xAvatarLovex on Mibba.com~

Heyy guys, so I'm xAvatarLovex and I'm a writer that likes fiction, especially fantasy and crime/mystery, however I personally can only write fantasy. Most romances are okay too, as long as the plot isn't weird. Anyways, my writing isn't the best and I accept all criticism. I need help right now with inspiration for a short story I need to write for this competition. I'm also accepting any requests if you want.

Some of the authors and stories that motivate me include; The Harry Potter Series and of course J.K. Rowling, The Hunger Games Series and Suzanne Collins, The Percy Jackson Series and Rick Riordan and more.

Also, sorry about the constant change and the bad quality of my profile at the moment. I'm playing around with the HTML coding however I have very little knowledge of what I'm doing XD .



Katniss Everdeen, The Girl On Fire. ~The Hunger Games Trilogy~

Gale & Katniss, The Lovers That Got Torn Apart From The Games (well not really. I just ship Kattle/Gatniss) ~The Hunger Games Trilogy~

Clove & Cato, The Star-Crossed Lovers From District 2, Another Couple I Ship. ~The Hunger Games Trilogy~

Hermione Granger, The Brightest Witch Of Her Age. ~The Harry Potter Series~

Annabeth Chase, Daughter Of Athena. ~The Percy Jackson Series~

The Elder Wand, the most powerful wand ever made. The Resurrection Stone. The Cloak of Invisibility. Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one master of death. ~The Harry Potter Series~

Just some of the stuff that I love <3

More About Me;

Favourites/Interests: My favourite authors are mentioned above as are my favourite books :) Favourite genres to write would probably be fantasy, romance and sometimes mystery. Favourite food (although completely off-topic)...I can't really decide! Ice-cream, pasta, Red Rock Deli chips, raw salmon, sushi, lasagna, iced coffee, yeah basically all the unhealthy stuff XD. Favourite movies and TV shows would include NCIS, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother...and other random stuff. LOL. Favourite hobbies include writing and anything to do with technology. I basically sit in front of a computer all day either writing or learning something to do with IT. At the moment, I'm working on HTML coding, which is why I've decided to do my profile myself instead of ask for one in the forums (: I think that is all.

My Life: Well, I'm asian, I'm 13, I'm a Potterhead, Panemaniac and Percy Jackson fanatic. I also enjoy the Fallen series by Lauren Kate and I'm readingthe Mortal Instruments Series at the moment. My life is based around my computer and sleep. Yes, I like to sleep, a lot :D That is all I do..sleep, eat, read, do some stuff on computer :D LOL.

My Writing: As mentioned above, I like writing fantasy, romance and somtimes mystery. I also write fanfiction under this pen name. I also upload my original fiction stories onto Wattpad and Fictionpress.net under the same pen name.


- Fanfiction Account

- Fictionpress Account

- Wattpad Account

Thanks for visiting my profile :)

