Original Fiction Please? Numero Dos!

So my first shot at finding some more original fiction to my taste only gave me 2 stories and some good poetry...Still not enough to keep me a bit more occupied. I even went to the library and checked out 7 books. So while I have them to distract me, I'm hoping I can get a few more opinions on who writes good stories :-)Things I do NOT want to read:~Anything rated less than PG-13, although I would...
March 23rd, 2011 at 11:50am

Original Fiction Please?

Alright, so lately I've been ignoring fan-fiction, and going for more original fictions...I keep finding slash, and while I'm not against that at ALL, I don't like how most people write it.Luckily, I have found some AMAZING original fiction, but I'm one of those people that has to read almost constantly...All of what I found and liked I subscribed to, but waiting for updates makes me antsy when i...
March 19th, 2011 at 04:25am


Hey everyone,I'm looking for an old Quizilla author whose stories I read, she went by the user name HailofBullets666. Her stories were all original slash stories. The only title's I can remember are 'Come What May, I Won't Fade', and 'Monster'. The Characters I can remember are Nyx and Jade, her stories were truly something amazing. If you have any idea where she now posts her stories or anything...
July 30th, 2008 at 01:04am