Shannon McFarland / Comments

  • I know I did awful because I didn't answer half of the test XD But I don't really care now. Maybe next time I'll do better *shrug*

    I will! I've still got a few months to wait though :( Seriously? I hope it's like, a potbelly pig or else he wouldn't be able to take it anywhere XD

    I worked four days a week, but now it's over and I'm FREE! Yay! XD

    That's true. I didn't think it would be that great to begin with, but I had to see for myself. Plus, I don't mind watching them run around in tuxedos ;) I don't know, but we'll see. I hope they air some new episodes, but I highly doubt it because I don't see how they've had time to film because they usually post pics and stuff while they're filming, but they haven't posted anything about a new season. You know how sporadically Nick schedules things ::facepalm"
    March 30th, 2012 at 09:10pm
  • I will have to try some more songs...maybe one day when I'm feeling bold. :/

    Ah, I've actually been doing a lot more hardcore reading this year. I mean I've also read some YA but mainly it's been dense novels but they've been brilliant. I've become obsessed with Ray Bradbury.

    Ah, I know...but I'm not huge into action movies and I would usually love it but I hate the actors they picked...and the political aspects were the only part I really, really enjoyed about the books. So it's kind of just non-interesting to me. But I can see the appeal.


    Logan Lerman is my soul mate. We're the exact same person in different bodies. It's kind of gross.
    March 20th, 2012 at 05:43am
  • XD XD XD

    I know right? I had two tests back to back today, and I just know I did flat out awful on one of them, just because I devoted all my study time to the other one. Ugh.

    Well, they haven't been around until this tour, so I haven't had the chance XD I got VIP tickets though, so I'll get to go to the meet and greet and get my pic taken with them, all that good stuff ;)

    Same here. Once football is over, I'm sure I'll have more time to study. It's been complete hell these past couple weeks trying to balance everything.

    See, I was scared if I started channel surfing, I'd end up missing the good part or something XD I thought Carlos was adorable, but the premise was just stupid, so I couldn't get into it. Plus, I kinda hate the Beatles, so the music did nothing for me XD Really? I wouldn't think that they've had time to film the third season yet, just because they just wrapped up the second season and they've been pretty much touring nonstop since they wrapped up filming the movie. I feel sorry for them, they're getting worked to death :( LOGAN, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!
    March 20th, 2012 at 02:13am
  • Well that's a nice fact to know XD Now whenever people give me the crazy eye whenever I say that I prefer morning classes, I can drop some knowledge on them.

    That sucks. I had a case paper for psychology and a take-home test paper for religion due on the same day last week, and that was pretty brutal. I ended up having a test the day before those papers were due, so I couldn't really space it out or anything,

    Yeah, we had our first test in my psych class today, and it was ridiculously easy, so it's nice to have a class that doesn't completely take up all of my time.

    That's probably what I'll do! XD I have plans to go see Big Time Rush over the summer with a girl I know from my classes that also likes them, so hopefully we can become better friends as well XD

    Physics is just frustrating. I didn't do so hot on the last test, but it was my own fault because I didn't really spend any time studying for it. It was so much easier to teach myself everything out of the book last semester because I only had two other classes, but now that I'm taking five classes, I don't have as much time.

    Yeah, I saw it, but I thought it was kinda dumb. There were a few funny moments, but it was so hard for me to pay attention for the entire hour and a half. Plus, I don't particularly care for the Beatles XD
    March 13th, 2012 at 10:12pm
  • :)

    I've actually avoided that album like the plague because I hate pumped up kicks or whatever it's called but maybe I will give it a try just for you...

    I have read "Everything Is Illuminated..." but it was when it first came out so I definitely need to reread it. He is on my list of "Need to read more of" Do you like him?

