Running with the Wolves Project: Days Seven & Eight

So Julian is twenty-three and mortal. Sure, he's a werewolf, but he still ages normally. There will be no vampires in the major plot or conflict. Melissa is NOT going to be a Mary Sue or Bella Swan. She's going to be working as a waitress for now at a restaurant in Lake Hughes, but that's likely to change after watching True Blood. Mel's twenty-one, while Linney's twenty-two. Even if it's only by...
June 9th, 2009 at 07:40am

Running with the Wolves Project: Days Five and Six

I've got a problem: Julian works for God, but which one? I need associations between God and the Seven Deadly Sins, but in different religions and cultures. Is there a similar story in yours?There must be, because every religion borrows ideas from the other ones, like the Earth's creation, Adam and Eve, and some type of Exodus. It's been proven. I watch a lot of the History Channel. I am that much...
June 7th, 2009 at 09:00am

Running with the Wolves Project: Day Four

Band practice put our music to the forefront of my priorities. Now, I'm not saying I'm never gonna finish this script, only that I'm excited to continue with this momentum of togetherness. Does that sound weird?Well, I know now that Julian's coat will be a chestnut brown, to match his human head of hair. The hairstyle, you ask? No clue as of yet. I'll get to work on it.Melissa, though, is a fixed...
June 5th, 2009 at 06:43am

Running with the Wolves Project: Day Three

The day was spent watching movies that had nothing to do with my goal. I guess I was just resting from the torrent I've been through since last Wendesday. Still, I need to stay productive.According to my personal taste, I'm thinking of making Julian Australian, as per the one he was first based off of. If not, I'd like him to keep an accent. Maybe he could be Spanish? That would be sexy.I'm...
June 4th, 2009 at 07:27am

Running with the Wolves Project: Day Two

I got an early start this morning--- much too early. But as I got on the freeway to babysit my four-month-old cousin in Newhall, inspiration struck me like a bat outta hell.In the car in front of me, a large, scruffy, brunette dog was just enjoying life, his head through the window, his ears blowing back in the wind. I figured, for my werewolf, Julian, it would be a rather fine idea to inherit...
June 3rd, 2009 at 05:10am

Running with the Wolves Project: Day One

To start off, I'm just going to introduce you to what this is all about. This is motivation; this is support; this is a somewhat-daily account of what I'm going to be doing over my summer break.Over the month of April was Script Frenzy, as I'm sure some of you may have known, even participated in. I know I did, along with the rest of my junior year Creative Writing course, all of us to varying...
June 2nd, 2009 at 02:56am