Readers of 'Collide...' and 'Battling...'

Written on 31st October 2009:I’m so sorry.I know I haven’t updated both of them this week, but I didn’t have the chapters written up. Everything is kind of messed up right now, and I’ve not being staying in the same place for some time now. I’ve not even done anything that productive because of everything, and I honestly don’t have the time.I’ve been thinking a lot, and I’ve...
November 1st, 2009 at 09:22pm

Sophii Grace <3

Sophii Grace, one of the most amazing people to ever walk this planet, unfortunately passed away tragically on the Rita, an extreme thrill roller coaster at Alton Towers Theme Park recently. This is such an upsetting time for us, and I wish my deepest condolences on those who had been close to her, and to those who didn’t even know her – you missed out.Sophii was a vision of life. She lived...
June 23rd, 2009 at 08:56pm