To my Muppet

My Cookie Monster,I know it's corny and original.Terribly cliche.But you're the air I breath, no doubtWhen its just you and me, my heart beats out of my chest.I love when you hold meWhen Im secured in your armsOut of every other you could have had, you picked meI still wonder whyBut know one thingYou have my heart lying in your handBaby you mean the world to me, and words dont even have the power...
February 14th, 2008 at 10:02pm

Hi :)

Hi I'm new here and want to get to know some people!If anyone has an msn that would be cool to talk on there.Uhm...shit...I need more words lol.Well...Im gay for one, so I dont want to talk to hmophobes obviously lolI like Mcr and The used mainlyIm short...Brown hair.....I dunno what else lolI have mainly guy friends oddly enoughweak imune systemBlue eyeslong tongue lolSLASH IS...
January 20th, 2008 at 10:30pm