Chronicles of the Kid’s Menu

Alright here are the basics: I am sixteen years of age and I am probably around 4’9’’-4’10’’. I like to wear shirts that are comfortable, this means not tight, put tight enough so I don’t look like a hobo. I also like cargo pants and form fitting jeans.Every time I go out to a restaurant I am asked for a kid menu. Usually after twelve years of age, they stop offering. This happens a...
July 28th, 2009 at 03:55pm

Things I Probably Should'nt Have Done

Not only will there be a list, but explanations! Yay!1. Ride in a shopping cart to the movie theater in the middle of a busy parking lot. I think I had too much sugar that day when I was out.2. Trust a friend to push said shopping cart. Not only was it stupid, but life threatening. He left me and two of my other friends in the middle of the road as a mini van came towards us.3. Snorted Crystal...
July 28th, 2009 at 05:23am

About me

Alright so journals have to be worthwhile and not junk. Well I suck at writing about myself, the reason my "about me" is a list; sort of. So I've come to the conclusion that I will write facts about myself here. This way if some one has the same interests as me or something like that, we won't have to go through the typical: What's your favorite band, color, food, etc. Let the list of mine...
July 23rd, 2009 at 12:51am