Shannon McFarland / Comments

  • I'm writing my first Kendall Schmidt fan fic and I was wondering if you could check it. :)
    January 10th, 2012 at 10:17pm
  • Ah, I know that pain. I have multiple siblings so I hardly ever get called the right name on the first try. But it's understandable I guess? Well...I don't get offended by it anyway. I just use it against them bwahahaha!

    Yeah, I'll be fine once I get a job; it's the getting the job part I'm scared about.

    You are a hippie Fran. :b I am pushing through writer's block right now. I think I will eventually get back into it. Every book has those days right? I really do believe in this book more than I have with any other story I've done. So fingers crossed!

    Anyway...TELL ME ABOUT YOUR LIFE FRAN! I want to know everything! What have you been doing? School? Boys? Family? Friends? ETC ETC ETC.
    January 7th, 2012 at 08:39am
  • It's okay. I'm only taking a knitting class in January, so it's not that stressful.

    Yeah, I guess that is true, but I feel like it would be a lot harder to make it as an event planner, plus I have like, no creative vision XD Best believe I have my own wedding planned though XD I'm one of THOSE girls *eyeroll*

    I'm supposed to get paid next week, so maybe I can recover from all my shopping. I gotta buy my books for next semester though, and lord only knows how much that'll cost.

    Pssht, you did more than me XD I think I just watched movies all day, tried to write, and went to bed early XD Like, I don't get how people that young are able to get their hands on alcohol XD XD XD I'll be legal in like, two weeks, and I can't get ahold of shit. Seriously jealous.
    January 7th, 2012 at 01:55am
  • Guess that means my dad is ancient and has been for as long as I can remember...he forgets all the time.

    Thanks! I'm super excited but I'm also super scared. I don't want an adult job! It's scary and no fun.

    haha I'm sure they are great which is very unlike botched nose jobs. It's a fantasy, another world type thing. Think maybe Chronicles of Narnia mixed with maybe hm...Percy Jackson? I don't know if that's quite right but it's adventure-ish, travel, strong female lead, with humor. It's been a lot of fun to write so far but I haven't had a lot of time and I'm sure it'll a dead end like usual. But I swear I'm going to finish this book even if it takes me to my dying day!
    January 4th, 2012 at 05:53am
  • I hope so XD I just found out yesterday that my classes start back this Thursday :(

    Thanks =D

    XD XD XD I highly doubt that'd work out. I feel like, to be a wedding planner, you have to be really organized and really anal in order to gt anything done, and I'm neither of those things, so it'd never work out XD

    I know, right? Just can't resist XD

    Yeah, that makes sense. Did you do anything for New Year's?
    January 3rd, 2012 at 05:10pm
  • haha I am not looking forward to getting old...

    I was done on the we pretty much went up till Christmas but it was a great Christmas and now I have a month off till I go back for my last semester. I have Library Science practicum which will be a lot of fun...then I have to start applying!

    Ah, poor Frances. :( I've tried writing but I haven't had much time...but I'm actually working on a REAL book...just starting out but its going
    December 30th, 2011 at 09:33pm
  • I KNOW I AM FRANCES, LET ME BEEEE XD XD I've been going out a lot this week, but I haven't gotten any of the stuff done at home that I need to get done.

    Yeah, I know. There's DEFINITELY stuff out there that's worst than mine, but I'm a little disappointed since I felt like I was writing so well over the summer, but now everything write seems like shit.

    Yeah, I've seen that, but I'm not a fan of it. It doesn't flow as well to me.

    Yup, Bridezillas, the one about the wedding cakes, and David Tutera =3 Pssht no, I don't even have a boyfriend, I just like to watch wedding shows XD I like the event planning aspect of it.

    It was okay, got some good deals, spent waaay too much money though, but that's the way it goes. It wasn't so horrible when we went, but I thought it was way more crowded than it should've been considering we went on a Wednesday morning. Like, I didn't get why all these people weren't at work XD
    December 29th, 2011 at 08:36pm
  • XD I wish I could multitask, but I'm horrible at it. I think the major problem is that I end up falling asleep on the couch while I'm watching tv, so then after my nap, I feel like a zombie all day =/

    I know, right? I feel like I do my best writing over the summer, but my writing is completely shitty over school, and what I've written over this break hasn't been that much better, bleck.

    I usually know where things are going, I just don't know how to get there Facepalm I'm awful at writing filler and transitions.

    I did pretty much the same. My family does our holiday shizzy nizzy the night before XD I think I watched wedding shows all day Sunday. I adore My Fair Wedding with David Tutera XD Omigosh, I know what you mean. Autum and I are going to hit the stores Wednesday because we figure it'll be packed today and tomorrow with people making returns.
    December 27th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Thanks :)

    Ugh, but I keep getting caught in the whole couch-tv time warp and end up wasting hours just watching tv XD I have sosososo much I need to do.

    Yup, yup. It was fun =3

    I'm trying! XD It's just so hard to make myself sit down and write Facepalm

    Oh gosh, I know what you mean. I have like, ten or so things halfway finished but no motivation to actually sit down and finish them.

    Merry Christmas! How have your holidays been going?
    December 25th, 2011 at 09:29pm
  • Yeah, hopefully. All of my friends that I talked to that took the class last summer did really well in it, so hopefully I'll do the same.

    Yup, yup. I had all these plans to be so friggin' productive over break, but so far, I haven't done shit XD

    Yeah, I know, and it sucks because all my friends go to the same school, but I go to a different one, so our breaks never really line up well. I did see my bff the other day, and we trolled around the city. It was fun.

