Do You Know the Line I'd Walk For You?

DO you? Do you know exactly how far I would go for you? Do you honestly know what you mean to me? I know you don't. If you did honestly and sincerely understand the depths of my feelings for you, we wouldn't be where we are right now. But then, that was the entire problem in the first place, wasn't it? I didn't understand. I didn't understand what you meant when you said and did certain things. I...
July 24th, 2017 at 05:50am

Life's a Lot to Think About Sometimes

Do you ever stop and think about your life in general and realize you don't really know yourself anymore? The things you're doing, the people you're around, even your hobbies? I feel like if I were to go back and talk to myself five years ago, I wouldn't believe who I was going to become. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just weird to think about. I do feel like I'd be disappointed in myself...
January 22nd, 2013 at 02:39am

Listen to Your Heart, There's Nothing Else You Can Do

What is this new ache resonating in my soul? There's a comfort here that I've never felt before. Is this what it feels like to find your destiny, and realizing I have to trade it for what I've got already? Your soft voice speaks directly to my heart when you say all those beautiful things, leaving me feeling warm and excited and out of breath. Am I your destiny? Am I what you've been looking for...
September 17th, 2011 at 02:12am

I Just Wanna Run

Everything I've come to know and expect has changed entirely and I feel like someone flipped my world upside down. Now I'm expected to go with this. But I don't know how. This loneliness is something I've never even come close to feeling before. This new empty ache in my chest is entirely too prevalent. I'd love to push it away and give it all up, but I have to try to fix it before I can run. I...
September 8th, 2011 at 07:14am


It's funny how you can fight so hard for something that has no hope of working out, and you still expecet it to, isn't it? It's funny how human nature compells us to cling to the naivete we're born with. It's funny how anyone in the world ever thought they could trust another person in the world.Yeah, it's really fucking funny when it's not happening to you. Bitterness allows me to appreciate the...
May 18th, 2009 at 07:41pm


My god, you're perfect. Officially, you are the embodiment of true perfection. I wish I could tell you. But, more than that, I wish I could find some way to communicate to you just how much it is that I love you..People say that we're too young to understand such a complex emotion.. Well, fuck people. I love you with every fiber of my being and I know that, no matter what, I always will..You know...
April 15th, 2008 at 02:45am

[.Ready to smile, and LOVE life.]

I went back to the place we had our first kiss, today, love. It has changed a lot. I could hear my footsteps echoing off the empty walls. I could smell nothing but a lack of scent. It was so barren, so dead. Yet so alive with our memories. The part of our lives we spent there.I went back because I knew I would still feel the warmth we left there what seems so long ago. I stood in the same place I...
March 7th, 2008 at 03:17am

Break me. Tear me apart.

I always feel protected , like I never get to do anything. Like I’m not good enough to be like those before me. Like you don’t want to take me because I’m this little breakable precious thing that will only cause you trouble. I hate to feel like that. She got to go! Why cant I just be like them! I feel like all I can do is restrict you from the life you had before you had me and I want to be...
March 2nd, 2008 at 09:10pm

Continuation Of Old Complaints..

So the last time I wrote something it was nothing but complaints. And I realize that it was just another one of those things that you know the answer to, but you just can't do anything about.Right now, however, nothing is wrong, because of last night.. I realize how grateful I should be to have him in my life, and that I should hold on to him as long as I possibly can. And i will. Even though...
February 23rd, 2008 at 05:41pm

It's All About Perspective..

I don't know if I've been suffering from seasonal depression, or what, but lately Iv'e been feeling overly introspective and sensitive to other people.. Which can be a bad thing when you know a lot of dramaitc people. I havent felt this bad since I was in the 8th grade, and now it's back despite Ryan and all the happiness he's brought me..And yet somehow today all of it went away as soon as I saw...
February 21st, 2008 at 01:46am

It Sucks Not To Know.

I don't really know what I'm writing about this time, but i've not written in a long time and I thought I should since i feel like it. Judging by my lack of comments, I'd say that no one reads or cares about my words anway. So it's all good. ^_^...Have you ever put complete and total faith in something? Something that you thought held nothing but promise and good luck? And then you felt so good...
February 15th, 2008 at 12:08am