mafe-7230 / Comments

  • thanks!!!!i really like it!waiting for the next chapter.....xoxo P,D:i think she pretty! Smile Wink
    September 5th, 2012 at 11:09pm
  • Hello Maria!
    Thanks so much for having commented on my Prince Harry story. I'm more than glad to give you a physical description of Paulina. She’s 5’6 and weighs around 164lbs, so she’s a little overweight, but she’s active. She has dark brown curly hair, is fair skinned but usually has a light tan since she’s always on her bike or out playing with friends. Um, I honestly don’t know how to describe her any further, but here’s an image of what I imagine her to look like, except instead of those colored eyes she has brown ones.

    September 5th, 2012 at 04:50am