Dark Romance / Comments

  • It took me, like, fifteen seconds to find it every time I wanted to comment >.>
    Christians? Pretty scary people xD
    I can't believe you're online at this hour.
    My excuse is that I forgot to go to sleep, what's yours?
    February 15th, 2009 at 01:51pm
  • OMG you made your profile to where I'm not playing hide and seek with the comments anymore ^.^
    *noms on ramen and plays Mario Kart*
    I fixed Miyavi, I had to take him apart and pull out some HUGE dust bunnies but I finally did it.
    And it's almost four in the morning *goes back to totally not being distracted by the internet*
    February 15th, 2009 at 12:55pm
  • I miss them, ahh!
    I've saved my Jussi story though so that's alright.

    I'd love to do a joint story with you. Just tell me when you want to start things up and any ideas that you have and we'll go for it!

    February 8th, 2009 at 04:01pm
  • i am EXACTLY the same.
    i have an extra blanket that i wrap myself around. i like to think im laying on valos chest. god, i thought i was dueluted when i would talk to a blanket...
    it seems it isnt just me
    its comforting, feels like someone cares...
    i also talk to myself, like you, coming up with reasons to listen to HIM when 'ville' is there.
    usually Bam has been about and he has left it on...
    god, is this too insane?

    im thinking of going to see my doctor about my lack of sleep and my ever increasing amount of time i spend alone.
    i used to be so...sociable, i was never in the house
    and now i just want to spend my time alone, listening to HIM and thinking of ways to avoid dealing with my problems
    im an exprert on alcohol these days
    my corner shop is a saviour.
    a 70cl of vodka seems like water to me these days, its frightening.
    im scared to move out because i know i would spend my time drinking.

    i used to be so passionate about art
    now it seems like a chore to lift a penicl to paper
    i wanted to go to art school
    now i want to lay in bed and imagine myself somewhere else a try to salvage sleep.

    February 8th, 2009 at 01:03am
  • some girl stole both me and lauren, ville valo, stories.
    i think it was becasue we both shared a few hash words about her.

    ahft well.
    god, im like that
    im sitting in my room with a bottle of vodka
    in the dark in front of this screen and typing away to you all.
    happy heartagram day sweetheart :)

    i know what you mean
    i rememeber waking up one morning wit a weight against my back and i looked out of the window and it was snowing...
    ville is next to me and im in finland

    it turned out scotland had a random burst of snow
    and the weight was a pillow...

    it was a good 4 seconds of euphoria though

    February 8th, 2009 at 12:34am
  • hii love!

    my accont was banned due to rubbish...

    how are you!
    i havent talk to you in ages..
    i missing you

    February 8th, 2009 at 12:07am
  • =[ I just got past the part where he killed himself. Poor Nicki ='[
    lol! Lestat mould! I sure hope she does. . .but the other day she read the part where Claudia kills him, and she didn't care! *sighs*
    Wow, you have cool friends! xD haha, thank God none of them are Armand. . .that would be slightly creepy, since you're Marius! hehe.
    lol, I just read past the part where Armand wants Lestat. I was so annoyed when he attacked Lestat, though! But I was happy when Lestat beat him up ;)

    haha, I'll be waiting for those pictures! xD
    February 1st, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • I miss you Vi, I hope you get on soon
    February 1st, 2009 at 06:03pm
  • Aww xD awesome! Oh, no! Nicki goes insane! =O
    Actually, I think he already is a little (where I am in the book lol).
    He just got up on the stage, playing the violin. . . lol, he is one strange vampire! The poor thing =[
    Hehe, my friend's reading Interview right now... so I have someone to talk to about the series at school (oh, there is already someone else... so I guess I have two people lol). But she thinks Lestat's evil! She was like "He's an arsehole and I hate him!" I found a line in TVL that said about Louis' dishonesty and stuff that Lestat couldn't tell him, and read it to her. Ah, she'll come around soon enough... =]
    Oh, btw, this might sound a little weird, haha, but you were in my dream last night. lol, I can't remember what it was about, but I'm pretty sure we were talking about mibba and VC xD
    I'm pretty good, thanks.
    How about you?
    January 28th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • HAHA, it is a little 'evil'
    even though it is sensible.
    ...i just find some sort of peice of mind when im drinking. i seem to collect my thoughts and find answers to questions i wouldnt when i was sober.

    i do have LJ.
    did you? you need to link me the post..
    i never seen that...
    i caused a stirr back a few years ago...
    when i was angry about them touring america twice in one year when they hadnt toured any of europe or something. god knows...
    they all had a go...
    they can be a bit touchy over there, i sometimes feel i have to bite my tongue.
    i will add you when i see you btw!