    My break's been okay, nothing too exciting to report XD I've been trying to get some writing done, but I have nothing to show for it. What about you?
    December 23rd, 2011 at 01:21am
  • Pssht, I didn't even DO half of the final XD But whatevs. I'm just glad to be DONE!

    Yup, yup. I finished up Friday, but my brain still kinda feels like it's gonna explode =/ Luckily, I got all my Christmas shopping done last week, so I don't have to worry about it.

    Probably about the same. Just gonna hang out with my friends that I never get a chance to see over the semester.
    December 18th, 2011 at 10:35pm
  • He really should be =( He's an awful teacher. AND I have my final in that class Thursday, but I don't really care because I'm retaking it over the summer anyway.

    Yup yup, so true! I'm just so ready to be DONE! I had my most important final Monday morning, and I have another one Thursday afternoon, and my last is Friday morning, and then I'll be done! XD I'm so burnt out.

    Do you have any exciting plans for winter break?
    December 14th, 2011 at 03:15am
  • Yup, I don't mind a drink every once in awhile but that's just ridiculous. haha

    Life is good. I am almost done with the semester and then I'll only have 1 semester left! I'll be all done with my journalism classes! The rest of the stuff I have is for fun and my minor!! I'm really excited. So finals start this coming Thursday and go through next Thursday. Then home for Christmas!

    How are you? Did you have your finals yet? What's been going on with you?
    December 10th, 2011 at 08:53am
  • XD like, that's the only word to describe it: unfortunate.

    I know, he's a shitty professor. Like earlier this week, one of my friends asked him if he could move our last test from next Tuesday to next Thursday because we have our last physiology test that Monday, and a majority of the people that are in organic are also in physio, and he basically went off on her saying like "if you can't handle it, maybe you shouldn't take those classes" blah blah blah.

    Ugh, I can't even be excited about Christmas because I'm so stressed out XD I've still got two more weeks of basically nothing but tests :(
    December 2nd, 2011 at 03:59pm
  • Oh yes, most definitely =D

    I would've totally been your slutty Batman partner in crime XD Skanky Snow White sounds cool, creepy chubby dude chasing you...not so much XD

    Me too. Like, me and one of the girls I work with had him for general chemistry, and she ended up failing the first test, so she had to meet with him, and basically he told her that her life was worthless because she failed the first test =( Like, in his mind, if you do badly in his class, it's not because you don't understand it, it's because you're lazy. I mean, I'll admit that I'm lazy, but I did try in that class and still did as horribly as I would've done if I hadn't studied my ass off, so I just kinda gave up.

    Same here, I pretty much slept my entire Thanksgiving break away =/ That's good that you got recommended for the honors program! =D

    Ugh, I know what you mean. I couldn't be more ready for Christmas break, but I still have like, three weeks of complete hell to get through.
    November 27th, 2011 at 11:48pm
  • The old ones are... well old? Nah, they're good, for the most part. Bubba, Ksquared, and I had a falling out, so we don't talk anymore, but the rest of my friends from back home are good.

    o.O I don't even understand.
    But being sick is no good. :( Luckily, I haven't been sick yet, which is super, super rare for me. :)

    I have to live in the dorms. The UW system requires that all first and second year students live in the dorms, unless they already live within 20 miles of the school. But my roommate is okay. We're not friends, but we talk, and are good with each other. My floormates are awesome. I'm eco-rep for my hall, so I meet a lot of people that way. :)
    November 9th, 2011 at 05:57am
  • They were great. I didn't get a chance to go the last two years, so it was nice to finally NOT have to do something for school that night and go out and get my dance on XD

    XD I never would've thought of that. Did you go with an equally slutty Batman? =3

    True true XD And even if I do burn it, I can always pretend it never happened XD

    Yeah, organic is brutal. Like, I have this friend that goes to a ridiculously easy school and is taking organic there and made like, a 103 on her first test try to tell me how easy it was Rolling Eyes Don't need that XD Yeah, that would work if I was taking more than just two other classes. Pretty much gonna have to retake it over the summer, which is fine with me because then I'll have the good teacher and not the douchey one XD

    How have you been? How's class treating ya?
    November 8th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • Well darling, college is goooood. I've made some brilliant friends that I can honestly say will be around for a while. I like most of my classes, even though they're kicking my ass. But, I am learning to thrive from the challenges they present.

    How are you?
    November 4th, 2011 at 08:20pm
  • Exactly.

    Let's just say my friends acted like complete idiots and then decided I should be their babysitter. I am NO grown adults babysitter. Plus, they kept yelling at other people, which is just rude and unnecessary. They apologized the next day but it's probably a good reason as to why I don't drink a lot anymore...not that I ever behaved like that when I drank. I've just grown out of the phase of spending a lot of money on booze.
    November 2nd, 2011 at 03:48am
  • Yeah, I ended up going to a few costume parties, and our homecoming game was that weekend as well, so it ended up being a fun weekend =D How about you?

    True. I mean, cooking doesn't seem that hard, just follow a recipe XD

    I'm actually doing pretty well in my physics class, considering I'm practically teaching it to myself XD Organic is a failure though. I've pretty much given up any hope of making a decent grade in there. It's gonna kill my GPA =(

    It just frustrates me XD I'm just ready for Thanksgiving break.
    October 31st, 2011 at 08:35pm