gitadeon / Comments

  • @ gloryboxxx
    Life would be easy (for Vicky and Jonathan and a lot of people in this story) if Vicky like Viktor but I know she isn't capable (if that word suits this situation) to love him especially with her physical, mental, and emotional status. In a weird way, he is kinda FriendZoned.

    I went to Croatia! My aunt actually owns a sea kayaking business there. We went for two weeks a few summers ago and I fell in love with it. It was gorgeous and I could just roam around and be free. It was so perfect and I want to take a year off before I go to college and just go every where and do everything I've always wanted to do :)

    I need to start preparing myself for whatever is going to come my way. I feel like it will be like a huge volcano eruption (metaphorically speaking :P)! Just everything that I've picked up makes me think that. There is sooooo much tension between Vicky and Jon and I don't think there's any way that they could've just left it. Hehehe fiction time. I totally understand! :)

    I really do like when authors kind of put themselves in place of the character because it really adds character to them lol. They are more than someone in a story. And to be honest, I could totally see this being real. I wish this was a movie because it feels like one in my head every time I read it. Everything is so easy to visualize! I adore that. It's easy to do that when you first start a story, when you're excited and everything is fresh in your brain, and it gets harder as you progress. But you, have done an excellent job keeping every chapter high in detail and description.

    It totally makes sense when you say Lexi is along for the ride. Because that's exactly how she is! Their relationship seems easy and fun. She definitely accepts Kaner for who he mainly is. Like you can tell they have a few issues, but don't all relationships? haha. I think that especially in one like theirs, there is absolutely gonna be a few rocks in the road.

    I'm gonna go look up the planetarium now hehe. I'm so intrigued. (:

    Ugh I know that I'm being so hard on Becca and I'm sure she might actually be a nice person! But some things she does are just unnecessary. Now that you mention about a super hot hockey player being swiped out from underneath you, I would do whatever it took to keep him. It's just that I don't think she is actually in love with him. More like she's in love with the idea of him or the fact that she has him. And she wants to keep him because it gives her power maybe? Ugh I can't put my finger exactly on what it is...
    December 12th, 2012 at 05:30am
  • I think Vicky would like to like Viktor - but she can't. she already likes someone else, and she is so deep into it that is too hard to just simply start hanging out with someone else (especially when the guy she actually likes is so close by).

    I knooow! I live Europe! I go visit there from time to time, but I wish I could just live there already lol which places have you visited already??

    I'll let you guys know when the major event is going to happen so you can prepare yourselves :) it will take place into a couple of chapters, though... since it will have some major repercussion over a week (in fiction time lol) or so!

    to be quite honest, Vicky is a lot like myself. not physically though (I wish I was a hot blonde bombshell lol)! I don't know if Kane really is the way I picture him, but I like to think so! haha he likes to party and have some fun, and I think the only way for him to finally settle down is if he finds a girl that accepts his side of him, and instead of condoning him for it, she goes along for the ride. does that make sense?

    I've never actually been to the underground! haha I've been to chicago a bunch of times, but I never had time to go party there lol but I do know that some of the players frequent the place, and I like to keep my stories pretty accurate, even though they are only fiction (the adler planetarium for example, if you google map it on the satellite mode you can perfectly see the steps I was talking about!).

    HAHAHA don't be this harsh on Becca! I know it's kinda hard to like her when we like Vicky and want her to be with Jon... but think about this: how much would you like to find out that your super hot nhl boyfriend has been secretly texting some blonde chick? hmm... I would definitely NOT be happy about it!

    be on the watch for part II - I should be updating it soon! :)))
    December 12th, 2012 at 04:48am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I wish that Vicky would like Viktor. I think he could help her! But that's not what she wants and the only way she's actually going to get better is if Becca leaves. I already know that her and Jon aren't gonna work out (at least not thus far) since we know that she had something terrible happen with her and Jon.

    It's super cool that you know so many languages or a combination of them haha! Europe is such a cool place. I've been once but I am dying to go back!

