Shannon McFarland / Comments

  • I'm doing fine. I've been doing pretty much nothing but working nonstop this past week.

    How about you?
    August 11th, 2012 at 11:27pm
  • Yeah, they do because I used to see the commercials all the time for how a new episode was airing on Saturday. This Saturday, they're showing new Spongebobs though tehe

    Yeah, I don't really understand the whole Andrew Garfield as Spiderman thing. Aside from not understanding how that film fits into the whole Spiderman franchise, I don't think we should be outsourcing our superheroes XD

    Eh, I disagree. I'd much rather someone watch a documentary-based show like Taboo on NatGeo or Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz than read Fifty Shades of Grey. There are numerous television shows that would benefit someone more than reading garbage.

    Eh, I started by reading the summary on Wikipedia, but it really doesn't do a lot of the characters justice, especially the more minor characters.

    The sad thing is, hip-hop is my favorite genre, but Cymphonique Miller is no rapper, she just says words awkwardly to music, which isn't even rap Rolling Eyes It's just annoying. I would have no problem with Nick having a show about a female rapper, but they could at least cast someone who could actually rap instead of just doing it for the face value. It's like, since Keke Palmer's show was a failure, the network needs a new token black girl Facepalm Rags was this movie they showed a while back. I didn't watch it, but they showed commercials for it nonstop. I think it was supposed to be an adaptation of Cinderella, but the guy from How to Rock was like this poor kid and Keke Palmer was supposed to be this big celebrity and they fall in love or whatever, bleck.

    I'm talking about younger kids, who are the ones that are actually listening to what Nick and Disney put out. If someone above the age of ten listens to it, it's a little weird XD For the most part, parents control what kids of that age listen to, which is why they're exposed to the Disney/Nick artists because they're clean. I don't think a ton of kids below the age of ten are on Facebook (you're not supposed to have an account if you're under 12), and most kids of that age use the internet to play games, not seek out new music, so what they're listening to is either what their parents buy them or what they hear on the radio. Kids (not tweens) aren't chilling on internet forums (because most parents block that stuff due to sexual predators and whatnot) or seeking out indie music on NoiseTrade.

    I've seen Yo Gabba Gabba, but even though indie bands are on there, they're playing the one kids song they've written. It's not like the kids or their parents are going to go buy an MGMT album because they have one children's song on a tv show.

    So what have you been up to?
    July 20th, 2012 at 07:20pm
  • I don't know. It just throws me off that they show new episodes of Victorious and that stupid How to Rock show on Saturdays, when I'm pretty sure BTR pulls in higher ratings, so why not bump those dumb shows to Monday lmfao

    I really like Tobey Maguire, and I could see him as Nick, but I'll forever see him as Spiderman XD Like, I can't go see that new Spiderman movie with Andrew Garfield because, aside from the fact that I don't understand how it fits in with the rest of the Spiderman franchise, he's not Tobey Maguire XD

    See, I'm more in the mindset of I'd rather people be watching something more thought-provoking on tv than reading garbage. To me, reading 50 Shades is basically no better than watching porn XD I would even think that watching porn would be better because it wouldn't last as long lmfao

    I like The Hunger Games and Twilight, but I will definitely say that they are by no means great examples of literature. I just can't take anyone that makes the claim that either of them is the best book ever written seriously File

    I read it because I knew I wanted to see the movie (and I have to read the book before I see the movie) and because I was intrigued by the premise. I just thought the writing was terrible XD

    Yeah, but then again, she's Master P's daughter and Romeo Miller's sister, so apparently whoever named those kids was a terrible namer XD The guy that's on that show (his name's Max something) has a waaay better voice than she does. Like, he can actually sing instead of going around pretending to rap like she does XD Yeah, Keke Palmer's show is done, but she was on that Rags movie recently with the Max Something guy from How to Rock Facepalm

    I don't hear the slur, but that's probably because I have a drawl myself XD I like her music because it's really mellow XD

    I think most kids (at least say, younger than ten) are still sort of contained by what their parents buy for them as far as music goes, especially if they don't have a smart phone or an iPod, and parents are more likely to expose their kids to music like Disney music and Miranda Cosgrove/whatever. I mean, my friend's four-year-old loves her Michael Jackson and her Guns N' Roses, but she watches Nick and Disney, so she ends up loving that sort of music as well XD She's only four, so she doesn't have an iPhone or an iPod (though I do get random fknrtjhw4tdrkgh8eryt texts from her), and she can't really use the computer. Then again, I also think most kids use their internet time to play games, not to scout out indie music on NoiseTrade XD

