have to say this or ill go crazy

god i feel horrible...physically and emotionally physically my head hurts like a MOTHER and emotionally..i feel like a punching bag... my boyfreind(yes the one i keep complaining about) he's just... he's been on me about everyrthing i say he says i always screw up then gets mad when i get upset about it. I know i do screw up sometimes but hearing him say that... makes me feel worse than a punching...
July 26th, 2012 at 09:26am

Hello again!

Soo, this website has a blog moderator, didnt know that a little warning might hav been nice be eh, is ok :) No harm done just telling me the rules so alls good :). I have learned ALOT about cars this week o.o my boyfreinds been going on about them i love him but too much learning for it being summer but alls good here anyway, other than me wanting to kill one of his freinds. This girl..ugh she...
July 18th, 2012 at 09:20am

I'm becoming one of those people who obsessively updates their blog, aren't I?

I've always feared this would happen. I'm slowly becoming an obsessive blogger! I dont even spell well enough to be one this isnt faire... but annnnyway thats not what i wanted to talk about it just occured to me that maybe i should list the things i wont talk about? eh i dont know but ill list them anyway.1. Politics: either way ill tick off someone so ill just keep my mouth shut on that2....
July 16th, 2012 at 04:40am

confusion + lack of sleep + creeper in our back yard = ....god kill me now o.o

ugh i ddnt sleep last night i had a headache to rival all others it felt like someone was shuving(is that miss spelled?) a rust spike into my head and plus we have a peeping tom(more like peeping pri...not going to finish that) so I'm ROYALLY freaked out by that we know who it is, anybody know how to catch a peeping tom? If so leave a comment please? (I'll take ideas that include shooting him in...
July 15th, 2012 at 10:43pm

sooooooo....What happens now?

The title hase nothing to do with the actuall blog no lol. I'm not even sure what to do with a blog. What do you do rant? Well rant i can do. Hase anyone here ever had a boyfreind/girlfreind get a car and seemingly forget about you? i swear ive been repla ed by a car 0.0
July 14th, 2012 at 09:51am