Me vs Life - It's Been a While.

Hello readers! It's been a long time coming since I've posted anything on this site whether it be a story or one of these lovely blog posts but here I am once again. Now I'm not sure how far into detail I will be getting into this post or what exactly will be the outcome of this but I really felt the need to get things off my chest and finally get myself to write something and who knows maybe one...
March 4th, 2015 at 02:17am

Is There Such Thing as Too Much Detail?- Opinions Welcome!

I had an interesting conversation last night about the current topic and it made me curious to see what other people - meaning you guys- thought about the subject. I'm sure we have all had this experience where we get this crazy idea and we quickly go forth and put your ideas down on paper or actually get yourself to write it to create a new chapter in a current story or maybe even a new story....
July 10th, 2013 at 11:57pm


Hey guys, Karina here again!As you can tell from my title this blog will be about plagiarism. Today I woke up in a good mood, I got an update out on of my stories and I was about to get to work on my other stories. I had even wanted to get ideas out on the sequel I've been putting off but this just put a damper on things.Not so long ago a good friend of mine told me that she found a story with my...
May 20th, 2013 at 11:30pm

Personalities (INFJ)

Hey guys! I just wanted to do something a little differently here that I think many of you would enjoy! :)A couple of days ago I took this personality test, and I know what you guys must be thinking but trust me this gets interesting. So typically I don't pay attention to these sort of things but this one in particular is one that I was sort of familiar with and it changed everything for me(hence...
May 20th, 2013 at 10:18am