    Timberlake's a pretty good role model to have XD I think I liked him the best in FWB because I really like his style of humor.
    July 15th, 2012 at 06:05pm
  • Yeah, I figured that was the root of our confusion XD Yeah, I kept seeing the commericals for the season premiere last week and was like "yay!" My only complaint is that they HAVE to air new episodes on Monday nights? Why not Saturday when I don't have a gazillion things to do XD Plus, new episodes come on at the same time my mom likes to watch her soap opera, so I know we're gonna fight over that XD Not cool.

    True, true. I really liked Leo in Inception, but I just can't see him as Gatsby Facepalm

    That's true, there are some really thoughtless things I enjoy reading just while I'm laying out or whatever (Lauren Conrad's novels XD), but they're still at a higher caliber than 50 Shades of Grey, which is kind of sad, considering LC's just a reality star, but her novels are much better XD I was just really disappointed because I wasted like fifteen bucks on it, then I went to Target this week, and they had it for like ten bucks Facepalm And I had looked there before I bought it at B&N. Epic failure.

    I've heard people say that Fifty Shades of Grey is the best book they've ever read, seriously, and I can't help but think to myself, "Damn, you must not read very much File" XD Same goes for Hunger Games.

    True, I also kind of hated the fact that it was written in first-person because you automatically know Katniss isn't going to die Facepalm I don't think kids are reading that much more, because the only people I've seen reading it are like, girls in high school or college that should probably be reading something on their level instead of children's series.

    YEAH! You didn't know? It's her boyfriend/now fiance dude on whatever. I think his name's Gianni/Jianni/something like that. I have no clue why she didn't get an abortion (I'm wanting to say she's very anti-abortion?), but I don't think people that dumb and that orange should be allowed to reproduce.

    It should be, but it won't Facepalm I actually thought Bucket & Skinner were better than a lot of the crappy shows they've kept on there. That show with Cymphonique annoys me because she annoys me, and a lot of the other actors on there are so much more talented than she is, but she's "the star" for some reason Facepalm Anything that Keke Palmer is in also annoys me.

    It's not all like that though, girl. Colbie Caillat's not even country, she's more pop/easy-listening. I don't like a lot of today's country because it sounds more like pop than the country I grew up listening to, but it's alright. I like Lady Antebellum XD. I mean, there needs to be something for kids to listen to aside from the mass produced bubblegum pop that everyone else is cranking out.

    He had like, four or five songs, because I know I have two on my iPod, and I've heard two others in commercials and whatnot. I actually liked the premise of In Time and I thought Timberlake basically carried it acting-wise (Amanda Seyfried was pretty much a joke Facepalm), but the plot was just poorly written, so I can't blame him for that. I really adore him in the comedies I've seen him in, especially Friends with Benefits.
    June 24th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • Wait, who are we talking about? XD I thought we were talking about Tom, but I get the feeling that you thought we were talking about Kendall. Total miscommunication.

    I haven't seen the trailer for the new movie yet, but one of my friends is dying for us to go see the movie together XD I don't know, I just don't see Leo as being a great Gatsby (no pun intended XD), and the movie that we watched in my English class to go along with the book was this A&E made for tv movie with Paul Rudd as Nick and some other guy as Gatsby, so now I can only imagine THAT actor as Gatsby XD NO ONE ELSE CAN BE GATSBY! XD

    I felt like, at least if it was a Twilight fanfiction, I would already be familiar with the characters and their personalities, so that would make up for her total lack of character development so that I could actually get through the story. I don't know, as a die-hard fanfiction writer, I just saw what she did as selling out. I would never change my character's names just to get published Facepalm

    I was the same way, it just was too choppy, and that combined with the fact that it was written in present tense first person made it sound like it was written by a twelve year old Facepalm The last book just left a lot of loose ends, and she sort of aburptly ended it with this epilogue that was basically like "oh, me and peeta got married, and we had two great kids, and they don't have to live in a world with the hunger games" Facepalm

    Possibly. With the way that they're advertising it is a little absurd, like they make it out like Snooki's pregnancy is this huge shocker when it's been in the tabloids, radio, and news for months now Facepalm No one cares anymore XD

