Dark Romance / Comments

  • Fuck me!
    Interview is...freaking amazing!!!
    Nearly finished =D
    I can't believe Claudia killed Lestat!
    I was like frantically flicking through the pages to find his name to know he's still alive xD haha, it was kind of obvious that he wasn't dead, but still...
    Oh, and Armand sounds awesome! I'm kinda confused though...with a number of things actually. Like, Louis says he loves Claudia, but he equally loves Armand...is that in the romantic sense or...just how you would love a friend. Or is vampire love different all together? xD I knew you'd be best to ask that to.
    I'm going out to buy TVL tomorrow to make sure I don't have to wait to start it lol. Can't wait to get to know Lestat more!
    Anyway, how are you??
    January 8th, 2009 at 10:21pm
  • Sweetie, I absolutely love it and I insist on writing you one!

    You called me a Goddess? Oh my gosh, you are the sweetest wee thing ever. And aye, but it was a beautiful wee story and all us HIM fans can see the beautiful side to everything (:

    January 7th, 2009 at 06:29pm
  • 'ahhhh!' as in, 'i know you' (:

    i thought it sounded mean before.
    January 6th, 2009 at 07:08pm
  • Kiitos for the link, rakas!

    I added you on Livejournal (:

    I seen you're display picture and I was like 'ahhhh!'
    January 6th, 2009 at 07:08pm
  • I know that Gad got married to a girl called Natalia or something.
    I seen the pictures from the wedding and she is gorgeous!

    Yeah and the fact that you've been waiting for that day for so long and when you're there, and when they walk on, it all just hits you like a ton of bricks and you can't help but crying. Also because they mean the entire world to you (:
    January 3rd, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • ...[i]wow[/i]. Seriously, wow. That's all I can say, really... xD
    Man, I'm so angry at myself for not seeing them...I've seen bands I don't even like, but not HIM =[
    I'd probably mess it up and end up at the back, anyway...
    lol, I think I'd act like a total twat if I ever met him! xD
    (Btw, there's internet where I'm staying tonight, but none tomorrow. I was ecstatic when I found out lol).
    January 2nd, 2009 at 11:22pm
  • Hahaha! That's funny but Gas is a wee cutie. Ville's face in that picture is absolutely priceless!

    Your story is so lovely! I'm glad that he got your roses and that you got the signed sticker :D

    I didn't get to speak to them because I got back late from going to the shop to get a drink. I was an idiot and thought that I could stand from 10am until 7pm without food or juice. I seen HIM live twice now, it's amazing ae?! I've already been right at the barrier in front of Ville's mic but that's because I wait a ridiculous amount of time in the line. Ville smiled at me too but that's because when they walked on I burst into tears. I did that the first time too and I was crying for half the set each time. And then when they walked off I started crying too. I felt like I twat standing in the middle of Glasgow after the HIM show crying my damn eyes out haha! I also vomitted the first time I seen HIM but I won't go into detail haha!

    January 2nd, 2009 at 11:08pm
  • Oh, I'm glad I made your New Year then, love!

    I know, I absolutely love reading your comments when you read my stories. They are pretty stupid though, especially Sara and Ville! You are such a wonderful writer and reading that one-shot made me even more jealous.

    Of course Ville fancies you! Ew, no, you're mistaken about me though, love. Aye, I'd be so scared if I met Ville. I was close to meeting him in Dec '07 in Glasgow but I went to get a drink and they walked in. I was just about crying. I know what you mean about being a fan though, I'd like to meet him without me being a fan of his music so that I wouldn't scare the poor man.

    Oh, New Years was pretty boring - as always! I gave my wee sister a kiss so I guess that we were in the same situation there. Although I'm not too fussed about having a boyfriend. You shouldn't be either. We've already got five of them (:

