Innocent Nonsense / Comments

  • You my friend, have an addiction to items of sweetness it would appear. ;)
    Obviously. Way to be a champ and use children to your advantage, haha.
    November 6th, 2012 at 03:11am
  • Nope, nothing too different haha. Just the usual! How're you?
    November 6th, 2012 at 12:14am
  • Luckily, I don't think I'll need one anymore. Somehow, all logic was defied and we had sun today so I woke up early and got some silhouettes with the sunrise.
    Got really paranoid though because you get into trouble if you photograph police stations, post offices or primary schools. I didn't photograph them but what I wanted to photograph was next to them. So I had to take a few pictures and walk away quickly.
    Couldn't run because the ground was slippery. I would have been running away all 'hahaha' (evil laugh) then splat, faceplant on the pavement.
    November 5th, 2012 at 12:14pm
  • I know, and it's quite terrible. But everything is now gone, thank goodness. Had to eat my way through it - I feel sick of chocolate. xD
    Well look at you, being little miss resourceful. ;)
    November 5th, 2012 at 03:02am
  • Nothing really, my friends came over and we watched some horror movies
    It was fun though I wish I had a boyfriend to do cute stuff on halloween
    Oh yes yes that would be perfect <33
    Thank you! You too Katharine-o!
    I have no idea, he's around 20 something I guess lol
    November 5th, 2012 at 03:01am
  • I've missed you too qurl!

    Awh yeah my host family were really nice to me because they took me for dinner to Taco Bell
    We don't have taco bell down here hahaha
    And I think I wanna be majoring in international relations, you know working at the embassy and stuff

    Btw I saw this guy on instagram that looks like your brother, his name is Colin Bates :p
    November 5th, 2012 at 01:07am
  • I suppose I could try that but I might end up doing what I usually do and panic on the spot, giving him some elaborate excuse.
    "Sir, I honestly took the pictures but this morning my camera was just sitting there on the table when all of a sudden it randomly exploded and all the little peices went on fire, which caught onto the curtains and I went to run away but I fell and hurt my ankle so my sister had to pick me up and carry me to safety...." and so on. Although I might struggle trying to argue camera selfcombustion.

    Yeeeaaah, your way might work better.
    November 4th, 2012 at 05:01pm
  • Baha, I had way too much candy around the house anyway.. I may have gained 10 pounds. It's ridiculous. D:
    Well then, not all hope was lost, yeah? I'm glad you did have an enjoyable evening after all, miss. :)
    November 4th, 2012 at 06:47am
  • Not until you make it as such, miss. :)
    I'm 23, silly. Trick-or-treating ended long ago,
    long.. long, long.. ago. :x
    Did you go out? :o
    November 4th, 2012 at 04:21am
  • You and your schooling life, new things seem quite rare.
    Well that all depends on how 'special' may be defined. :x
    I sat her, talked to people.. and played a few horror video games,
    in my book that's a lovely time.
    November 4th, 2012 at 03:09am
  • Well you're welcome miss. I'm Freddie, very nice to meet you.
    November 4th, 2012 at 03:03am
  • Well you're welcome miss. I'm Freddie, very nice to meet you.
    November 4th, 2012 at 03:03am
  • Tell me about it, I just found out that I need to hand in 10 good silhouette pictures by monday to pass a class but in order to take these pictures I need sunlight....
    You don't get sunlight in Scotland. :(
    November 3rd, 2012 at 01:31pm
  • Don't they? It's amazing. ^^
    Bahah, that one I use all the time.. and it's quite hilarious, to be honest. Give 'er a try, ;)
    My point exactly, it's ever so nice when people agree.
    But how've you been as of late, hm? :)
    November 3rd, 2012 at 09:07am
  • @ Innocent Nonsense I sent you a message, read it when you can...Peace!
    November 1st, 2012 at 03:35am
  • No problem :)
    November 1st, 2012 at 02:22am
  • Haha, it's just a nickname. Not all too many people use it anyhow, it is strange. I call it a hoodie.
    Maybe you should start using it in context, you know you want to. :)
    Well they are Canadians, but some might consider themselves to be Newfies, if they don't find the stereotype offensive.
    Why it has to be different at all is a question people have been asking for centuries. If there's such little difference,
    why take out all the u's and make up a new word to call your own? To be a pain in the world's ass! xD
    America has always been the rebel, trying to do everything they can to separate themselves from the crown.
    It's kind of hilarious actually.
    October 28th, 2012 at 09:38pm
  • Lawlz, a bunny hug is literally a sweatshirt and/or hoodie. :x
    Well a foof is practically a ditz, the stereotypical dim-witted girl who dyes her hair bleach blonde, wears tan from a can and is a gold-digger.
    A newf or newfie is a term used to describe a Newfoundlander, a person from the far reaches of Canada.
    The term was coined in newfie jokes, just as there are blonde jokes. They're typically not the most educated, speak an entirely different dialect, and such.
    Hahah, it's more the way words are pronounced, or would be pronounced without the 'u'.
    Without it's supposed to sound like 'colore', but they pronounce it 'colour'.
    I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I'm sure you get the idea. xD
    October 27th, 2012 at 06:59am
  • Oh dear, well let's see. Many of the words or terms have spilled over in to American and European culture,
    but maybe I could find some Canadian words you haven't heard much of.
    Canuck, Bunny Hug, Eh, Chinook, Farmer Tan, Foof, GTA, Half-sack, Newfie, Newf, Tuque, Poutine,
    905, Caper, Double-Double, Loonie, Toonie, Habs, Blochead.. my goodness, there are tons.
    Also we spell words like 'colour' properly, with a 'u'. ;) Americans are the only people in the world who don't use them in the English language,
    you know.. they like to try and be all different and stuff, which doesn't really work out when people try to survive in the outside world. xD
    October 24th, 2012 at 07:53am
  • Hello (: Thankyou! How are you?
    October 24th, 2012 at 12:56am