Starting Over

For the past 2 years of my inactivity on this site, I've gone through so much in my life. Losing friends, gaining new ones, getting my first job, going to prom graduating...The list just goes on. Now I'm here in my second semester of college. Boy, time sure flew by. It felt like yesterday I was writing about my problems here. Looking back at what I wrote, man I had some issues.Throughout the rest...
April 1st, 2016 at 08:29am

Can't I be normal...?

One thing I haven't talked about, is me being sensitive.Ever since I was made fun of since the 1st grade, and then bullied from 5th to 6th grade. I was humiliated in front of other classmates,Made fun of by what I looked like,How I act, andWhat I like,Even my older cousins made fun of me.They hardly even wanted to play with me.I would go to their house, and yea sure, we had some fun times, but...
November 7th, 2013 at 07:51am

I'm getting tired of it...

Remember I said I have the meanest friends...?Yes they are mean... But honestly, they mean well, I guess...They are ignorant people, but I really don't think they know that...Today, when I tried to say something, they didn't even hear me. And I legit, sit in front of them, but they STILL couldn't hear me!! Not unless I call their name more than once. They keep talking amongst themselves. Then I...
November 1st, 2013 at 03:29am

Because of my mistakes... (Part 2)

When we found out that B had threatened us, we told the vice principle... She, and R's mom, who was the overprotective kind of mother who cared for her daughter's safety, and complained to the Vice principle, finally got to a conclusion. If B were to fail on purpose, then B would have to repeat 8th grade again somewhere else. NOT in the same school as we were...But, B didn't fail. So, she went to...
October 31st, 2013 at 06:04am

Because of my mistakes...

I had a very dear friend. My best friend in the entire world! She was one of my only and first true friends. We met each other when we were in the third grade. My two other good friends (lets call them F and H) from second grade were in a different class... We had to pick partners to work on our math books. No one wanted to pair with me. They were either already paired up, or random people I...
October 31st, 2013 at 05:24am

I want to die...

I'm not even sure if I'm with the right people anymore...If I'm with the right friends...They all look at me like I have some kind of mental problem...I say one little thing, and they're already pouncing at me like a pack of starving wolves...Like I've done something wrong...I bet their talking about me behind my back right at this moment...My chest aches, now...Ever had a bad mood, and just want...
September 30th, 2013 at 02:33am

We don't look human

Lately, or rather most of the time, I feel like I don't have any real friends. The ones i hang out with, I don't even know If they are REAL friends or not. I mean, sure they care for me. And just recently we had a little friend fight, with another friend (lets call her, Friend E.) I was kind of the neutral one. Everyone else (meaning my "friends") just talk negatively about her behind her back. E...
June 21st, 2013 at 11:06pm


Today, I just finished a book called, "Boot Camp" By Todd Strasser.It was a REALLY good book! The way he used his characters, especially Garret Durrell (The Main Character of the story) was amazing! I fell in love with Garret throughout the entire book. He was a true hero!. His character development was very well written, and the details, and the imagery of the book were told as if I was there....
June 17th, 2013 at 11:25pm

The World

The World has so much chaos, it needs a chill pill...I was listening to one of my favorite songs created by one of my favorite music composer, David ChoiThe song was called "Better You"the part that I really enjoyed was when he sang,"I wonder what the world would be like, if we all just got along. There would be more happy songs, We'd be dancin' all day long!~" that part, made my heart soar!!!...
June 17th, 2013 at 01:39am