Heyyy My name's Mackenzie Elizabeth and my birthday is 2/11/1997. I want to be a writer when I grow up, I am not single I am in a relationship with my Boo Nathaniel. I like dark colors and amazing loud music that is rebelous against just about anything. I am a HUGE horror movie fan, nothing scares me unless it's real. I refuse to go anywhere near CLOWNS. I have some very strange phobias of Clowns, bugs, Spiders, Snakes, Pirates, Lepricons, People, heights (I don't even wanna be real tall), and Porta Potties. Each time I have something I hate in my hands or near me I have the urge to through it at someone. If you knew me in real life you would either A. Hate me, B. Want to be me, or C. Love me and my RaNdOmNeSs!