first story, and you know exactly where that wanted to go, but now you have to keep it going, which is the hard part. :P

    It is literally insane you've been working on a project for a YEAR!! You probably made the right decision postponing graduating so you have more time to make this project perfect, considering you've been working on it for as long as you have. I love high school, but I cannot wait till college. I think there's more out there for me than my town has to offer. But our football team is going to State Playoffs! We won again last night!
    November 17th, 2013 at 03:33am
  • aww, don’t worry about taking too long to answer me! I just wrote you because I missed the long talks we used to have through comments and wanted to make sure everything was well with you :)

    but, thank you so much for the compliment <3 seriously, it always means a lot to me when people compliment my writing. I always feel super nervous and self-conscious about it, and it always warms me inside when people say nice things about it haha I’m really glad you got to read everything though, and that you’re enjoying it! I just uploaded the epilogue and I’m getting ready for the sequel, but I’m not really sure what’s gonna happen next, I guess. oops x.x

    football games always remind me of how much fun high school used to be and how I took it for granted… haha but yeah, I was supposed to graduate this December, but I decided to postpone it till Spring. I don’t have any more classes to take though, I will only be doing an internship for credit and getting ready to defend my thesis (being an honor student suck, for reals. I’ve been working on the same project for over a year and I’m still not even close to being done :[ ). enjoy high school while it lasts, because after college becomes the “real world,” and there are so many responsibilities… haha

    but as far as Vicky & Jon are concerned… I’m hoping to be able to give them the happy ending they deserve. <3

    hope you had fun at the football game! :)
    November 14th, 2013 at 08:29am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I am so so so so so so sorry it's taken me forever to respond to your comment! I was so behind on Heartbeat Slowing Down. I literally just finished it! and holy shit it was amazing! You're such a brilliant writer.

    There is so much that I just read so I don't have a ton of comments and favorite passages to add since that would be the longest comment in history! But two parts that really stood out to me were: You sure can count on me for whatever you need, I had promised her. That night, I had promised myself that no matter what happened between Kane and Lexi, Vicky would never lose me; even if they broke up, she ended up moving back to her hometown, or I got traded, she would always have at least me, no matter where in the world we ended up at.Little did I know, however, that I would be the first one to let her down when she needed me the most.
    and: I was toxic; my presence was like poison, like weed in an otherwise beautiful garden.

    I was so hoping for Vicky to get better :( only time will tell! I love Jon showing his soft side. It really shows how he feels about Vicky and how much he regrets what he did.

    Schoolwork is almost killing me! As soon as I get a break, they pile on so much more! I promise to stay more updated on the sequel! I'm actually hoping for a happy ending... Stories with unhappy endings are awesome since they're so uncommon, but I'm so invested in Vicky and Jonathan! They're meant to be together haha :P You're close to finishing college right?

    I have to get going! Football game tonight! I promise to stay in touch and it was so good to hear from you again! :)
    November 9th, 2013 at 01:47am
  • hey girl! hope all is well, and that your schoolwork isn't killing you :) I haven't talked to you in sooooo long!
    October 24th, 2013 at 07:32am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I'm so sorry! I've been super busy with school and track, that I just forgot to reply! I loved all the updates (like always) and they were probably some of my favorite ones.

    There was a lot of drama in them :P lol, but I loved how Jon was really attached to Vicky, and it made her seem like the strong one, even though she really wasn't. I also thought it was pretty funny when Jon kind of snapped at Becca a few times!

    I should probably start back at chapter 21, which if I remember correctly, was when Jon and Vic were in her apartment and preparing to leave to go tell Coach Q... This chapter showed how they would be such a good couple. They just work together really well and just work on the same wavelength.

    Then in chapter 22, where they are at the United Center, I must admit I was nervous while reading it! I was worried how Coach Q would react. Vic talking to Kane and Sharpie was a good thing to add. It probably would've been hard to write out the whole conversation between Q and Jon, plus Kane and Sharp care so much about Vicky. If I were Kaner, I probably would've been a little angrier at Jonathan, but there wasn't really time for that, lol, since he was going to the hospital.

    Taking him to Becca's workplace was brilliant! So wrapping up with Chapter 23, which was my favorite out of the last few updates, Jon getting anxious without Vic was nice. I think Becca acted a lot of the way she did because of Vicky's role in it. She probably wouldn't have been as like bitchy about it, had it not been Vicky who Jonathan told and relied on!

