You think you have it all figured out...

When I was seventeen, I thought I had it all figured out.I fell in love for the first time, my life was full of drama – which I mistook for a sign of being a grown-up – and the summer was hot. I had it all. Or at least, that’s what I told myself. In reality, everything was falling apart. My relationship was nearing breaking point, the drama was the cause of it all, and Autumn was fast...
January 23rd, 2014 at 10:50pm

Three things to remember in life

It's the twenty-first day of 2014. The moment the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve, I was thrown into a whirlwind of changes. The universe has some sort of a plan for me, and it wasted no time when it came to getting the ball rolling. The past twenty-one days have seen me cry, more than I ever had before, and those days have seen me mourn the loss of what little confidence I had in myself....
January 21st, 2014 at 01:30am

This Is It

It's the little things, really.Relationships are hard, there's no doubt about it. Especially when they're long distance. There's the travelling, there's the missing each other, there's the getting frustrated at each other when one is too busy to text the other back for a few hours...They take work and effort on both parts. But then you're together, and everything is okay. Even when you're arguing,...
January 5th, 2014 at 10:57pm


Friends are incredible things. Mine, especially.Honestly, where the hell would we be without our best friends? They go above and beyond for us, they're honest, they're hilarious, and they're always there. I mean - what would I do if I didn't have them? If I didn't have that person who lets me run to their house before I meet my date, because I really need to use the bathroom but low and behold...
December 11th, 2013 at 09:08am

I Want It All

♪♫ I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week,How many secrets can you keep?Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat ♪♫Having a crush on someone is an usual thing. There’s a person in your life – someone you’ve chosen to admire, someone your mind has gripped onto. But it’s when that crush turns into something more, that...
December 3rd, 2013 at 10:58pm

What If

Growing up is hard to do. It is, and I've had to do a lot of it this year, particularly in the past few months.Moving out was the hardest part. Ever since I moved to that horrible town when I was younger, I hated it. All I ever wanted was to move home, back to the city where I belong, back to where I came from. But I couldn't. I had to stay in that dead-end town until I finished school, until I...
November 17th, 2013 at 12:40pm

I Was A Dreamer Before You Went And Let Me Down

You know something? If I admire anything about Taylor Swift, it’s her resilience when it comes to relationships.She can get her heart broken over and over and be let down by every other guy on her quest to find Mr. Right, and just gets right back up again and goes back into dating, keeps going on her quest. I honest to God have no idea how she does it. I really don’t, because I’ve only had...
October 30th, 2013 at 09:47pm

Lift Up My Soul

The mind is a fragile thing. It really is. The things we see, the life we live, the memories make – it all shapes us, makes us who we are. These experiences – they can heal, soothe. More often than not, they scar and scratch. They leave grooves and scrapes on your soul. Sometimes, they leave canyons miles deep, right in the centre of your very being. And it hurts, too. You can feel the wound,...
August 27th, 2013 at 10:10pm

Everybody Hurts

I’m yet to discover something more painful than losing the person you thought you’d never lose. You don’t see it coming. Things begin to change, but you don’t acknowledge it. You refuse. Because this person will never leave, they can’t. You can’t let them go.But then it happens. The big fight. The argument that leads to you saying the words you thought you’d never say.“I can’t do...
December 8th, 2012 at 11:09pm

Generic Daddy Issues

Yesterday, I bought a new book called Alice Bliss by Laura Harrington, and it’s kind of tearing me up inside.It’s about a girl, whose father is deployed to Iraq for a year, leaving her to look after her little sister and devastated mother, and then they find out that he’s gone MIA. It’s already made me cry three times, and I’m only 100 pages in, but it’s not the initial plot of the...
September 9th, 2012 at 09:53pm

Keeping It Together

We all have different ways of dealing with things. Be it grievance, stress, depression, heartbreak or what have you - everybody copes differently. Some people lash out in anger, some people revert into themselves, and some people - the people I truly admire and aspire to be - take it on the chin and keep their positive mental attitude strong.I, however, have a different way of dealing with things...
September 2nd, 2012 at 09:21pm

Achy Breaky Heart

Heartbreak sucks. That’s the simplest way I can put it - it sucks. You cry and cry - or, in cases such as mine, you try your hardest to do everything but - over someone who was never worth your time to begin with. You miss the little things they used to do, like making fun of your passions, holding you close to protect you from the cold, squeezing your hand every so often just to let you know...
September 2nd, 2012 at 06:33pm