High School Never Ends.............

GUESS WHAT.You guys like Sleeping With Sirens?ME TOOand I am going to see them in concert, so I am pumped.BUT, I am also pissed.See, My best friend told me about the concert.And when she invited me, I was under the impression it was going to be me and her going. You know we've been best friends for 3 years and we have done almost everything together. We had planned last week to meet up this past...
February 14th, 2013 at 01:43am

You died for me...i'm sorry <3

So today in my Psychology class we had a deep discussion about animal cruelty and I cannot stop thinking about it.We talked about the living conditions, the food the hormones and the life style animals go through just to be murdered and slaughtered so I can eat that night...and it makes me so feel guilty and selfish.So I think I am going to try Vegetarian.I mean we don't die for the survival of...
February 5th, 2013 at 06:08am

Sad story of a waitress and her tips.

I was snooping through some news earlier and I saw an article about giving tips at a restaurant.Skimming through it, it said that it was that restaurants policy of a party being waited on with more than 8 people attending the restaurant gave an automatic tip of 18%.There happened to be 20 people in that one party.One of the people at the party was outraged by this scratched it out saying and wrote...
January 31st, 2013 at 04:40am

Just me and my sandwich....

Okay so if you watch the news regularly, you know about the whole "Suing Subway deal". If not.....well A person is suing Subway for selling them a "foot long sandwich" that was only like 10 inches long.(?)Anyway, I work at Subway.And I am in no way defending my work place or that person.First,it is that restaurants fault. there is a form that you follow to make it the correct length. You have to...
January 26th, 2013 at 07:04am

Justin Bieber and Miranda Lambert.

Okay WTF.Really.First,What I don't understand is why people get put down for stating their opinion and told to be quiet."It's none of her business". That's all I read when I read about Miranda Lambert tweeting about the Chris Brown/Rhianna fiasco.SO?All she said was “I don’t get it. He beat on a girl…Not cool that we act like that didn’t happen.”She didn't harass them. Call them any...
January 8th, 2013 at 04:57pm

Spoiled Rotten Children.

As a teenager, i am subjected to the dealings of babysitting for my older sisters, since I am the youngest.And I have started to notice that a lot of children today are spoiled rotten to the core. I mean really.When I was a child, I didn't always have the big name-brand toys or the next-new thing that came out yesterday. If I had toys they were dollar-store brand and they were cheap, but I could...
January 6th, 2013 at 02:55am

OHMYGOD. Happy beyond repair!! sad life of a girl with dial-up :(

So it's been awhile and you guys haven't missed much.stuff is pretty much the same except my first semester of college is almost through with. Other than that things are pretty much same.But! on the flip side, just now I signed up for a "Mifi" account with At&t, and i'm pretty jazzed about it. i have nothing but wifi for my laptop or Dial-up. Have you ever used dial up? IT SUCKS ASS....
December 1st, 2012 at 02:46am

I'm stupid, or maybe just plain silly.

Sometimes in my classes I feel stupid.Like today in my literature class, we were discussing what we are going to do our research papers on and we all went around and told and described what we were gonna write about.And then it was my turn.I am a naturally shy person and I DO NOT like to speak up, and being a journalism major that is going to have to change, but when I said what i was going to...
November 5th, 2012 at 10:26pm

It's always something....me and my bad habits.

OKAY GUYS.First? Happy Halloween, and may the odds, of getting LOADS OF CANDY, be ever in your favor(;What are you guys dressing as? Me? Me and my dog are going around as jailbirds, we look HAWT(; hahaNext: If you have been keeping up with my sad sappy story of wanting my best friend back and I asked you guys if I should text her, WELL I DID.IT WENT GREAT! We're working on being friends again and...
October 31st, 2012 at 08:30pm

You hit me once, I hit you back. You gave a kick, I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head, so I set fire to our bed.

In my last post you guys read about my stalking habits of my ex-best friend and because she has to post on it frequently I looked up the list to see what question went with what answers.the one about me:Day 25: a friend you have lost that you’re better off without/one you wish you had backBased on her answer:She was my best friend throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school. We...
October 22nd, 2012 at 09:06pm

It's a love hate relationship....with myself.