    My favorite passage from the chapters was: I had been sitting there for about ten minutes when I spotted Becca coming down the hallway; at first she didn't see me, but when realization finally hit her and she recognized me, her face showed a full range of emotions in less than a minute – surprise, confusion, understanding, hurt, and finally, anger.

    There were a couple other ones that were super good but this one really stood out at me! Wooh! I would write more, but I'm in school and I have to go! I'm doing well btw, and I hope you are too :) can't wait for the next update <3

    P.S.- A sequel would be AMAZING
    April 30th, 2013 at 03:58pm
  • you disappeared. and that makes me worried!

    I hope all is well with you! <3
    April 25th, 2013 at 06:38am
  • I have a feeling that a lot of the chapters that are to come will have sort of a "filler" feel to it... I think I kind of need them to explain what is going to happen later. It's complicated. haha I hope you still enjoy them, though! :)

    Well, I guess it is safe to say that I did not write during spring break :x I ended up visiting friends, and I had no time for it! Now I'm procrastinating homework and thought it would be good to check up on the story haha I have no idea how long the story gonna be actually. I had an idea, to finish it soon and then make a sequel, but let's see. I don't know what kind of "ending" I'm looking for; happy, sad. I feel like the story could go either way.

    I updated again! Hope you enjoy it <3
    April 19th, 2013 at 04:47am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    Yay an update :) Thank you!
    Writers' block is literally one of the worst things on the planet! I wish it didn't exist.

    But there was a lot I liked about it. It was a little bit of a filler, but I think it was absolutely necessary. Vicky seemed really strong in this. Like making Jon go into get help and everything. It's good to know that they somewhat have each other. And in your author's note, you said their relationship isn't very lovey-dovey. I totally agree! They have a deep relationship, very different from Lexi and Patrick's.

    I totally understand when you said you could feel it while you were writing! I love that feeling. You are happy with your writing in the end and it just flows perfectly!

    Writing is a great way to spend your spring break haha. How long do you think this story will be? I am so eager to see how Vicky changes. as for now, she seems rather stable, like being there so much for Jon when he needs it, and her conversation with Pat seemed like one 'normal' people would have. Lol :)

    This comment isn't too long, sorry! I loved the chapter though! Great update!
    March 21st, 2013 at 05:09am
  • I'm finally back again! :D lol I just posted a new chapter too, I hope you like it :)

    I'm having such a hard time trying to write this story, it's not even a joke. I don't know why either - I had it all planned up, and now I have nothing!

    You should come visit Pittsburgh! It's beautiful <3 I'm biased because I love it so much lol but I promise it's a great city. I fell in love with it the first time I visited!

    I've decided when I'm going to switch to Kane and Lexi's POV, but it might take a while. But both will be very emotional chapters, I promise! haha I love some drama every now and then lol as of right now the story is very mellow, with they figuring out their feelings and whatnot. I promise things will spark up in a bit :)

    I'm so glad you like this story so much! The first chapter is definitely my favorite too, specially these first lines that you mentioned - it's probably one of the best things that I've written. I just could feel it while I was writing it, you know? It sounds weird, but I like to feel what I'm writing - it makes it a lot more special.

    I didn't really like that last chapter I posted (19). It really was kind of a filler, but I needed to get it in there because that's how some stuff is going to develop later - like Becca figuring out where Jon was and whatnot… That will come later, but it will relate to what happened during the phone calls and whatnot.

    Now, about the chapter that I just posted… I dunno. I don't know how I feel about it lol I have a love-hate relationship with it right now. I like parts of it, but I hate parts of it at the same time. haha I'm crazy lol

    My Spring Break is coming up! It's officially starting tomorrow, and I can't wait! Hopefully I'll have time to write more. Let's see! :)
    March 19th, 2013 at 11:25pm
  • Thank you. :D I'm glad that you're excited for them! That means a lot to me. :)
    February 12th, 2013 at 02:30am
  • @ onlythegooddieyoung
    I am also really excited to read some of your other ones too. You have so many and I cannot wait!
    February 12th, 2013 at 02:26am
  • Oh, thank you! I'm so glad that you think the story seems like a fresh idea, and it makes me incredibly happy that you enjoy my writing. Thanks for commenting!
    February 11th, 2013 at 03:04am
  • No need to apologize, I totally understand! You were busy, and had writer's block. Totally normal! And I'm really glad you like my comments and I hope they are helpful!

