So there was this guy... Part 2

To summarize my earlier post ( )There was this foreign exchange student last year, we'll call him C. I didn't talk to him much except when he teased and flirted with me to get on my nerves. In March, we ended up going on the same volunteer trip together where we actually had conversations and I realized that we had a lot in...
July 18th, 2012 at 11:31pm

Day 9- I gotta feeling!

Day 9 in my 30 day writing adventure!I didn't have much time to write this morning (when I usually do my writing) but I got out a scene surprisingly fast! It just came to me! I'm a few sentences short of finishing that particulars scene, but I had to go to work!It was such a great feeling when I finished writing it! I mean, it was the first scene in the middle part of my book and it was one I'd...
July 18th, 2012 at 11:11pm

So there was this guy... (Part 1)

electrovoid demanded the story, so here it is!Setting: March, school trip, small town, Senior yearCharacters: yours truly, this guy (we'll call him C.), and a variety of othersSo, C. was a foreign exchange student from Europe. He'd been at my school for over a year and we had only talked a few times, mostly when he was picking on my best friend and I had to back her up. (Okay, he wasn't really...
July 18th, 2012 at 08:22am

Day 7 & 8 - pumping out the scenes!

Today was Day 8 of my thirty day writing adventure. It is also the beginning of "Week 2", the time I am supposed to start working on the middle part of my book.(Background Info:I am taking 30 days to write the first draft of my first book, based on a book I found!)Today, however, I continued on with the intro. I didn't quite finish it all yesterday (Day 7: I wrote some more of the intro, but...
July 18th, 2012 at 07:50am

Day 6 - A day late!

Yesterday was super crazy so I didn't get a chance to write :/ But I did today, so yay!If you don't know, I'm doing a 30 day writing adventure! (That's what I'm calling it to spice it up a little more!)Today, which was supposed to be Day 7, was Day 6. I got some more of my intro section done, not too much, but some. Hopefully it will be fleshed out tomorrow!With college coming up and family stuff...
July 16th, 2012 at 06:30am

Day 3, 4, & 5 - Work, work work!

Because I didn't provide an update on my progress the last two days due to lack of internet access, I will do so now!Day 3:On the 3rd day of my 30 day writing adventure, I created a thorough outline. This included a summary of the beginning, middle, and end. The end summary was a little iffy, but I know that as I write, it'll solidify as I get to know my characters and the story a little more!Day...
July 14th, 2012 at 01:06am

Day 2 - Let's make a scene!

Well, I didn't actually make a scene. I figured out what different scenes my story will have.You see, because today is Day 2 in my 30 day writing adventure, I got to fill out scene cards! Woo hoo!Anyhoo, progress is going well. I know what I'm doing and where my story will go, so that's good! Research is a big deal at this point, and finding information on the internet about Texas in the late...
July 11th, 2012 at 06:55am

Day 1 - Let's Get It Started!

So, today is Day 1 in my thirty day writing adventure! I successfully woke up early, downed breakfast and some coffee, did my daily morning read and prepared to write!For those of you who don't know, I'm taking thirty days to write my first draft of my very first book! I know it won't be perfect, but it will be out there, words in the universe not just in my head!For today, my mission was to write...
July 10th, 2012 at 02:28am

Day 0 - Getting Ready!

Hello, hello!So tomorrow I am starting a 'program' of sorts! By using it, I should have the first draft of a story written in roughly thirty days! Yes, it will take more than thirty days due to college orientation and family functions, but I aim to get this draft done before I head off to college!Because tomorrow is "Day 1", I have deemed today "Day 0". I am working on getting one of my "writing...
July 9th, 2012 at 01:38am