    I have! I own all of them. :D Right now I'm just freaking out about "The Hobbit." You probably thought I was going to say Hunger Games but I'm so bleh about those books. I don't understand the hype since they cut out a lot of the political aspects of the book which is the only part of the series I enjoyed to be honest. OOOHHH and "Perks of Being a Wallflower!" That's another one I'm looking forward to because I adore the book.
    March 13th, 2012 at 03:36am
  • Ah, so how are you? Sorry it's been awhile with everything going on I haven't had a lot of computer time.

    I've actually been listening to MGMT a lot the past couple of weeks. I forgot how much I loved them until we had talked about it and now I'm back into them...hardcore. haha

    I'm a complete book it can't be helped.

    OMG who doesn't David Tennant. He should date my best friend, she too dressed up like the doctor for Halloween. It was hilarious. She is also deeply obsessed with HP though. Like has more Harry Potter stuff than anyone else ever. It's quite crazy.
    March 2nd, 2012 at 04:54am
  • Exactly! I tried to wear my scarf the other day, but it's a little too short to tie right :(

    Now that sounds like a plan XD

    That would be an incredibly awkward moment, especially if the girl wears a ton of makeup. Yeah, people tend to look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I try to get morning classes, but I obviously have my reasons XD

    Those sound interesting, but I'm sure you're swamped with reading and papers to write, which is no fun. Yeah, it is a pretty fun class. Like the professor's already given us two weeks off of class because he's traveling or whatever.

    I hope so too, even though I never feel like I have the time to go out. School's been so overwhelming lately, and spring training for football starts next week, so that'll take up my time too. One of the guys from the football team gave me his number and we've been talking, but I don't think I want to date him or anything XD

    Ugh, bummer. I have a physics test tomorrow, and I have no clue what's going on in that class since the prof never teaches, so I definitely need to study :/
    February 26th, 2012 at 05:47pm
  • I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I can't say that I mind though, since even with this mild winter, I'm still freezing. I'm terribly cold-natured XD

    I would totally show up, regardless of the entertainment XD I need an excuse to dress up.

    Yeah, I've gotten to the point where I'm too lazy to dress nice for class anymore XD It's sad, but I can't say that I'm trying to impress anyone. If a guy can't handle me in my sweats, he obviously doesn't deserve me anyway, hmpf. But yeah, I still need to get adjusted to the schedule, but I generally prefer morning classes because then they're out of the way, so I have the rest of the day to do whatever.

    Nope, it's not. I'm awful at time management. What classes are you taking now? I like my abnormal psychology class because the professor's hilarious XD Plus, it's a break from all the bio classes I'm taking.

    I know, but I really need to. I feel like the few friends I have left from high school don't really support me that much, plus they have their own stuff going on (one's engaged, one has a kid), so I need to find people at the same place in life as me to go out with and stuff =/

    So what have you been up to?
    February 14th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • Exactly! And with my placement I don't have much time for anything social life which definitely means no love life.

    I've been reading a lot but thats because it's how I go to bed. And who doesn't love MGMT and Neil? I've heard a couple of Deerhunter...I'll have to keep listening!

    Hm...Music: The Head and the Heart, Admiral Fallow, Ellie Goulding, The Cinema and more haha Books: Kazuo Ishiguro's books are great, The Night Circus and I'm reading a David Letham book which is pretty good. TV: uh...I'm obsessed with Merlin...which is super nerdy...and Dr. Who which is also really nerdy. Whoops. haha
    February 9th, 2012 at 04:16am
  • We had really nice weather for like, this past weekend, but then it suddenly got crazy cold again. Can't stand this bipolar weather!

    You should make up a catchy name for your weekly potlucks XD

    As great as Well-dressed Wednesdays sound, it would never catch on. Plus, I'm too lazy to dress up during the actual week XD I have 8:30 and 8:00 classes, I prefer to just roll out of bed and go XD XD XD

    Thanks, I did! It was Mike Birbiglia. He's my all-time fave comedian =3 We had a four-day weekend since it was the end of our interim, so we had some time off before spring semester started.

    UGH, I've only been back in real school for like, two days, and I'm already sick of it XD I really like one of my classes though.