    When you say: "It's mainly what is going to dictate what the future holds for them", I understand what that is , but I am so eager and curious because from my perspective, anything could happen, and the future is so up-in-the-air.

    I am totally going to check out the books and movies! I'm always looking for something new and interesting to read. Especially them being French and Italian makes it even better!

    Summer seems so far away right now! Ugh! I live in Nebraska, and it is so freezing! We had a snow day on Wednesday because it snowed like 4 inches overnight, and the temperatures were below 0˚ Fahrenheit last night. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but I don't like the cold or the wind hahah. An fashion internship sounds great, and I really hope you get a good one!

    I think I have mentioned that I like the Bruins, but I'm not sure. I don't really know why I like them... Boston is one of my absolute favorite cities, so that might be why, but my best friend totally hates them, so it's weird. Pittsburgh seems like such an awesome town, and I want to go sooooo bad!

    The story has had so much emotion so far, but I definitely think Lexi and Kane will bring it to a whole nother level. With Lexi, she cares about Vicky, and the team so much, that everything is almost personal to her. That's kind of how it feels.

    I was thinking about re-reading it again lol. I've actually done that a few times before haha. The first chapter is definitely my favorite. Those first few paragraphs are so bold (for lack of a better word). They are some of my favorites ever written, to be honest.

    And I would never hate you!!! Don't be silly! Update at your own pace, because that's how you're going to get the best story possible. Thanks for the update though, it really was awesome :)
    February 2nd, 2013 at 05:29am
  • you have no idea so sorry I am that it took me over a month to get back to you :( I've had so much crap happen to me lately that it isn't even funny… I'm back in the us, and school is killing me!

    I loved your last comment :) I mean, i always love your comments haha they are always so filled with good feedback!

    You always get the point I'm trying to make! Vicky's disease(s) are really important for what's going to happen next… and the whole direction of the story. It's mainly what is going to dictate what the future holds for them, and why Jon acts the way he does. I suck at explaining things, but I hope you got the point haha

    I love that lullaby SO much. I got it from one of my favorite movies, called Hell. It is French, and it is based on my favorite book of all time (Hell, Paris) by Lolita Pille. The book is completely different from the movie, but I love them both! You should totally look into it! I'm sure you will like it. Its content is kind of too heavy at times, but it is so crude and so real. I'm very biased, but I love it a lot :)

    I understand what you mean abut happy endings - to be completely honest, I like when stories don't have them. It makes them a hell lot of more realistic. And speaking of it… I have another book that I think you'd love! haha It's called either Three Steps Over Heaven or Three Steps Above Heaven. It's by an Italian author named Federico Moccia. I don't know if it's because it was written by a man, but it was one of the best romance novels that I've ever read. I cried so much! haha It's amazing!

    but yeah. I love fashion :) It's one of the few things that have always been present in my life. I can't wait till this summer! I'm in the hopes I'll get a super cool internship! haha I'm in need of one ASAP lol

    dude, my sorority sister's are OBSESSED with One Direction. That's all they hear, 24/7. And now that I'm living in our chapter's house I'm obligated to listen to it all the time… haha it's definitely growing on me!

    James Neal' NHL 36 is just precious. I love the Penguins <3 I live only a couple hours away from Pitts, so I was bound to have them as my fav team! haha The Blackhawks happened somewhere down the road, and I don't even know how to explain how it happened haha but they are my fav teams :)

    Kane's and Lexi's POVs will be very emotional… but that is all I can say for now ;) haha I'm terrible, I know! I have sort of figured out what is going to happen with those two in this story, so… now we just have to wait!

    I'm not sure which chapters are my favorite… I'll have to get back to you on that! I kind of want to re-read the whole story before I continue updating it. I have the next chapter ready, but it is absolutely despiteful lol I should be updating it tonight, I guess, but only because I need to get it out of the way to have the rest of the story flow!

    Please don't hate me a lot :( haha I promise I'll start updating more frequently! :))
    February 1st, 2013 at 07:12am
  • That is so cool you're in fashion/costume design. That seriously sounds like soooo much fun! It probably helps a little in writing too. A lot more characterization. You can tell a lot about a person by what they wear ;)

    Haha "Loved You First" is one of their songs and it's a good song. Some people are really obsessed with them. I have to admit, Zayn is pretty adorable lol, but I mostly just like their music. It's so catchy too!