    As you can tell by my super long comment on your story... I adored the chapter. And I know part 2 won't let me down. None of your chapters have :) I can't tell if Jon is still being a douche or if that's Becca's control or whatever. The tension is high and I literally don't know if I can wait! I may just start back at chapter one until you post so I get every detail.
    December 11th, 2012 at 04:31pm
  • haha I'm from everywhere lol as of I right now I'm living in the USA... but I was originally born in Europe (only I never actually lived there for longer than a couple of years). my parents' work required them to move all the time, so I got to learn a few languages in the midst of all. I don't actually think I have a proper first language seeming that I learn a bunch of latin-based languages at once, but yeah lol I'd say french/portuguese/spanish/italian/latin all mixed in one! haha

    I love how you noticed the Vicky & Viktor name thing! haha it wasn't on purpose, i swear lol I realized that after I decided that he was going to make a cameo in the story!

    the next chapter will be up in a couple of minutes... and guess what? I think he might be about to lose his marbles pretty soon ;)
    December 11th, 2012 at 06:17am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    I am glad my comments can help you! What's your first language? I could actually not tell! lol. Where are you from? AHh the suspense is killing me. I love getting so into stories (:
    December 10th, 2012 at 03:27am
  • first of all: I LOVED the super long comment :) haha

    I love it when the readers get so into the story like you did. seriously, it means a lot to me to know how you feel about the story and where it is headed! your feedback is super important :)

    about the songs: English is not actually my first language. I don't know if you can notice it or not by the way I write... I have lived abroad for many years now, but I feel like my first language sometimes play a role on how I write. I can speak a few other languages as well, and have always been fascinated about foreign songs and lullabies. I know them in more languages than I should! haha

    you guys are going to find out what happened soon, but it will take at least 4 chapters to understand everything that happened. there is going to be a main event, and then things are going to go from there!

    THANK YOU so much for the support! <3
    December 9th, 2012 at 11:44pm
  • the new one is slightly longer than the last :D
    hope you enjoy it!

    thanks for commenting :)
    December 6th, 2012 at 04:10am
  • there is a picture of her (and one of Lexi) on the story description! :)

    but... I might changed it. lol
    December 5th, 2012 at 08:35am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    Finding the right picture can be so hard! It took me like a whole hour to find the perfect one for just the hair of one of my characters!! Haha it's so worth it in the end. And I would love if you posted more chapters <3

    Oh also, will the Vicky picture be posted in the next chapter? I am so excited to see if she's what I imagined too!!
    December 5th, 2012 at 12:07am
  • thank you so much for your comment! :)) I'm glad you liked Becca! I had a lot of trouble finding the perfect Vicky (and I'm still not a 100% sure about her), but Becca was SO easy! lol

    my main problem is that now that I'm back, I just wanna keep writing it! I'll probably end up posting something before finals week depending on how I keep up with my projects. let's see!
    December 4th, 2012 at 11:18pm
  • I'm so glad you enjoyed the update! next chapter is almost ready and should be up pretty soon. thankfully you will like whatever I have planned for them! :)
    December 3rd, 2012 at 06:11am
  • Awww, thank you so much for your comment tehe It was really sweet!
    November 29th, 2012 at 03:33am
  • @ gloryboxxx
    Yeah i understand why you have writer's block! I guess you could always end it like that because you know what's happening with Vicky and Tazer in present day, but I might explain how he cheated a little more, or maybe have her tell Lexi about what happened! Just some ideas, you don't have to use any if you don't want to! ;)
    November 8th, 2012 at 01:46pm
  • aww, thanks so much for your comment! I'm glad you enjoy it :)

    that wasn't the end! I have hit a major writer's block and can't decide what I'm going to do for the next chapter. the last chapter I updated was never supposed to happen, but I ended up liking how it turned out, and now I'm stuck! haha
    November 8th, 2012 at 07:40am
  • Check out the results for my NHL Pick Your Team Contest! The link is in my signature! Thanks for sending in an entry! I ask that you please read everything I posted after the results, there is an explanation for how I judged them and a small surprise for everyone that submitted an entry!
    August 26th, 2012 at 05:16pm
  • Check out the results for my NHL Pick Your Team Contest! The link is in my signature! Thanks for sending in an entry! I ask that you please read everything I posted after the results, there is an explanation for how I judged them and a small surprise for everyone that submitted an entry!
    August 26th, 2012 at 05:15pm
  • thank you so much for the comment on TJ!
    it means a lot :)
    July 7th, 2012 at 06:33am
  • Yes! I have every intention of starting Ours Forever by the end of July! I just have some other things that need to get done first, haha!
    June 27th, 2012 at 03:25am
  • Thanks for the comment, I'm so happy you're enjoying reading about Sidney and Rory!
    June 14th, 2012 at 03:31am
  • awe, thanks for the comment! I'm glad you're enjoying it :))
    June 12th, 2012 at 04:48am