Who am i?

I am imperfect.I have flaws.Many of them.Im not lady like.Im not always true blue.I self harm.I self medicate.I can be a bitch.I can be sweet.I can be your best friend.I can be your worst enemy.I am week.Yet strong.I am suicidal.I am not always romantic.I am always faithful.When i fall in love i fall hard.I can be emotional.I push people away because im scared of getting hurt.Im not confident.I...
February 9th, 2013 at 08:51pm

Heart Broken

I am completely 100% heart broken. The 10 and 1/2 happiest months of my life ended 3 weeks ago, as of yesterday. And I am so depressed. And I am so confused. He tells me he loves me and flirts with me. And as much as I enjoy it, it hurts so much. He told me that we are not broken up but taking a break. I asked him if we are going to try to see other people or if we're just taking a breather. He...
November 4th, 2012 at 07:14pm


So i have been getting bullied at school. As a result i carved the names that i was called into mty stomach. All I could think was that if that many people all think the same thing...... what does everyone else think? Doesn't that make it true then? Maybe I was telling myself that I wasn't all those things so that I would have to face the ugly truth. I will spare your eyes and mind of the names so...
October 26th, 2012 at 04:41pm


I wonder what it is like to die. Haven't you ever thought what it's like? I have. Multiple times. Is death painful? Or is it painless? Is death cruel to you? Or is it sweet? Is death swift? Or is does it takes its time? Well it depends on how you die. Heart attack, painful. Being stabbed, painful? Maybe not. If it is quick. Do you know when your going to die? My grandma thinks her boyfriend did....
July 22nd, 2012 at 10:06pm

1 Very Rough Day!

So I had a very rough day yesterday. I had a visit over my mothers (my parents are divorced). She was trashed when we got there (that was 2 in the afternoon). And you could so tell. She bit my brother (he is 12) and she kept asking us over and over "Do you guys want lobster for dinner?" And all i could think was , Ya right like you could afford that. You have no job and no means of money. So she...
July 22nd, 2012 at 09:38pm

Liar Liar Pants On Fire!!!!!

You can always count on me............ Trust me.......i would never lie to you. Ya right. Some one very close to me said those very things. He lied. Every word he ever said to me was a lie. He made me feel sorry for him. When really i shouldn't have. He played me. Told me that if i didnt "sext" him that he would kill himself. And that if i told anyone he would kill himself and i would get blamed....
July 8th, 2012 at 10:11pm

Being emo and anerexic is probbly not the best mix!

So as you can prob tell from the title i am emo and anerexic. For those of you out thare who dont know wat being emo means let me fill you in. Emo is short for emotional. emo people cut them selves. its controversal if emo is just people who cut themselves or if emo is people who cut themselves and/or people who ware emo style clothing, I donbt know and personally i dont care. And also for you...
June 18th, 2012 at 12:31am

My visit to a Mental Hospital

Last year, i think in like October, i was sent to a mental hospital. Why you may ask? Why would a 13 year old (im 14 now but 13 at the time) be at a mental hospital? Well let me bethe one to tell you why. It was because i was suicidal. Now some people reading this may be like, what does a 13 year old girl have to be suicidal about. Well theres lots of things. I would always get bullied. Id get...
June 18th, 2012 at 12:06am