    I've found even with outlining, you can still easily go off course, but if you check constantly where you are in the outline and where you are in the story, it's not hard.

    I LOVE NHL 36. The James Neal one was so funny. The Penguins seem like such a fun group of guys and Nealer's family looked really sweet <3 In a way, I see how you think Patrick Kane Sr. is controlling. Kaner's mom definitely just wanted Patrick to do what he loved (I saw some video, can't remember what it was, and they interviewed her). But it seems like he had a pretty strict life in high school, and even a little before. I mean he played over 300 games in one year! Hell, I don't think there was room to even make a mistake when you're that busy!!! I think that this was his time to let loose, and he'll probably settle down a little soon. I'm not talking like wife and kids settle down, but just turn down the intensity of his parties a little bit. By no means is he an alcoholic like some want to believe he is. He just wants to have fun and who can blame him for that?

    I've never heard of the two other shows but I'll check them out. Shoot, I still forgot to check out the planetarium. (Doing it now so I can tell you about it) Okay, I checked it. It is so pretty! And the steps look like a ton of fun to sit on haha. That last sentence sounded weird... But it actually helps feel the situation in the story. Anyway, I've seen the show Scrubs (not sure if you've heard of it). It's supposedly the most medically correct show, but Grey's anatomy has something special about it. :P

    It's weird how it doesn't look like a lot of stuff in your home even though there actually is. If I had to pack up just my room, I couldn't even imagine how many boxes I'd need. Oh and I'd need a TON for my closet. I love clothes <3

    I am wondering what Kane's POV would be about, especially since he and Lexi are just kind of in the background, thinking Jon's alright. Boy, would it be hard to be in his shoes right now. I don't think I could take it! But if we do go back to the previous chapters, you see Kane is really there for Vicky, like when he's confronting Jonathan on how he fucked up.

    Is the awkwardness going to go away or turn into something different? There are still so many questions in my mind just waiting to be answered! But I know some will definitely be answered within the next few updates :) If they both go downhill, things are going to be terrible! The team will be off balance, so will Vicky's life, which changes Lexi's life and so on and so forth.

    I get so frustrated when I rewrite chapters because you know something is off, but no matter how hard you try, it just doesn't work! Oh I have a question for you! Which chapters that you've posted are you favorite? I remember you saying that some of the ones I liked most weren't you favorite or maybe it was the opposite. Not quite sure...

    I'm sure your chapter is great though and I know so many people love your story, so there's nothing to be afraid of! And there are chapters that are just hard to write, and it might look better after you write the next one. I could use an update though! A lot of the stories I like haven't been updated a lot recently so yours is like the one I stalk for updates! hahah.

    I do like Sidney Crosby. The Penguins are my second favorite team (behind Chicago Blackhawks and ahead of the Boston Bruins.) If you did post it, I'd be absolutely interested! I would still probably be a little more invested in this story, just since I love it so much and we're so close to the climax :D

    As far as finals go, I was super angry! We have a snow day today which means today's finals get pushed to Friday and Friday's finals get pushed to the Monday when we get back. Like who is going to actually study over break?! Don't get me wrong, I love days off school and I love snow, it's just that I wanted to get the finals done and over with.
    December 20th, 2012 at 11:01pm
  • I'm majoring in Fashion - hence Vicky's profession! haha just kidding, though. I'm into costume design, so I love to base people's personality into the things they wear. I've always imagined Lexi to be so fashionable that, in my mind, it made perfect sense that she should work with that. and since they met through work… lol

    hey, One Direction is super popular right now! I don't actually know a lot of their songs (I know, *gasp* but I do like that one "I loved you first" or something lol). I have started outlining it to see if I can keep on track, so… Let's see if that is going to help me!

    I'm so excited to know that you're this excited about my story :) it makes a huge difference knowing that you like it so much, and also motivates me to keep on writing! lol

    I did see his NHL 36 episode! Though, I watched James Neal's first, so I was expecting it to be a little more like that… that, and I was a little weirded out by how controlling his dad seems like. it was a little scary lol but he does seem to be a nice guy! I think that his main problem is that he has had to much pressure on him and had to grow up too fast. he never got the chance to do the mistakes that we do in high school/college years because he was always under the microscope. who cares he likes to drink a little bit? have you ever been to a frat party? lol what's the difference between one of those guys and Kane? seriously.