    I FEEL THE SAME WAY! It's like they built that entire show around her, and they tried to make her character sooo relatable and sooo perfect that she isn't interesting at all (like Carly). At least the other characters have flaws and quirks. But yeah, I liked Andre because he was funny and really chill, and I liked Jade because she hated Victoria Justice's character (much like myself) XD

    FRANCES! I LISTENED TO COUNTRY AS A CHILD XD Seriously, my first two albums were Shania Twain and Tim McGraw, and I kind of worshipped Shania Twain growing up XD But I do think that her having a country album is a nice change from all of the other Nick and Disney stars that only do pop.

    It seriously is. Not everyone can do both well, so it's a little ridiculous to try to stretch all of your celebrities out like that instead of just letting them focus on what they're really good at. Justin Timberlake and Will Smith are really the only two people I can think of that have been able to be fairly successful at both acting and singing, and even Will Smith's music career is pretty much nonexistent now XD
    June 16th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • Yup, yup. I think he was a lacrosse or a football player or something in college, but I don't remember which one.

    Yeah, I felt like it was something that needed a little bit more planning than most of the other stuff I write because I don't want to be just rewriting the novel, but at the same time, I want it to still stay true to the source material, just have my own twist on it.


    Yeah, and I think it should have definitely stayed a Twilight fanfiction because that's how I had to read it in order to get through the book XD It would've been at least bearable as a Twilight fanfic. The characters were so so flat that I kind of had to substitute in Edward and Bella because at least they're somewhat fleshed out and have some substance to them.

    For The Hunger Games or Fifty Shades of Grey? With Fifty Shades, nope, I decided I wasn't wasting any more of my money on it, just because I don't really care how the story ends XD That's one of the few times I can actually say that. I actually finished The Hunger Games because, even though it was poorly written, I really liked the story, so I wanted to see how it ended. I thought the last book was pretty miserable though.

    True, but I definitely don't plan on wasting time watching it XD I don't think it will do well, just because I feel like a lot of people didn't watch the show for Snooki or J-Woww because they didn't like them, but liked some of the other characters XD

    Victorious is horrible, but they still have a ton of merch, which is ridiculous. I can't stand Victoria Justice XD I liked the girl on there that hated her (Jade, I think), and Andre, but that was it. My like for them wasn't enough to beat out my annoyance with Victoria Justice.

    Yeah, I'm wanting to say that it's a country album because I saw it on a music download site and she was wearing like, a cowboy hat and boots on the cover. That Katelyn Tarver girl from BTR also has an album too apparently, but I haven't listened to either of them. I feel like both Nick and Disney (ESPECIALLY DISNEY) try waaay too hard to try to market all of their people as both singers and actors, when most of the time, there aren't many people that are great at both. None of them have anything on Justin Timberlake XD
    June 11th, 2012 at 10:06pm
  • Yeah, I'll probably write it in first-person, just to stay true to the way that the book is told. I think I chose Kendall more because of the way he's built and his history as an athlete, plus, I don't really like him, so it's easier for me to portray him in a more negative light XD

    I don't know. I pretty much already have an outline for each character and how they fit as the character in the book that I'm modelling them after, so we'll see.

    Tell me what you think when you finish it XD

    Eh, there are a lot of erotica novels I've read that have actually bothered to flesh out a plot and develop characters, which is more than can be said for Fifty Shades of Grey. I mean damn, the sex in that book is more laughable than arousing. Shit, I'm a 21-year-old virgin that has no desire to ever be published, but I can safely say that my sex scenes are better written XD

    Same here. I don't want to be saving some dude's ass all the time just because he can't stand up for himself.

    Me neither. I actually like Pauly D's spinoff, mainly because aside from Vinny, he was the only one on the show that I actually liked because he was so hilarious and quotable. I just felt like Vinny was the only one in the house that had a shred of sense XD I don't get the whole J-Woww and Snooki spinoff though, it just looks stupid. At least with Pauly D, his show's following his career. There's is just them being retarded.

