
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
January 19th, 2008


Hey, well i'm Chrissy. people say i'm weird but what the hell i can't help that.
I suck at writing stories and poems, so i'll probably hardly write any,
if i do then your very lucky, or maybe your not spose it depends if i come up with anything good and if you like it, which you probably won't but you never know, so you might just be lucky, and if you are then "woo go me" and if your not so lucky i'll go and hide somewhere where you can't find me, and that probably won't last long but it also might be forever.
Thats a lot of mumbo jumbo which you could do without knowing, but if you've managed to get this far you already know that, and your probably wishing you stopped reading this at the "hey, i'm Chrissy" part,but you didn't, so heres some more mumbo jumbo, i feel sorry for you not that i need to feel sorry for you, i guess i'm just weird like that. Anywayz i feel sorry for you because your reading all this mumbo jumbo which you dont need know about, and its all worthless anyway because like i said at the beginning i suck at this, so i probably won't write anything, and if i do then i'm terribly sorry to put you through reading it, if you do that is, and if you still like it even if i suck at it, thats just great, but i still think you probably won't, and i better stop now or i could go on forever and then that would be very unlucky for you, so enough mumbo jumbo, but just to let you know you've just wasted valuable time reading this =]..... so long and goodnight.....