    ...im off to read some of your stories.
    :) feel proud.
    January 28th, 2009 at 12:47am
  • im sorry for not getting back to you sooner too.
    this weekend i was away seeing lauren, ville valo, from here.
    it was one drunken blurr.

    i can either sleep for hours at a time or i cant sleep at all
    my sleeping pattern is fucked to say the least.

    i wish i could just go about my own business like you do. im fed up with dealing with other peoples shit all of the time. everyone up my way goes out of their way to stab you in the back. lack of friends could solve this matter but you cant exactly just cut yourself off. even atm i feel like i am and its strange for me not to be involved in things which is a bit contradicting.

    now i just imerse myself in checking Valo Daily hourly and wondering if there is any point to musing over Ville.
    its not as if i will get to spend any valuable time with him.
    so why does doing this make me happy?

    ahhh, how are you ill?
    ive not been too good this year aswell and its not even past january yet.
    i ache for the warmer weather.

    January 26th, 2009 at 03:10am
  • Cool xD I think I'll watch From Hell, then. As for The Libertine. . .may watch that if I find myself home alone xD haha.
    I think I know the cover you're talking about. . . I think that's the one I wanted to get lol. But after ages of staring at this cover, I've found myself growing to like it lol. Umm. . .Lestat's mother's dying =[ (she's in Paris, and he's in her room with her).
    I feel really sorry for Nicki! =[ He must be freaked out as hell lol.
    Oh, and Lestat in the theatre. . .jumping around and singing. lol, he's crazy xD
    January 22nd, 2009 at 09:37pm
  • :) haha

    ahh, i know how you feel.
    i dont want to have a life outside my poxy laptop.
    ...but people seem to be stressing over me not wanting to go out.
    ive not had a good last few months.

    complain away!
    im an utter expert at it, nothing will be good enough for me...
    i guess your like me and sit on here in the early hours of the morning?
    and HOPE someone is on and will update

    January 19th, 2009 at 05:30pm
  • ahhh thanks!
    its no bother (:
    me, you and lauren were clearly the best writers back in those days
    :P lol

    hows life etc?

    January 19th, 2009 at 05:16pm
  • hey yay u have!!!!!! lol it suxks that she was up to chap 50 or whatever and then nad to re-post all of it! :( oh well :) im gunna read allllll your stories after work :)
    btw im good and yourself?
    January 16th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • hey doll, now since ur r my new totallly awsome bestie... (who will not be a catty tart and ditch me cuz i lost my fakie :s) ha ha have u read the ville story called fated stars? well if u havent here is the link...


    i love this story! i love ville!
    ha ha ha
    have a good 1 :)
    January 15th, 2009 at 09:13am
  • creaping ur profile and i must say you have fan-freaking' good taste in music! btw a word of warning if you go to a HIM show and try to sneak in back stage... large bald sweedish man will get verry verry verry angry/......:l lol xx
    January 15th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • Aww. . .poor Armand! xD
    Yeah, I started it a few days ago!
    I just got to the part where Lestat gets turned into a vampire :)
    Btw, this might be a weird question, but which covers of the books do you have? I have the re-release type one for Interview, but for this one I have an older cover. . .it has "TVL" in really decorative writing on the front and a browny-peachy coloured background. It looks kinda funny next to the other one xD haha

    Umm. . . actually I haven't watched many Tim Burton films (I know how you're going to react to hearing that lol). I tried to watch Sweeney Todd, but there was too much singing for my liking (I know, I'm probably like the only person who didn't like the singing. . .lol). Errm. . .I love Secret Window xD (my sig on the boards has a quote from it =]). Hmm. . . I've seen several of his films, but there are some I still want to see. Speaking of that. . .is there any chance you've seen From Hell or The Libertine? I was thinking about watching From Hell, but I was wondering if it was too gory or something, since it's an 18 and it's about Jack The Ripper lol. And as for The Libertine. . .we have the dvd, I just need to find a time to watch it, haha.
    January 14th, 2009 at 09:05pm
  • Hey love! I have msn yeah, ville_valo_fantic@msn.com.
    Add me and we can talk on there because Mibba is funny because of our difference in time and all that jazz.

    Haha, really? Woah, I think that you should show me this picture soon because...I really want to see it haha (:
    I suppose it turns out like you or a friend because you know what they look like and stuff.
    That is also a pretty strange dream, eh? haha (:

    January 14th, 2009 at 08:38pm
  • =) Yeah, that makes sense lol.
    Wow, I finished it today. . .it made me cry like 3 times! I don't know why, but I really wanted Armand and Louis to stay together ='[
    And then when they didn't, I at least wanted him to stay with Lestat as he was dying. . .but he didn't do that either *sighs* Well, I'm starting TVL tonight xD I'll try to forget about Louis for now lol.
    And you're welcome for the comment =] that story was so incredibly cute and sad.
    Oh, and I watched the film, too. I thought it was good, although it felt kinda strange. . .watching something that took me like 2 weeks to read be turned into 2 hours on the screen xD also, Armand wasn't how I pictured him. . .physically and in the way he acted. And there was nothing mentioned about his love for Louis, and Louis' love for him...that bummed me out xD
    But, yeah, overall I liked it. And the ending was funny! I love that song, too xD haha.
    hehe, the GIF was too funny and cute to not put it on my page =]
    January 10th, 2009 at 11:57pm