    Only because iCarly has been on for so many years. BTR is the second highest rated live-action show on the network. I mean, Victorious has dolls and notebooks and clothes and shit, but they're still not incredibly popular or have high ratings. BTR has the notebooks and shizz, the only thing they don't have is the dolls, which makes sense because there are no real female leads to make dolls out of XD BTR's record sales put Miranda Cosgrove's AND Jeanette McCurdy's to shame, so I think it's pretty fair to say that it's a close call. Spongebob will always have them both trumped though XD
    June 4th, 2012 at 05:20pm
  • Yeah, I figured since I'm the most comfortable with writing Logan, and Nick is the narrator of the book, it would work out better with Logan as Nick. I feel like James is more charismatic, so he could make a good Gatsby, and I was thinking Kendall comes across as a little brutish to me, so he'd be a fitting Tom. I'm not so sure about Carlos, because all that would be left for him would be Myrtle's husband, and I was thinking of having Camille as Myrtle, so I'm not sure how Carlos/Camille would play out XD

    You should. It's only a novella, so if you end up not liking it, it wouldn't be that much of a waste of time, if that makes any sense.

    True, but I think what I hate the most about its popularity is that it seems like the only reason people read it is because of the sex, when there are tons of better examples of erotica out there Facepalm

    He was more tolerable in the book because it wasn't just random "I LOVE YOU KATNISS!" out of nowhere, but I still didn't really like him. I mean, I liked the way that him and Katniss sort of balance each other out with her being so fierce and him being all sensitive, but he really annoyed me because I think he's kind of a pussy XD

    Rolling Eyes I don't get why that show didn't take off when there was that show on VH1 where they sent all these reality tv people to this remote island to hash it out. I don't get tv these days. Even the newer sitcoms are crappy.

    Thanks, I'll definitely need it Facepalm

    But they go forever between showing new episodes of iCarly, and that's like, the most popular show on their network. At least with BTR, they have the tour specials, music videos and whatever to hold people over until they come out with a new episode XD
    May 29th, 2012 at 12:59am
  • Pretty much. I'm just doing The Great Gatsby and replacing all the leads with what I feel like would be their BTR equivalents. Like I was thinking that James could be Gatsby, Jo could be Daisy, Logan could be Nick, and so on.

    You should. It's actually pretty good, plus it's a short and easy read.

    I know right?! You would think that if it was "mommy porn," the moms would be aware that the sex scenes in the novel are ridiculous, considering they've had to have had sex to become mommies, so they have to be aware that no one's first time is as amazing as the girl in this story's is.


    I know!!! The guy that played Peeta just wasn't attractive at all. I think he's okay looking when he has his normal hair color, but he looked really awkward as a blond.

    True, it's not healthy to get every single thing that you want because then you don't learn to be grateful for what you do have.

    I'm taking organic chem, bleck.

    I just feel like, if they don't have the time, they should just hold off on the new season if the episodes are going to be half-assed. I'd rather just wait than be disappointed by episodes like the last one.
    May 24th, 2012 at 05:47am
  • That it will!

    I haven't planned it all out yet, but it's going to be an adaptation of The Great Gatsby with BTR characters. I just find the roaring 20s incredibly interesting XD

    It's a spin-off from the Twilight novels about a minor character. I think I like it better than the actually series, because actual bad stuff happens to this character and she does die in the end, unlike any of the main characters in Twilight XD

    I wanted to see what all the hype was about, but of course, I was extremely disappointed Facepalm

    Eh, but at least with Justin Bieber, I can see why/how people can find him attractive. Not so much with Miranda Cosgrove XD Same here, I think the way they act on the show is very unrealistic and immature, so it's sad that this is what younger girls are looking up to :/

    IT'S TRUE! I finally got to see the Hunger Games movie last night =3 Went with my mom. Liam Hemsworth was hot, but they did not show his hotness enough *wail*

    True, true.

    It is such a disgrace. We were talking about it in my religion class, like how birthday parties have changed from generation to generation, and a lot of people were complaining about how much money the parents spend on the kids and how bratty the girls are.

