Problems with Society

There are so many things that bother me about our society; people judging other people based on their weight, skin color, special needs, attire, or just the way they look, etc. We as a parents/future parents need to teach our children not to idolize celebrities, or put down people with tattoos and piercings. Our kids should not grow up feeling that they have to look or be a certain way. The adults...
December 9th, 2013 at 10:02pm

What's the point of life? Is there one?

Is there even a point to life? We live for those few moments of happiness but the rest of life is just being stressed out trying to get a good education and all this bullshit just so we can get money. And why do we need money? Because you have to have money to be happy and stress free. I say it's all bullshit none of it is worth it. Those few moments of happiness in life are not worth all the...
January 2nd, 2013 at 02:17am