I am in an fickle.Is that what it's called when you are stuck and don't know what to do or who to talk to/I guess, so here it goes.The other night as I was stalking my ex-best-friend on her Tumblr page, I was reading all her posts. She is doing this 365 day challenge thing where she answers in a post a question and one of the happened to be about me.She said how we were best friends from the...
October 18th, 2012 at 02:28am

Haunted Houses and Ghosts.

So it's fall break for me this week and it is soooooooo coooooooold outside!and I LOVE IT!So this past weekend me and my boyfriend went Haunted House/Hayride/Woods/Maze and shit. And I GOT TOUCHED BY A GHOST.Seriously!We were in the Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky and they were giving night tours and apparently the House is really haunted because a family died there and it served as a hospital...
October 9th, 2012 at 04:49am


So I know I said earlier I was done when I said I was going to skip...well I just got something bestowed upon me...and I already regret it.My sister has decided to take a weekend off life and go camping for 2 weeks.Yeah.So while she is gone I get the pleasure of house/dog sitting.This can be seen as good and bad....I have been wanting to know the feeling of living alone. I'm 18 and my parents are...
September 27th, 2012 at 12:28am

To skip or not to skip....that is the question! hahah, I'm skipping (;

So I;m thinking about skipping math class.Just because I don't want to go.I mean last class of the day, and I'm tired and have a butt-load of homework for my writing class and all.Is that bad? It's only pre-college math. I took Calculus last year and were doing the same shit. I mean I paid $250 for this course and I want to skip. I would be sinking into society's view of teenagers... "skipping...
September 26th, 2012 at 10:09pm

A word limit? really. You suck a big one.

So I just found out that my blog post from last night was taken down...Sad.And it kind of upsets me.Yes i know we must follow the rules and I am not trying to go against them in anyway, so no one get offended.But because it wasn't 200 words?it's like Twitter putting a limit on how much you can type. It's ridiculous!I mean I wanted my post to be just that: Short, simple and to the point.I needed...
September 26th, 2012 at 04:24pm

Adventure's in Literature class....rant.

Today in my Literature class we discussed the poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.And we had this big long discussion about the media and how they present erotic attraction through television and how it is different from back in 1917 when there was mystery in attraction because it wasn't common for women to dress in short skirts and low cut blouses and throw themselves at men to get laid.And...
September 17th, 2012 at 09:21pm

I lied, I loved you and you think I hate you.

Sitting in the floor of the library at school...I am a people watcher.And on top of that, I react to people I see and meet.I have been watching the show Awkward and I realize, my life is really awkward. I mean I want to go and sit in the school library for an hour and a half before my next class ALONE instead of going and finding someone to talk to because I am scared.Is that sad or what? I mean...
September 12th, 2012 at 10:02pm

The world you live in is over, now welcome to mine...

I have come to the conclusion that I really have no friends anymore.Ever since graduated last May, I have went from having tons of friends to having maybe three or four. i mean I lost one friend to drugs and I don't see her coming back soon (besides the fact that I tried to help her) and my other friends moved away for college.If this is honestly how life is going to be like, I want to go back....
September 3rd, 2012 at 05:57pm

Boyfriend problems and ALL.

so coming up me and my boyfriend have been together for 9months and me and my mother were having a heart to heart moment and he came up in the subject.Now we weren't talking bad about him but we were talking about him not having a job and how 8months out of the 9 we have been together he hasn't had a job....so it's kinda bad.And I have been pushing him into getting one because I am SICK and TIRED...
August 16th, 2012 at 04:45am

No, but I hope you trip and fall and skin your knee!

Rants can be so annoying and I know it would be stupid to post one, but my mother has pushed me.I am only 18 and for valentines day last year my boyfriend gave me a puppy. So since then I have been feeding him and partially potty trained for in the house, but he lives outside now and I have paid for his vet visits and food and dog house and EVERYTHING, and my mother had the nerve to tell me that i...
August 14th, 2012 at 05:30am