    Ain't that the truth? I'm just glad to be finally done, or at least done fro two weeks until my summer class starts :(

    It was a terrible, boring episode though XD Carlos had brought some cricket from France and had taken it on tour all over the world with him, and that was slightly funny, but that was it. I was so disappointed XD It just felt like they cranked out an episode only because they haven't had one in months.
    May 19th, 2012 at 02:43pm
  • I just tend to blow my money on stupid shit I don't need XD Like, I tried to put aside most of my last paycheck so that I could go to the beach this summer, but I had to dip into it a few times, so now I don't have enough to go :/

    Hmm, I bought my own copy of The Great Gatsby because I'm planning on writing a story based on it, but I hadn't read it since junior year, so I need to brush up on it. I bought that Short Second Life of Bree Tanner book, even though I'd already read it online. Got Lauren Conrad's latest book, a book of essays on The Hunger Games, that Fifty Shades of Grey book (which is terrible), and comedian Mindy Kaling's book. Nothing too taxing, since I'm just going to be reading them while I lay out anyway XD

    I don't know, she just still looks really young to me, so young that it's kind of creepy that older guys look at her in that way, if it makes any sense XD I think the girl that plays Sam is more attractive, but they dress her down in the show, probably to make Carly look better. Neithr of them are Audrina Patridge or anything though XD

    XD 'Cause that's the only time I find him attractive. XD

    Something along those lines XD I mean, I can think of guys with each hair color that I'm attracted to, but I'm generally more attracted to guys with brown hair, maybe because I have brown hair myself? I don't know XD

    Yeah, but at the same time, I feel like there are people like that from all generations, but I do see where you're coming from. It does seem like people are more likely to take advantage of and use people these days just because they feel like they can. That Super Sweet Sixteen show is a prime example of kids who are too entitled XD XD

    True, true. The end is in sight! It's not really pretty here right now, it's been raining all day, which has led to me feeling lazy and unproductive XD

    Oh yeah, did you catch the new BTR last night? I can see how they had time to film it because it was basically just all tour footage with some Kelly and Gustavo scenes thrown in Facepalm
    May 13th, 2012 at 09:05pm
  • I try XD I'm just incredibly cheap, plus I'm broke, so I don't really have much of a choice.

    Yeah, I wouldn't mind reading during school because I've bought a few books to read over the summer that I've been itching to start, but I just don't have the time.

    I don't know, but I'm wanting to lean towards no. Last time I saw an interview with her, she said she was fifteen, but that was a while back, so I'm gonna assume she's maybe seventeen now?

    XD He'd have to be forever in character for me to be with him. Most of the guys I'm into as far as celebs go have brown hair, but there are a couple guys in my classes that are hot blondes. I liked Andrew when he had red hair :3 I used to have it bad for redheads XD XD

    I'd agree from what I've seen from other people, particularly ones I've met through college because I go to school with a lot of entitled rich kids with trust funds, but I wouldn't say that myself or the group that I grew up with are entitled because we all grew up fairly poor, so we were pretty lucky for what we could get XD

    Ugh, I know what you mean. I'm planning to get my religion take-home final finished today. I'm not finished yet :( I have finals all next week, but I'm trying not to get too stressed out about it because I know if I freak out, I won't get anything done.
    May 13th, 2012 at 01:43pm
  • XD XD XD True, but I tend to buy things on clearance. I got a pair of shorts last week from the bookstore for ten bucks :3

    Yeah, I don't have a problem with reading, I like to read, I just never have a chance to during the school year, and when I do have free time during the semester, the last thing I want to do is read XD I like to read when I lay out during the summer though.

    She looks like she's twelve Facepalm That's not sexy.

    True, but I'd still bang him. Only if he looked like Gale though. I'm not too fond of his normal looks. I don't go for blondes XD

    Eh, I'm not taking my chances. I go to school with a lot of guys that think they're the smartest person in the world, and I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life with that *eyeroll* I'd be fine with someone who was average/on my level, and I'd be fine with a guy that wasn't the brightest crayon in the box as long as he was sweet and treated me right XD

    It really does. I despise school.

    So what have you been up to lately, girl?
    May 12th, 2012 at 02:26am
  • Eh, not really. I have a lot of yellow clothes because it's one of my favorite colors, and considering there are a ton of black and gold clothes in the bookstore, I don't think it's that much of a stretch XD

    I'm too impatient to wait three-four years for all the movies to come out :3 Plus, I've already read up to halfway through the last book, so I might as well finish it *shrug*

    That is true. A lot of the guys I know think she's hot, but I just don't see it. She looks crazy young and really plain.

    I know right? Ruined the hotness that is Liam Hemsworth :P

    I actually have no desire in being with someone smarter than me, just because I feel like enough people feel the need to talk down to me and be condescending towards me, and I don't want that in a partner. I just think I'd look really awkward with a scrawny guy because I'm curvy, plus I would feel more secure that a guy with a little muscule, not steroid buff, could protect me XD

    Ok! I'll check those out!

