Xxzackysangel6661Xx / Comments

  • so wats up?
    sorry i wasnt on for sometime, i had things.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 06:27pm
  • First off, don't worry about replying so late, I haven't been that active myself (especially with replying to people <_< )
    Well, cats gets scared pretty easily (at least mine do). Maybe there was a loud noise or something like that, and she ran. I guess Onyx remembers what happened to his sister. Cats are smart, so he now knows that streets are dangerous. And looking both ways before crossing....If that isn't smart, I don't know what is =) Well, all cats have a crazy streak, but biting her tail off....Wow, just wow xD

    I think that it's always better to get cats fixed. There are so many stray cats outside, and more people abandon their animals, just releasing them, just to save money for an animal shelter (I'm not sure, but I think you have to pay if you want to give your animal up in one).
    Hm, maybe Destiny couldn't handle the side effects of the surgery (there's always a risk after all) and that's why she got sick. Considering the doc only gave her a few months, she got over it quite well.

    Aw, I think I can imagine what you town is like. Not as small that you know everybody personally, but still as small that you might have seen everybody (on the streets, shopping, what not) at least once. Is that about what your towns like?

    Considering that money was/is pretty tight already, you giving up several classes, helped a bit. At least something.

    Aw, how cute. That's really adorable. =) Do you still have to worry about him or has it gotten better, whatever it was?

    That's one jealous dog you have there, haha. I'm not sure how long you've had him or if he was your first dog or something, but he might be used to getting everything first *le shrug* My cat, Yuna, is the same way. If one of the other two gets attention, Yuna pushes them aside and wanst to be petted herself. My friend's cat is that way. If there is company, his cat makes a quick getaway. I haven't even been able to pet him yet <_< Weird cat...

    That was a pretty stupid situation, but it wasn't your memere's fault as she didn't know either. At least you realized that something was up with Serenity then. You should have thrown an 'I told you so' at your mom afterwards. I guess it was Serenity's first (and only) pregnancy as she gave birth to only two kitten. I was questioning why she only had two, as they normally have more. But if it were her first, it would explain that. I think it was lucky that she didn't have problems giving birth. It has happened often enough that the kittens are to big and cats have problems to push and then give up completely.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 03:16pm
  • HELLO!
    remember me?
    u probably dont. but i came over to say hi
    April 21st, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • If it gets much worse, i may just go to the immediate care.
    I hate it there, but I hate this more...
    April 19th, 2012 at 04:45am
  • Emotionally, happy as can be. It's my one year with my lovely man. ^_^

    Physically, horrible. I've been... not really sick but something is not right at all. And my doctor won't be in until next week.
    April 18th, 2012 at 06:18pm
  • I'm crying.
    That was fucking yesterday.
    And I'm still crying.
    April 16th, 2012 at 10:18pm
    Sorry. I'm angry.
    April 15th, 2012 at 10:23pm
  • It'll just be some version of a happy ending lol and it's good that you like it and stuff. I think it was a good story.....
    Not bad. You?
    April 5th, 2012 at 10:18am
  • Ah ok. I don't think it's gonna be finished. The co-writer and I tried to, but just sorta stopped for some reason.
    April 5th, 2012 at 06:50am
  • Dude, I'm Greek gods and goddesses all the way. It's the only religion I've come across that makes any sense. But I'm also open-minded. I'm a firm believer that every religion and myth exists. It's all based on how much belief is in it. The more people who believe, the stronger it is.
    Ugh! I hate how judgmental people are about sexuality. I'm straight myself but if one of my friends come along, I will instantly reach out and grab her boobs. But the whole 'bi isn't anything blah blah blah bullshit' is just fucking annoying. My dad hates them all. Or rather- two girls can be together but not in public. And two guys together is wrong! UGGGHHH!! My second cousin (mom's cousin) is openly gay and perhaps one of the coolest fucking women I know. We talk all kinds of stuff- Harry Potter, Glee.
    Awe! Little kids are so cute!!