    I'm dying to watch Grey's too! I have started to watch two other similar shows, but they don't compare :( Emily Owens M.D. (just because I LOVE justin hartley and he's on it lol) and Saving Hope (this one is actually canadian. and as you can see, I have a thing for smallville, because the main actress - like justin - also happened to be on that show! haha)

    you will hopefully get to see a POV from Lexi and Kane - it's exactly like you said, I'm waiting for the right time. I already have Lexi's planned, but I'm not entirely sure when I'm going to do Kane's!

    wow - it seems like you had a lot of work in St. Louis! I've always loved horses, but have always been afraid of them… last time I rode one was about 8 years ago - gosh, I'm so old! haha I've always DIED to learn how to ride using a sidesaddle since I saw angelina jolie riding it on tomb rider! lol

    my new place isn't far away, but gosh, do I have a lot of stuff. I don't even know HOW I have all that crap! haha it was very tiring to have to box everything only to have it unboxed the next day. my new time zone is 3hours ahead of what I was, so I'm still kind of jet lagged. I should be good in a couple of more days, I hope lol

    I'm so glad you liked the new chapter! you have no idea how many times I wrote and then re-wrote it and the next one (which I still hate a lot haha).

    but yeah, Jon's in a really weird place right now. he is injured, hurt, confused… it is very hard to loose control of things when you like so much to be in control of the situation (which is how I pictured him). a lot of his problems come from this, and from the fact that he doesn't really know how to deal with frustrations.

    I don't think they are mad or annoyed at each other anymore. honestly, they have no idea how to act around each other - they love each other so much, yet they have no idea of each other's feelings. it's such an awkward situation lol

    I love your concern for Vicky :) but yeah, back in chapter one she was sick (even sicker than she is now, because after this "week" things are gonna go downhill for both of them).

    I should be updating the next chapter tonight if I convince myself that it won't get any better than what it is lol also, I've been thinking about starting a Sidney Crosby story! I have half of it already written, but it's in another language… So I'd have to translate it and then continue with it. are you interested in him at all? haha

    GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS! :)) hopefully you're going to ace them ;)
    December 20th, 2012 at 09:24pm
  • What's your major?

    Lol this sounds weird, but I'm basing it off of One Direction's new album, Take Me Home. The songs just fit perfectly into a story! And that way, I know I can finish it because the songs will give me inspiration and what I need to put into the story.

    After all this time I've been writing, I realized outlining my stories actually helps me! I don't write faster but I know what track I need to take. It's impossible for me to do in school, but if it's a lengthy story, it makes a difference. It definitely doesn't work for all people. I can totally relate to your situation. I wrote a piece and it was all perfect in my head, then I went to write it down and new ideas come and go and then the plan changes, but you have flashbacks and foreshadowing written already! It's complicated.

    I do like the way we've been with Vicky through this story. You can tell she's changed, in many ways, some good and some bad. Gosh, there's so many things that have contributed to that!

    That confrontation between the two ladies is going to be epic. There are so many things I am so excited to read in this!

    If I had a bucket list, I'd want to add meet Patrick Kane and see what he's really like to it. The chances of meeting him ever are very slim, but I'd be over the moon if I did! He's probably a really cool person. Have you seen his NHL 36 episode? OMG it's perfect <3 :D

    I don't think I can wait for January 10th for more Grey's Anatomy episodes! TOO FAR AWAY. I have seen EVERY episode. There are definitely some I love more than others.

    I think Lexi and Patrick K's POV would be nice, but it has to be the right chapter :/ I've read a good amount of stories where the POV was a good person to have as a narrator, but it wasn't the right time or situation. Ya know?

    St. Louis was super fun! It was definitely tiring! Up from 6:30 and didn't get to sleep until 11 PM! I was there for a horse show, so I was working hard all day the whole time, mucking stalls, feeding, carrying water buckets, riding (Duh.), etc... And then after we all got back from dinner, I'd work out and then do homework! It was worth it in the end hahah. :P

    I hope the move went fairly smooth lol. Is it far from where you lived before? Hope you catch up with the time zones hehe! Sorry for taking so stinking long to comment! I've been up past 11 every night this week studying for finals. Ugh. I have them Thursday and Friday.
    December 19th, 2012 at 05:20am
  • I don't think you sound conceited! I understand because I was the exact same way - I'm about to graduate from college and I still feel that way sometimes. it's like "why did I choose this if I could have done so good at something else too?" lol I don't think that feeling will ever go away, to be honest!

    which album are you basing off your story from? this sounds so cool! I love to draw inspiration from music. it gives the story a nice edge!

