Aayyy I Think I'm Deleting My Mibba

yeah, I don't ever get on here any more so I just figure it's time to accept that I've outgrown mibba and tell you all goodbye.A lot of things have happened since I kind of unofficially left. I started writing a fanfiction (omg I know, right?) and it's pretty much what my world revolves around right now. I'm posting it on archive of our own because most of the shingeki no kyojin fandom posts their...
July 21st, 2014 at 12:01am

I found a thing! (plus some adult content)

So I was on tumblr and I found this thing and I think it's very much needed on mibba right now so I'll just leave this here for yall to bask in the awesomeness that is this thing:You're welcome.Now 100 words to fill the quota for this blog: (It will be in white so if you don't want to know you don't have to because it's pretty TMI/NC-17)So ever since I've become sexually active again, I've been...
November 5th, 2013 at 01:22am

addesin has become whimsy... (new theme)

So I changed me theme yall, after having this one for a year now (ish... it'll be a year soon...). I've been listening to 100 times too much Panic at the Disco lately, not just the new stuff but the old as well (and giggling to myself as my boyfriend sings along because he's playing a game at the same time so occasionally it'll come out as "I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of AW...
November 4th, 2013 at 02:37am

Scribophile and Other Writing Sites

Hey yall. So I was on the NaNoWriMo forums and found a post that advertised Scribophile which is a NaNoWriMo sponsor this year. It's a writing site like mibba but I feel it's intrinsically different in a few ways, especially being that when you first join, you apparently cant even post your work yet. The site seems a lot more professional and well, the writing contests have cash prizes which makes...
November 2nd, 2013 at 12:15pm

I'm just gonna... NaNoWriMo?

So I wasn't going to but at the last minute (seriously, thirty minutes ago) decided to sign up for NaNoWriMo. We'll see how this goes. Hehe. I was going to do NaNo last year, too, but just kind of went "mehhh" about two days in so seriously, wish me luck.Originally I wasn't going to because I wanted to have a completely original idea but was having trouble coming up with anything. Then I was like,...
November 1st, 2013 at 10:27pm

"Friends" who try to be uninvited relationship counselors

For obvious reasons, this blog is not directed at or about anyone on Mibba. Mainly because I haven't spoken to any Mibbians for quite a while... But anyway.I've often somehow become the friend people go to with their problems- especially relationship problems, for some reason. I'm not complaining by any means, don't get me wrong. I love helping people, and it's genuinely intriguing to me how...
October 3rd, 2013 at 05:31pm


... and then no one reads it. But the K-Pop guys.No really. This is a blog with seriously only one sentence of noteable content:I just now realized that Daesung-oppa looks like the Korean Nene from the Real Housewives of Atlanta... Or is it that Nene looks like the black Daesung... Oh god.Now just 100 words of filler because I just had to say that but I'm all alone right now because I was supposed...
September 24th, 2013 at 04:39am

ALY IS BACK!!! (not really)

Well, I'm not saying I'll be as active as I was over the summer but I just wanted to stop in and see how everything was going. Since uni started I've been very active irl, more active than I was in high school. I mean, I live with all my friends so it's basically just hanging out with my friends 24/7 so mibba is kind of on the back burner right now. Just... everything is on the back burner...
September 23rd, 2013 at 09:12pm

This is the epitome of my boredness: Skype Anyone?

So when I got my new laptop I made a skype because my dad said he wanted to be able to keep in touch with me and such while I'm at uni (even though hello, cellular telephones but whatevs) So I made one but like... it just makes me depressed because I want to talk to people on skype but I don't want to give my skype to anybody I actually know (is that weird? That's weird, huh?)So I just, can I give...
August 30th, 2013 at 12:24am

I Just Woke Up in a Bad Mood and I Don't Really Know What's Wong With Me

Like... mehh. I just feel like shit and every little thing frustrates me and I've been ranting on twitter and I probably make no damn sense but I just yeah, I'm in a really pissy mood and I don't understand why because usually I'm kind of an optimist. And I really want to just rant and let loose about the many reasons I'm pissed but some of these reasons have to do with mibba and people on mibba...
August 29th, 2013 at 06:07pm

If You Can Sing All the Words to Tarzan AND Aladdin, Just Marry Me Please. (Too Many Disney Gifs to be Considered Healthy)