    January 2nd, 2009 at 04:06pm
  • lol, if you do film yourself doing it, you have to show me! xD
    Ah man...I haven't even seen HIM yet *cries*
    So I'm hoping that in 2009 I'll get to do that =D
    I think mine is Eclipse, too. Although I still need to read Breaking Dawn...
    =[ We're about to leave for Cornwall...grrr... it's not really a holiday, my parents need to do some work down there (since they sell holidays for it). But...our house down there has the Interview With The Vampire film! (my parents didn't think it was worthy of staying in our house... *sighs*). So I guess some good will come out of this weekend...
    Well, talk to you in a few days!
    January 2nd, 2009 at 11:21am
  • Yeah, lol. The whole time I was watching QOTD, I was like...drooling over him. Wow, that's a pretty detailed description! Yeah, I was getting a little confused when it said in the book he had "yellow" hair. And Townsend has darker hair...
    lol, I'm not entirely sure how I picture him actually. Maybe just a blond Stuart xD
    Aw, I got to the part where Babette tries to kill Louis =[
    And Lestat has that talk with him about how he should kill humans instead. lol, and that part where he finds Louis about to kill the little girl, and he starts dancing with the corpse. I didn't know whether to be terrified or just laugh my head off...
    December 30th, 2008 at 12:00pm
  • haha, it's fine...your comments make me laugh xD
    Yeah, Jasper's my favourite character, too. Along with Alice and Carlisle...
    I agree - I would so have preferred reading a love story based on them instead. Edward annoys me a lot. I don't think I could put up with a boyfriend like that lol. He's so controlling...
    lol, yeah, Johnny Depp rocks. I watched Secret Window again today xD Oh, do you like Sleepy Hollow? It's like one of my favourite films.
    Wow, I think he would have been [i]amazing[/i] as a vampire! =D It's such a shame... I know what you mean, when I first found out it was Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt I was like "Huh? They're vampires? No way..." but I'll take your word for about the film =) Yeah, I get what you mean about QOTD. I pretty much adore that film. Even though there are a lot of films much better than it. Just wondering... since there are two Lestat's, how do you picture him? Tom Cruise or Stuart Townsend? Or neither? lol.
    Yeah, I've seen Dracular. The one with Keanu Reeves, right? It's awesome xD
    *clicks on article* Oh, wow, I think I remember reading that article! lol. Nicely put, tbh.
    December 29th, 2008 at 10:02pm
  • lol, kk.
    Gah, last night I read the part where Louis has to kill Lestat's father =[
    lol, Lestat was filing his nails... xD
    Btw, just wondering what you think about the movie for Interview? It was on t.v. the other night, but I didn't watch it 'cause I didn't want it to spoil the book...
    Ooh...which GH and RB games do you have? xD
    lol, I love Twilight, even though it's not the best written book. I think it's better as a love story than a vampire novel...
    December 29th, 2008 at 12:49pm
  • Yup, he's so adorable.

    And so is loli Ville.

    Okay. My house is so lonely... ;_;
    December 29th, 2008 at 02:24am
  • Missing? o_O
    You could come over here. I have nothing to do right now... and you could meet Yuki.

    And you could see the Ville lolita I drew.

    And I'm probably going crtazy too. I keep talking to my computer...
    December 29th, 2008 at 02:00am
  • *clasps hand to chest*
    Holy crap, I thought you were mad at me...
    December 29th, 2008 at 01:49am
  • Konnichiwa, Violet~
    *yawns and rolls over on cat*
    So how're you?
    December 29th, 2008 at 12:51am
  • lol, it's fine. I enjoyed reading it xD
    Yeah, my Christmas was good.
    I did want to get the new Guitar Hero game, but it was too expensive =[
    Aww, yeah, but I do find myself getting less and less excited about it each year. This year I couldn't even be bothered to get out of bed in the morning!
    lol, Lestat is so mean to Louis! xD hehe, I thought there was something not-quite-completely-straight about the way Lestat made them lie in the coffin on top of each other.
    Yeah, I've heard loads of people complain about how the film is so different to the book. But I actually really liked the movie. When I finally read the book, I'll just try to think of them as two totally different things. xD
    December 27th, 2008 at 11:44pm
  • Aww, thank you! =)
    You really know how to make someone smile!
    lol, yes, it looks like we do have the same tastes xD
    Wow, you like Anne Rice?
    I've only just started reading Interview, but so far it looks really good =]
    I've been wanting to read her books for ages, and I've only just got round to it...
    Anyway, don't worry about the comments. I'm just glad you like the stories =)
    I'm Jess, by the way.
    So...did you have a good Christmas?
    December 27th, 2008 at 12:11pm
  • I don't know, sounds like a freaky dream!
    I actually can't remember what I did dream last night
    December 26th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • yeah, i know what you mean!
    i hated not getting along with my mum!
    haha awesome XD

    Bloody amazing XD
    I have all of his stuff :)
    Muderdolls, Frankenstien Drag Queen, Maniac Spider Trash, Bourbon Cow, His Solo Project, everything :)
    I ADORE him!
    Wednesday's like... just wow XD

    haha me neither, much anyway, i prefer Johnny Cash any day, but i like a few songs, and i listen to solitary man alot, so my mum got me thta album, sweet eh? hehe :)
    December 26th, 2008 at 09:09pm