    I KNOW! THEY ALWAYS CRUSH MY DREAMS! And it's not like anyone else on campus knows who any of these people are either, so everyone's disappointed.

    Well, students don't have to buy tickets, and I'm pretty sure alumna don't either. I think our spring concert is free.
    May 5th, 2012 at 11:57pm
  • XD XD XD I'll have to do that, just have a random run-around-as-a-bumblebee day. I think I like actual gold better than mustard yellow XD I remember I always got irritated when people would wear mustard yellow to the football games, especially because some of the things people chose to wear were so obviously not even trying to be gold XD

    Yeah, she's supposed to be sixteen, but the novels make her out like she's supposed to be soooo mature, yet the writing is pitiful. I don't know, I just think they would make way better films than novels.

    I don't know, she just seems incredibly annoying, like Miranda Cosgrove. My friend watches Victorious, so I've seen a few episodes at her house, but it's like iCarly in the way that I only really find the minor characters funny because they make the lead girls too perfect so that "everyone" can relate to them Facepalm Yeah, Fred's okay. I mean, it's kind of a stupid humor, but it's like Spongebob in that it's kind of relaxing to watch and just laugh along with the dumb jokes.

    Yup, yup. I don't like Liam Hemsworth, only because I can really only see him as the guy that dated Miley Cyrus, but I think he looks totally fine as Gale. I have a Gale poster on my wall =3

    I'm sure it is, I just haven't had time to hunt it down XD

    But there are guys that are both XD Our quarterback was fit, a physics major, and had a 4.0 GPA before he graduated, so it's not as if all muscular guys are dumb as bricks. I don't really have types. If I like a guy, I like him XD

    I downloaded two of their albums today, but I haven't had time to listen to them yet.

    Yeah, it's like, what's the point of even sending out a ballot if there's not a chance in hell that anyone on the ballot is going to play here? Just gets people's hopes up.

    One day, after I've graduated, maybe someone that I have actually heard of will play my college's spring concert.
    May 3rd, 2012 at 01:57am
  • Yeah, it was one of the projects we had to do, but only a couple people finished theirs. I got a little over halfway done with mine, but they had to be our school colors, black and gold, except of course, you can rarely find anything that's truly gold, so it was more like black and mustard yellow Facepalm

    Eh, I don't really like the way the books are written because they kind of read like a twelve-year-old wrote them, but the story's good.

    Yeah, I kinda hate that How to Rock show, only because it looks so stereotypical in the commercials and I hate that Cymphonique Miller girl XD They show new episodes of Victorious too, but I don't really like it either. The only shows I really watch on Nick besides BTR are Spongebob and that Fred show XD Oh, and I read somewhere that the new season of BTR is supposedly airing on May 12th, but I still don't see how they've had time to do any filming XD I'll believe it when I see it. I hope they don't air May 12th cause that's right smack dab in the middle of my finals week.

    True, he should really do more comedies. He was hilarious in 21 Jump Street. There's a character I think he would be amazing as for the next Hunger Games movie, but I doubt they'd cast him. HEY! DON'T JUDGE ME FRANCES, I'M A ROMANTIC AT HEART :'( XD

    Yup yup, I need to find a download link for it so I can watch it again because I doubt they'll put it on iTunes. They never put the last tour special on there.

    Honestly, I don't really either because super buffness is a little frightening, but I do like, like, Taylor Lautner buffness because it's attractive but not overwhelming. I like Chris Evans too =3 I used to go for the scrawnier guys too, but I've noticed that after I've gotten involved with football, I've found myself leaning towards that sort of guy XD

    Dang it, I forgot Facepalm I had physics homework to do during my break, so I didn't get a chance to play around online. I will check them out though because I do need some new music.

    I don't know, it's like my school always sends this ballot around where you can vote for three artists you'd like to see play, but no one they pick is ever anyone on the ballot Facepalm I know Lupe Fiasco was on the ballot this year, and a lot of people were really excited about that (myself included), but of course, we got someone completely random XD That's cool. OAR played the year before I started going, and I would've wanted to see them, but that's just the way it is.
    May 1st, 2012 at 01:11am
  • Exactly XD I still need to finish the blanket I started in my knitting class, and I really want to finish reading the last Hunger Games book, so I have a few summer projects already.