    Good luck. I'm setting my sights on Huntington Beach. Partly for a7x (fangirls) but mostly because it's the one place I get good feelings from. Everyone there is pretty much laidback and cool- from what I hear from stories family friends have told me.
    April 5th, 2012 at 05:39am
  • I repeat: Nothing wrong with rambling. I love talking to people and finding out some of them seem to think the same way I do. Ugh, my actual family... Pretty much the lot of them are judgmental. I trust maybe one person and she's family by marriage. Everyone else... well they would probably have a heart attack if they knew I wasn't Christian. Most of them are the kind to tell you "say your prayers" when telling you goodnight. I don't have anything wrong with it, but I also can't be myself.

    I know what you mean. Or you get the person who strikes up the conversation and you just stare at it for a few minutes like "Um... what?" Le eye roll.

    I lived in a different city about a year ago and Walmart was legit the only thing we had close to us besides small grocery stores. And before they put it in, the closest one was 20 minutes down the road. Once it was built, you would've thought we had a mall put in or something. It was like "I'm bored. What do you wanna do?" "Hey! Let's all go down to Walmart!" I wanted to scream. The only saving grace of that town was the beach was right on the main road and only ten minutes or so from my house by car.
    April 5th, 2012 at 01:46am
  • Ugh. Judgmental parents and people. I legit have one real life best friend I am completely comfortable around. And even then, around her family, I act all nice and quiet out of fear. I hate it! And awe!! thanks!! You seem pretty cool too! It's not often I happen across people I carry on decent conversations with!

    Our mall isn't big xD It's just nice to have a hangout spot that's [i]not[/i] Walmart!
    April 5th, 2012 at 12:58am
  • Nothing wrong with rambling. I do it when I have a strong feeling on something. And that sounds really sucky. But something I've learned, no matter how hard they try, parents can never end a friendship. My friends on here, they understand me. With a written word, I can tell them all the things I can't say out loud. And not have to worry about them judging me. Plus, we have tons in common xD

    Haha I live in perhaps the most boring part of Florida. Nowhere near Orlando with all the fun and exciting places. Still a couple hours from "Spring Break Central" (Panama City Beach) Truly. The most exciting place around here is... either the mall or the water park. Unless you count the beach. I love my beach :3

    Awesome! Now I kinda want cake xD
    April 4th, 2012 at 10:40pm
  • Oh nice! I have a few friends I met through here. One of them I consider a little sister and actually hung out with at the Uproar concert in Biloxi! It's pretty awesome. I tend to be a touch closer to the people on here than the ones around me.

    And I live in the sunny (or not) state of Florida. Ooooh... chocolate cake... nummy! Best use of your time, if you ask me!! xD
    April 4th, 2012 at 07:11pm
  • Can't wait for your message :D

    I'll maybe start a Pages document on it and I'll try and write whenever I can :D
    April 4th, 2012 at 10:56am
  • I don't write the normal straight couples, so slash for me!

    Yes I would do that for you :D Right now I'm eating so I'll read ur message later!
    April 4th, 2012 at 09:22am
  • Ah ok. I had no idea lol

    Haha yummmmm..... chocolate cake..... Haven't had that for ages.... Poor student who can't afford it.... :( Which slash are you talking about?

    Oh yeah that's cool. We had a penguin get lost not that long ago lol the scientists named it Happy Feet
    April 4th, 2012 at 08:48am
  • Yay my birthday present has been fullfilled!

    For that I shall award you a short story!

    You can send me details via message, but I won't be starting the fic until later in April since I'm outta the country :D

    Thank you sweetie!
    April 4th, 2012 at 08:37am
  • Well that was incredibly nice of her! lol

    And I'm tired. It's after 1 here, I went to a party earlier and my head's beginning to ache. So off to bed for my drained ass! But I'm in a happy mood, nonetheless! How about you?
    April 4th, 2012 at 08:15am
  • Really? You shouldn't. It sucks. I love hot weather, but we rarely get it. We just get shit weather that makes you sick.

    New England? Where is that?

    Yeah I don't think my slash stories are as good, but that could be partly because I don't write them as often. I dunno. I definitely can't check it out right now, I have a bunch of work to do, but I might get around to it later, I dunno.

    It depends whereabouts you go though. If you just go to Auckland, it'll be just another big city, but if you go to some of the more rural areas or the nature reserves and stuff, then it'll be special. There are some really beautiful things, but then again, humans are just destroying it all anyway.
    April 4th, 2012 at 07:12am