Be Yourself, By Yourself;

Hey, I’m Joanna and my last name has two letters. I live in Alaska. I’m fifteen years old. I’m going to be a junior in high school. I’m a hardcore Avenged Sevenfold fanatic. I have a thing for the Vitamin String Quartet. I’m in love with Leonardo DiCaprio. I have a swearing problem. I’m on Twitter 24/7. I have 30,000+ tweets. I’m Atheist, deal with it. I’m cool with gay rights. I’m very passionate about GLSEN. I stand up for what I believe in. I think Leonardo DiCaprio has a nice ass. I enjoy web and graphic design. I love Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator. I procrastinate much more than I should. I’m very open minded and independent. I think my best friend hates me. Oh, and I stole all of the following from my Tumblr. I'm usually not that repetitive. Let's be best friends, shall we? :)

Personal: [in the making]

She's a dwelling place for demons;

Rest in peace, James Owen "The Rev" Sullivan. You will always be the greatest drummer of all time. Although you may be gone, your spirit will remain with us. We love you and miss you.

Hatred fuels my blood;

Layout/icons were made/coded by mShad0wss on Mibba.