    I had an idea of what I wanted to happen. like, I've always known what the climax would be - but I needed something else to happen first; the story needed a beginning. so… I had the idea of doing the whole present-back-present-back story, but it got to a point that there was still to much to be said about the past, and the present was getting saturated. so I stopped writing about the present, but I still knew exactly where I was going to introduce them again… until the moment I let my imagination free from its "reins." so much that I hadn't originally planed happened with this story that I'm not sure if my original plan fits it anymore. the whole thing put together kind of just seems sloppy to me. I've written more, but I don't know when I'm going to update this again because I really want to be happy with the outcome - otherwise I will lose my drive to write it and stop writing it altogether. so… I'm taking a break for a while. but it should be short! :)

    I feel like Vicky has matured a lot since she met Lexi - right in the beginning of the story it says how she had just graduated from college, got a job and moved away from home. that kind of stuff makes you get a new perspective in life, I guess!

    Becca and Vicky definitely need to have a confrontation. this passive aggressive thing won't work for much longer! lol

    haha Kane acts that way around them because he feels comfortable around the girls - but he is just that, a nice boy that likes too party a little to much. which is actually how I feel that
    's how he is like in real life. I can't imagine him being a bad person!

    Grey's Anatomy is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I used to hate it *gasp* until one day my mom got the first season in DVD and we watched it in one weekend… then we got all the other seasons and now I'm SOOOOOO hooked on it!! but to me, Vicky and Lexi's relationship is JUST like Meredith and Christina's. that will be explored more, and you will definitely get my references to the show :) I just love them together so much! haha

    Sharpie would totally be the ideal man for me - he is incredibly handsome, funny, and just so adorable. I don't know how to explain my love for him hahaha but thinking about him like a "lover" is just so wrong.

    I don't know what made me want to write in his perspective. It would have world from Lexi's or Kane's, but I just wanted it to be Sharpie lol it was also a good way for the readers to know what is happening from a different perspective, one that is not biased. I didn't want to have Jon arguing with anyone about his changes - yet - because I feel like I've overdone it in the first few chapters. I also thought it was funny how you said that you weren't a huge fan of this chapter, but I actually like it a lot more than some of the ones you have liked the best! haha

    ps. I hope you had fun in St. Louis :) I spent my last days moving (it was a nightmare) and then flying. I'm still suffering from the jet lag, but I should be fine soon! haha
    December 17th, 2012 at 11:17pm
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I don't have a single clue what I want to do. This sounds conceded, but I'm good at a lot of things and there's a lot I could do! I really just want to make a lot of money haha. This makes me sound like a terrible person...

    I am working on a story now, but it is taking forever to write, and I have like the first 3 parts outlined and I have ideas for the entire rest of the story, but new ideas keep coming and being added to the plot. The entire thing is based off of an album, which helps because it kind of tells you what you need to do with the story. I actually have like 3 stories that all need to go somewhere. UGH. As much as I want you to keep updating a ton, I understand that you need a break :) Lol it gives me more time to write to! I think wherever you take the story, it will be good. Is it that where you are now isn't fitting the first few chapters of the story?

    Haha it bugs me sometimes how the characters we write change into us! I see it in all my writing. A super old story of mine started off with this popular girl and she had a great life, and then oh look she falls into hockey and life changes! I don't mind at all that you put yourself in her shoes. I think the way I see Vicky has changed from the beginning of the story. The way she 'talks' just feels different. It's something I can't put my finger on. I don't think it's because she is sick again or if it's Jonathan or Vik. But I think it will all fall into place within the next few updates :)

    I' ve ALWAYS wanted to write a story about Kaner being the ideal person, no drunken mistakes or playboy type behavior. I think that's something I'll do in the near future. Like what if the roles were actually reversed..?