    True, but they rarely ever show new episodes, and I've never really liked the Fairly Oddparents. Adore Cosmo, but Timmy is too whiny to tolerate XD XD

    That he does not XD He's so fine, but I'm usually not interested at all in the movies he chooses to act in. I wanted to see The Vow, but it just looked like it would make me cry, so I steered clear.

    Yeah, it was basically just them playing around with their dogs, doing some of the choreography for their new tour, costumes for the tour, all that good stuff =3

    Perfect match, right there! Might also help if he was a little on the buff side so he could like, maneuver people out of the path of your cycling XD

    Alright, I'll listen to them during my break Monday and get back to you =D

    I mean, I go to a small private school, so I'm not really expecting much, but the equally small all-girls college up the street somehow manages to get relatively well-known artists to play their spring concert. Like this year, they got B.o.B, last year, I went to a Darius Rucker show there, and I think the year before that, they had Colbie Caillat. Not particularly people I like, but at least I know who they are XD
    April 28th, 2012 at 06:50pm
  • Glitter makes everything better XD I definitely will. I've got the stuff to make it, I just haven't had time to work on it yet with school and everything.

    But then no one would watch it, and it would get cancelled like every other Nick cartoon except for Spongebob XD XD

    It was really good. I haven't seen a movie that funny in quite some time. Plus Channing Tatum is pretty yummy.

    Yeah, I think it came on last Saturday. It was called Big Time Tour or something like that. It was so cute =3

    Exactly. You wouldn't have thought, with how policing Nick is, that it would've even gotten out in the first place.

    XD XD XD You need a bik bodyguard to protect you from yourself and other obstacles.

    Neat, I'll have to check them out =D Pianists are adorkable =3

    Because all of the people that come to play at my school suck XD XD
    April 27th, 2012 at 03:52pm
  • I have no clue what my sign's gonna say yet, but it'll probably be incredibly suggestive knowing me. And covered in glitter =3

    That's probably the most adorable thing I've ever heard XD They should make a movie or comic book or SOMETHING about Kendall and his pig's adventures =3

    We saw 21 Jump Street, and it was so so so hilarious. I died laughing so many times through that movie. I really want to see The Hunger Games, but I haven't gotten a chance yet. I have a feeling I'd really like the movie because I liked the storyline of the books, but I despised the way they were written XD

    True, possibly even September Facepalm I know. There was one time I didn't know they were showing a new BTR episode until the morning of the day they were supposed to show it. Did you watch that tour special they did for them recently? So so adorable XD

    Nope, I haven't seen it. I don't really like iCarly, and I kinda hate tumblr, so I haven't encountered it XD

    Fun stuff XD Oh no girl, don't go falling off your bike and getting injured! =/ I feel like I've heard that name, but I've never heard their music. What type of music do they play? Pianists are always cute, maybe because not that many bands have them, so they're like a rarity XD We always have people I've never heard of play our free concert in the spring. I think we had Mike Posner my freshman year, then Young Joc last year, and then some indie folky band this year that I'd never heard of. Epic failure.
    April 27th, 2012 at 12:28am
  • Thanks. My next test is actually next week, so I'm trying to get a head start on it by studying over break.

    I'm glad it's not like RIGHT NOW because I have some time to get all fine before I meet them XD XD XD I'm gonna make a sign too :3

    Omigosh, that sounds adorable XD XD :3 One of my friends would go crazy because she has like this dream of having a farm of miniature animals XD I bet Kendall and his potbelly pig go on lots of adventures together XD So, so cute.

    I've just been relaxing, pretty much. Saw a couple movies with some friends, went out to eat a few times, been trying to get some writing done. It's all good XD

    True, but of course, since the second season just wrapped up, there's gonna be a gap. I mean, even iCarly, which is supposedly their most successful show, has serious gaps between episodes XD I guess Nick feels like they don't have to show a new episode every week like every other channel XD XD Aw, that sucks. I actually liked Bucket and Skinner. They should cancel that annoying How to Rock show instead :P I tried to watch the episode that BTR guest starred in, and I kinda wanted to punch the main girl XD So annoying.

    So what about you, girl? What have you been up to?
    April 4th, 2012 at 04:03pm