I Just Need To Vent...

Well, I'm still sick because my loving father decided to cook and gave me food poisoning, but that's beside the pont. I just needed to get something off my chest that I usually wouldn't tell people right away. It's been only a few months since my mother died. Loosing her fight to breast cancer was probably one of the most horrifying things that could have probably happened in my life. Yes, people...
August 22nd, 2012 at 01:13am

Sick :P

Ew! I'm grossly sick! Snot and grossness is all over the place. My dad thinks it's funny to walk in the room with gloves and my brother's old mask on going "sorry, Jess, I don't wanna catch it".Yes, haha dad. Very funny. I've been on and off the computer posting for all you wonderful readers out there. I hope you're appreciating this. No! I'm so not threatening anyone, I swear! Haha...ha...ha....
August 21st, 2012 at 05:49am