EDIT: GUIS I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING: ISN'T ROAD TO ELDORADO A DREAMWORKS PICTURE?! BUT I'M ON MY PHONE WHICH MAKES HUNTING DOWN GIFS HARD SO YEAH, I CAN'T CHANGE IT RIGHT NOW SO JUST IGNORE THAT K? K.Am I the only one who wonders why Aladdin has two 'D's?So my dorm is awesome guys. Like it's just great. We're like one big happy family and we do everything together and it's just fab.Today we...
August 29th, 2013 at 07:49am

So Apparently I'm Really Awesome to Watch Movies With

Yeah, apparently this is a thing.Yesterday was Saturday (obv) and well, I have a really small dorm and so all of us like to hang out together a lot of the time. There were a little more than twenty of us I think at the beginning of the night (though by the end of the night it dropped down to about five of us). Some people go home for the weekends but those of us who were still there all went out...
August 25th, 2013 at 11:24pm

An Update on My Sexy Life Drawing Instructor

I just need to let it out because right now I'm just likeBut there's good and there's bad so I'll start with the bad and move into the good because...Guys. Guys. Oh my god, I was dying. Like so I went to class today and he was like (in his adorable little accent-but-not-an-accent), "Today, we are going to do gesture." (He has this funny lilt to the way he talks that I wish I knew how to explain...
August 23rd, 2013 at 12:37am

I stole this thing from Mandy (quiz/questionnaire/boredramblingthingy)

1) Single, Taken, or CrushingSingle AS FUCK ::brightside: And crushing pretty hard on a few of my instructors. Woops #sorrynotsorry2) Are you happy with who you are with?Would it matter if I wasn't?3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?Yeah. I usually get a feeling right when I meet someone if I'm going to like them or not and if it's that kind of feeling, it's just like BAM MARRY ME...
August 22nd, 2013 at 08:28pm

OMG Am I an Otaku? (Attack on Titan rambles)

Just a warning, there are possibilities ofAnd also extensive gif usageI've never considered myself to be an otaku before but now I'm partially worried that maybe I'm becoming one. I mean, I've always been a huge fan of anime and manga, since before I can remember with Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon and stuff, and even to this day I read and watch a ton of Japanese... stuff but like I...
August 22nd, 2013 at 07:37am

My Life Drawing Instructor is Kind of Sexy

True Story, Bro. Like I don't know what it is. I don't understand. And I have a sneaking suspicion he's dating my Foundation Drawing's instructor because they're both grad students with a focus on painting and went to Macedonia during the summer (which is the main reason I think their dating because how is that a coincidence and he's hawt and she's SEXY AS FUCK and like yeah). But yeah, I don't...
August 21st, 2013 at 05:30am

Dream Log #5

PreviousOkay, so this is going to be a super duper short log because I don't actually remember that much about this dream since it happened last night (so more than 14 hours ago) but there was just some really important stuff that happened in it that I want to write about in hopes of making some sense of it (because these dream logs help me make sense of my dreams so yay!)First for all you people...
August 11th, 2013 at 10:32am

Acknowledging manly men is not reinforcing gender stereotypes.

Why do I feel like this has to be addressed? Like seriously is thar not the most redundant title you have ever read?Okay so let's get one thing straight: Manly men exist. Like that's a thing. You can't pretend they're not a thing and all men are metrosexual/feminine/unisex/whatever because there are manly men in the world and they act manly and do manly things amd it's okay because that's what...
August 10th, 2013 at 10:48am

Guys. Guys. Oh my god. Boys are so stupid sometimes.

I just have to share this with yall because FUNNY! Oh my god, like seriously. This just happened and I have to tell someone about it because HAHAHAHA BOYS ARE SO DUMB LIKE SERIOUSLY?! Okay, so I gave this guy my number a while back (we'll call him Batman) because he asked me so why not. But sometimes I just wonder about him because WOW NOTHING UPSTAIRS. Just here:Yall know how social awkward I am...
August 8th, 2013 at 09:20am

Public Service Announcement: No, You Don't Actually Know Everything About a Group of People Who Disagree With You

You just... NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!! NOOOO!I mean, god, fuck, NO! Seriously. Your blanket statement just reeks of bigotry and ignorance and just... NO. FUCK NO! I cannot express how much NO there is toward what I just read. You don't know anything about those people and yet you think you can just say that? REALLY?! BECAUSE NO, ACTUALLY, YOU ARE WRONG! Don't pretend you know everything about...
August 7th, 2013 at 01:19am