    Exactly XD I feel like I haven't hung out with my friends in forever. Everyone's sort of off doing their own thing. Guess it's time to make some new friends XD
    February 8th, 2012 at 02:40am
  • haha no worries. I won't hold it against you. :)

    I guess we will see where it goes but I'm not going to focus all my energy on it right now. I'm finishing up school and taking my life from there.

    So what have you been listening to, watching or reading lately? Any new obsessions? I mean we no longer have TAI. We have to latch ourselves on to new things. :/
    February 3rd, 2012 at 04:19am
  • haha Kandi...whoops. ;) And life is hard.

    It was a more of a relationship when I was home but while I was at school and he was home we didn't know what to call ourselves. We just never established anything because I wasn't there 9 months out of the year. But now that I'm graduating it's weird because I will be home for awhile but I don't know how long. Plus, I don't know where I will be when I get a job and how far away it will be etc.
    January 31st, 2012 at 06:28am
  • Yeah, and I haven't even worn it yet =( I've been wearing my hat though. I really like it =3 It keeps my ears warm.

    That's awesome. I would totally come to your classy potluck suppers =3 I just really like to dress up, so I'm always drawn to all these nice dresses that I can't wear anywhere since I only go to class and work XD

    Thanks! My birthday was actually not that great =/ I went out to eat the night before and ended up getting food poisoning, so I was sick all weekend and didn't get to go out. I'm just mad that I didn't get to wear my dress XD But we have a four-day weekend this week, and I'm going to see my favorite comedian perform this Thursday, so hopefully that'll make up for my shitty birthday.

    Oh gosh, that's no fun. I start spring semester next week, and I'm definitely not looking forward to it =/ Ugh, loud roommates suck. I'm sorry your friends have to deal with that, but I am glad you got to spend some quality time with your buds.
    January 31st, 2012 at 02:48am
  • :D I try. haha

    Yes, I can completely understand that one...(ex. further in this post). Why does it seem whenever you want to be with someone and they seem to understand you perfectly it is NEVER the right time. What the heck...

    About whether or not I've eaten breakfast. It's just obnoxious. I need to stop being inside my house.

    Like head shaven Britney Spears whack!

    I'm good. Tired...this semester will be long! Boys are stupid. Same guy, same thing. We understand each other but that doesn't mean it ACTUALLY works. I may understand him but I don't know if I completely trust him...I don't know if trust is the right word either. I'm just afraid that we will never reach that point where we will work together. I'm just trying to get over him...but it seems that it is not working since I've been trying for over a year. :/ I'm still going to try though. He will not get the best of me!
    January 25th, 2012 at 04:13am
  • It's sad that I've already gotten something on my scarf XD

    Exactly, big classy parties are great XD I'm open to someone changing my mind, I just have that stereotypical fear of commitment XD

    Pizza is always a good time XD I'm glad you had fun. Thanks! I feel like it's coming up too soon, and I have so much shit I need to get done before Saturday.

    Thanks! I hope it does too, I don't wanna waste that much money on a dress I can't even wear XD

    So what have you been up to?
    January 25th, 2012 at 01:49am
  • I actually kinda like beige, just because it matches everything XD

    Eh, I'm just not that big on commitment, so I never see myself getting married. I'd just have a big classy party or something XD

    Yeah, that's true.

    Yeah, I'm not too fond of the way it tastes, so once I'm legal, I'll probably move onto something else to get my buzz XD

    Mmm, pizza sounds delish =3 Oh god, Metro drama is not cool, but now you have a story to tell about it XD I'm glad you had a nice birthday :D

    Oh yeah XD This is the dress I got, but I haven't tried it on yet, so I haven o clue if it looks like shit on me or not:
    January 19th, 2012 at 08:38pm
  • I figured if they can't get my name right then I can tease them and get my way once in awhile...although usually that's not a problem because usually my way isn't wrong or bad.