    Ugh now you're making me start to like Becca and feel bad for her, which I do. I mean I would fight till the end to keep Jonny if he was mine (I probably already said that before...) but she just has to do it nicely. It's not like she can verbally abuse Vicky because omg that would literally kill Vicky. I don't even want to think about what would happen. :O

    I just think this story makes Kane look better, media wise. The way he is around Lexi and Vicky is a little more party boy-ish but I love it <3

    GREY'S ANATOMY IS MY FAVORITE SHOW!!!!! I actually watched it this morning. I love Christina and Meredith's relationship. It's perfect. I love that Lexi and Vicky are that way, and now that you mention that it's like Grey's Anatomy, I totally see it. Especially the part where Vicky leaves because Christina did that too! Ahhh amazing :D

    I can see how It would've been hard to write. That doesn't just like come out on the page like you want it to. It's hard to explain but I think we have the same idea thought thingy going Cool

    All of the videos and stuff I have read about Patrick Sharp makes me want to have him as a dad! Like I find it odd that people still write about him as if he's single. I understand that you can't really write a fanfic about his married life, but whatevs. hehe.

    I haven't checked out the planetarium yet. I was going to yesterday, but by the time I had time to do it, my mom was yelling at me to go pack my suitcase. I'm headed to St. Louis this weekend, so but I'll still be able to talk to you! Haha we need something to do when the updates are slower! But Don't worry! I don't mind that. i 100% understand.

    And have a good winter break and a safe move too!
    December 13th, 2012 at 05:37pm
  • fyi, this is going to be long! haha

    Croatia is an amazing place!! I'm super jealous of your aunt lol buut, I'd definitely recommend you to take a year off before you go to college, especially if you're not sure of what you want to do - I did that, and I have zero regrets :) it was one of the best years of my life!

    I'll tell you this: whenever I started writing this story I had it all figured out in my head: I knew every single things that was going to happen and when it would happen… but as I started to write, things went on a completely different direction, and now I'm freaking out haha the original plot quite doesn't fit whats happening, and I'm not sure of what to do anymore. haha so… I might take a break from updating soon…

    Vicky was originally supposed to be everything I'm not (as in the super cool girl I've always wanted to be haha), but somehow along the way she became almost me, with a few exceptions… it's weird. lol I completely understand when you say that it gets harder to write as we progress! it REALLY is… I've always loved writing, and I've always find myself stuck in the middle of stories that I loved so much and then never got a chance to finish. I like going back to them because I'm always like "wow, did I really write that once?" haha it makes me feel smart lol but yeah, thank you for the compliment! :)))

    I just love kane and lexi. like, their are the perfect couple to me. seriously. haha I'm tired of seeing kane as the immature, cheating boyfriend in every single story. he deserves a chance! haha

    Becca really does like Jon. of course, at first she was into him because he was Jonathan Toews, but she really does like him now. you guys will have a chance to see more of her soon! but thanks for telling me how you feel about her! I'll try to help her case a bit, she has been getting a love of hate lately lol

    the Vicky/hockey relationship: I don't think it was never mentioned in the story, but I've always pictured her as a hockey girl. like, someone that can appreciate the good looking players, yes, but that the sport comes first. does that make sense? haha

    I found it really interesting that you said that "this might be one of the few stories that I've read where he has been superior to Jonathan." wow. I've never thought about that. I like (my) Kane a lot, but I'm also in love with Jon… it would be hard for me to see who is the superior one!

    let me just say this: I almost died laughing at "That awkward moment when a hot guy, not to mention a hot hockey player, asks you to his apartment even though his girlfriend and parents are there." hahahaha I don't even know why, but I thought that was hilarious!!!

    have you ever seen Grey's Anatomy? I think of Vicky and Lexi as Meredith and Christina. that's why Kane's is the way he is with her - Vicky is extremely important to Lexi, and he loves Lexi so much that he adopted her whole life, including her best friend. that's why he is so protective. I didnt mean for it to should like Viktor could have done something to her, I just meant that Pat was worried because he has seen the way Vktor is advancing on her, and he doesn't want her to get hurt.

    I love that you felt so passionate about their conversation :) that's what I was going for - raw emotion. it's great to see how you connected to it! it was a really hard passage for me to write, especially because I didn't want to spoil what is to come next!

    Sharp is a sweetheart. I'm in love with him. hahaha seriously. he's my favorite player, but I think it is really wrong to write about him when he is happily married and has the cutest baby on earth. if he was single, I'd be all over him, not gonna lie!

    THAAANKS so much for commenting! it means a lot to me :) it is going to take me a few days to upload the next chapter… I'm moving this weekend, and then I'm going abroad for winter break. but as soon as I get settled in my destination I'll write more, I promise :)) haha

    ps. did you check the planetarium? :)
    December 13th, 2012 at 08:52am