Well, that was awkward.

Just completely flipped out at my ex. He asked me if dinner could be ready by a specific time, which ordinarily would be fine, but for some reason I thought it was a huge issue today. I asked if he had a midterm tonight, and he said no, and then I freaked.I don't even remember what I said, but it felt really justified at the time. It was something along the lines of "I am not your servant, I don't...
March 13th, 2012 at 11:35pm

I wasn`t entirely prepared for this

You know how breaking up is really supposed to suck?In the two times that I'd done it before, I didn't think that it was all that bad. I mean, the first relationship wasn't even a real relationship, so I guess that's why. And the first break-up of the second one wasn't that bad either... I guess because he was far away and pissing me off.But in any case, I wasn't at all ready for how truly awful...
January 31st, 2012 at 04:03am

I feel just like a bad joke

So, this journal will be partially melodrama and partially All Time Low lyrics.Their new album just came out, okay? I'm nothing if not a fan girl. A broke one, but a fan girl all the same.Where to start, where to start...Hmmm... Well, I can't get a good job. One that pays well, gives full time hours and doesn't involve any kind of shadiness - such as a foam factory or canvassing for "charities".I...
June 9th, 2011 at 08:49pm

This isn't how I planned

Having a boyfriend (how I loathe the very word) is not what I thought it would be this time around. I had expected that I would feel more sure, more secure and overall just different.But I don't. I feel the exact same way as I did when I was single, except now I don't have the option to act on any of my strange impulses involving the list (instead of listing my "options" from last semester, this...
March 18th, 2011 at 04:07am

Oh dear. This could get ugly.

So remember how I posted about my friend who likes me?Now all the rest of my friends think we're dating. A couple (read:one) people have asked me what was going on there (read:nothing) but for the most part, we are the couple of Section M.We aren't even dating, for chrissakes, and people think we're a couple.Oh la la la.There is no bright side here. I don't even have a house for next year.As it...
February 3rd, 2011 at 11:12pm

I think I've done a bad bad thing

So, on a scale of 1 to soul sucking vampire, how bad is it to lead on a guy you have absolutely no interest in?Yeah, that's what I thought.It's not my fault I'm a subconcious flirt. I can't help that! I also can't help the fact that I don't date at all. And there are good reasons for that, but I'm not about to go into it with every single person I meet.Although it's mostly because of "Matt Damon."...
November 7th, 2010 at 03:30pm

What's the sport of kings?

QUEENS QUEENS QUEENS.Yeah, we know it's super suggestive. But we like it that way.I don't know, university has been pretty good so far. The course load is pretty intense - I have 6 courses, instead of the standard 5, and none of them are electives. But the workload isn't all that bad. I mean, I've experienced worse, and I'm sure this workload will get pretty intense once midterms roll around, but...
October 3rd, 2010 at 12:25am

Boys Boys Boys

Vithien, if you've decided to read this, I suggest you don't. Unless of course you want to read my rantings about men.I like boys, I really do. Actually, I love men (hence my decision to enter into a profession dominated by men) but they drive me nuts.For example, my prom date and long time crush, Scott. We both know that we like each other. We both know that there would be no rejection from...
August 6th, 2010 at 03:40pm


Yeah, yeah, so I named my journal after a 3oh!3 album. So what?It's fitting.I've always thought that I want too much. That is to say, that I want too much that I can't have yet, and I'm not prepared to wait.As in, screw the experiences, I want my life to start NOW.Yes, I know I can make it happen for myself, but that's not the point.I want to find a man who makes me happy, and most importantly, is...
July 6th, 2010 at 08:31pm


I've been thinking a lot lately about all the things that I won't have to deal with now that I'm done high school. For the most part, they are extremely pessimistic and cynical. But, it is me we are talking about here, so no real surprises there.I'm not going to miss nearly dying every day on the bus. Bus driver = absolutely insane. I'm not going to miss the carrying-on of the grade nines at 8h00...
June 27th, 2010 at 10:39pm

Brand new hope/ glad it's over

Brand new hope:Prom was amazing. I loved it! I can't believe it's over now, after all that buildup. There wasn't even a lot of time to dance, which I didn't like, but you can't have everything. Mostly I was just happy when the table sitting behind ours left and/or got kicked out. The throwing of the food was just not cool, as was the jeering at poor Brady.It looked like he was going to cry, poor...
June 9th, 2010 at 10:31pm

That Fragile Capricorn

I'm so angry, I can scarcely put thoughts together.What gives him the right to "worry" about me?He's so full of shit.The only time he actually speaks to me is when he's run out of fodder to publicly humiliate me. And he doesn't think that he does this, which is even worse.Why is is any of his concern who I'm going to prom with?We're not friends; we don't hang out.He has absolutely no say in...
May 5th, 2010 at 10:56pm

Engineering - not even worth it

I have never been so frsutrated in my entire life. No matter how much effort I put into my physics course, I never get the results in my marks. I have just barely passed every single test that I've ever had. The only reason my mark is in the 70s is because of all the assignments. I'm not going to have that opportunity with the final exam.What the hell am I going to do?I'm not even sure why I...
April 30th, 2010 at 12:16am

Watch my heart when we're together; girls like me love you forever

I haven't really written in a long time, but I suppose that's just because whenever I've felt like it, it's been 1h30 in the morning and I don't want to creep downstairs like a fugitive.Nothing much has really changed, in terms of my school life. I still work my ass off for mediocre (by my standards) marks and see very little of my friends. On a happy note, I've been accepted to my top choice...
April 16th, 2010 at 02:46am