    You'll find something. I heard there won't be many librarians left soon.

    You really, truly are Franny.

    Okay, good. If we both cross our fingers than it's bound to work! :D

    I think if you have something like that where the other person can just understand you it is always hard to let go because it's hard to find someone like that. But at the same time there will be more. I think it's okay to miss him and to miss that connection; heck I know how that feels but remember there are more fish in the sea or penguins in the artic, or elephants in the savannah. Whatever animal metaphor is to your liking.

    Don't let your friends make you feel bad for missing him. It's easy to miss something that meant something to you. So they can shove it!

    Eating breakfast? Do they not want you to eat breakfast? Or eat more at breakfast? Or do they have something against breakfast foods? Or do they feel upset that there is such a thing as, "breakfast foods" and how they are only allowed in the morning?
    January 19th, 2012 at 05:46am
    =D I hope it's an awesome one.
    January 15th, 2012 at 01:53am
  • We had to do them in beige, which is really boring, but at least it matches everything. I'm trying to knit Autum a red scarf for her birthday, but I don't know if I'll get it done on time.

    I'd like to get married, but I just don't see it happening. It's just not my style XD Like, I would want a wedding, but I wouldn't want an actual marriage.

    I know! I'm so horrible!

    Yeah, I'm not really big on giving people second chances, and I'm the type to hold a grudge, but I don't know, I guess everytime I try to be nice, I always get fucked over somehow.

    I know, they're terrible, but they're cheap and get you buzzed quick XD We only drink like, half a can, and we're straight up rolling *smh*

    Oh gosh, I know what you mean. I'm psyched to turn 21 so I can actually go clubbing and have fun, but I know I'm getting old. I'm not prepared for the real world. Do you have any plans for the big two-oh?

    Not really [i]special[/i] special, but a bunch of us are going bar-hopping downtown, and I'm excited. Plus, I bought a new dress just for the occasion =3
    January 13th, 2012 at 02:09am
  • I will! I'm super excited because I just finished my first project for the class. It's a scarf where we had to practice all these different patterns, and mine was not too shabby, if I do say so myself XD

    Yeah, I guess you're right about that XD I have creative vision when it comes to myself, but I don't think I'm good at pinpointing what other people would like. I doubt I'll get married myself, but if I do, I know exactly how I want it to be, just from my television watching XD

    True, even though I did get paid yesterday and went a little online-shopping crazy /facepalm. I can't help it, I'm addicted to clothes. Plus, I had to buy all my textbooks, so that took up a good chunk of my paycheck.

    Hey, at least you fit in a run, that sounds pretty productive to me. I can top your movie stand up though. Like, a couple months ago (whenever Breaking Dawn first came out), Autum and I had plans to go see this movie, and we always get our tickets at least a couple weeks in advance, and right before I was supposed to go buy our tickets, my stupid ex-boyfriend who I had been talking to for like, a couple weeks prior, flat-out BEGS ME if he can go to the movie with us because he's gotten into Twilight and doesn't want to go see it by himself, so I reluctantly agree and get him a ticket as well, then the punk ass doesn't show up to the movie. So okay, the dude owes me like, eight bucks for buying his ticket, and he offers to like, take me out to dinner or whatever to make up for it, but I decline because that's way too date-y and I don't want to be with this guy again, so I'm just like, "well, we can go see breaking dawn again together since you wanted to see it and I liked it, so I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but I can't do anything until after I'm done with finals." He agrees, but then, right after this, he like, disappears off the face of the earth. I'm still mad about my eight bucks, even though it's probably my own lapse in judgment for trying to be a nice person.

    That's crazy XD I only get to get tipsy occasionally and that's only because Autum's bf is like, 24, so he sometimes gets us like, four loko or something random like that.

    Yup, yup. I'm practically counting down the days. You have a birthday coming up too, yeah? I know yours is before mine, but I can't remember the date because I am an awful friend XD
    January 12th, 2012 at 02:01am