love fingers sign collage pictures, backgrounds and images

About Me

Well... I am a sixteen year old teen. My favorite colors are black and orange :D And ummm... My life is super boring... Oh and I'm a girl xD I am really tall, well compared to everyone else that I'm close to I am. People tell me that I'm really skinny, but I don't think I am :\ I have blonde hair, right now it's short. (As you can tell in my profile picture) And my favorite country is Germany, and that's what it says on my profile that I'm from, but really I'm from Canada. I am very bubbly and random on good days, but very depressing on bad days. I don't really feel like talking about me anymore... So I'll just... Kinda, go... Have a wonderful day, and try not to be eaten by the invisible demons in the air!

{: Smile, It may be the only sunshine someone sees today :}
