Stories & My Being Grounded {IMPORTANT!!!}

Okay, so I'm grounded. I am not aloud on here, so I'm sneaking. So, like I can only update one story every once in a while for a month. I updated Teenagers because It's already pre-written, so yeah. KAYF will be updated soon.ILY!!!!
May 6th, 2007 at 01:51am

Kill All Your Friends Important notice

Ugh, I'm so frustrated with this story right now!Okay, I have what I want to happen all in my head, but it just won't come out.I'm working on it slowly, but I've been trying to write the same fucking thing for Three DaysSo, just bare with me, folks. This writing block can't last too much longer. I hope... O.o.
April 7th, 2007 at 08:27pm

KAYF and Teenagers 2 information

Some of you may be thinking from the title, "I thought KAYF was the sequal to teenagers" Well, it is. But I'm making a new teenagers called, 'Teenagers: The other Half' Which will be Gerard's POV. I know it may sound boring, but I read teenagers and thought it actually seemed like it was set up for another half of the story to be made. So that's what I'm doing.I am still doing Kill All Your...
April 1st, 2007 at 10:30pm

Kill All Your Friends

Okay, so, I lost the update I wrote for KAYF. I fucking wrote the whole thing out on some paper and I lost it. So I am trying to type it out by memory, but it's gonna take me a while. I will probably update today, okay?So just, hang in there for a while and I'll see what I can do.
March 18th, 2007 at 09:09pm

First Journal

Yo, people.Holy shit. Last night was awesome. Okay, so firstly, I have to go to more concerts because I barely MOVED and my neck feels like shit. But it was awesome.We saw this shitty band called Chalkdust. They were local and kind of sucked. The drummer is a dick head.But the second band, The Perfect Trend, was awesome.They played so well.We were talking to them a bit before they played and they...
March 10th, 2007 at 09:48pm